2023 Wisconsin SHRM State Conference | October 11-13, 2023
2023 Wisconsin SHRM State Conference | October 11-13, 2023
Conference At A Glance
View the conference sessions, speaker titles and session room numbers below. 
  • Wednesday, October 11
    1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-1 (Kalahari A-B) Deconstructing Collaboration
    Gregg Potter
    Polarization and people not being able to collaborate is one of today's largest obstacles to creating the real productive spaces. However, we see successful collaborations every day in our lives. How can we go to the grocery store, plan birthday parties, or host a holiday dinner successfully including all the diverse people we do this with and not have the same ease when doing what our conscious minds consider collaboration? By taking lessons from how we successfully collaborate every day, we can be more impactful in our intentional collaborations. Collaboration has three repeated skills that help us as we work together. These are transformational leadership, conflict resolution, and facilitation skills. When we develop these skills, specifically for formal collaborations, then trust, space making, empowerment, team agency, and good communication are present… AND, with all of those working together, we are creating a better place for all of us to live and thrive.

    Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do and how we function as humans. This laboratory experience will create space to have conversations and practice slowing down our formal collaborative processes while illuminating opportunities to lead and design more impactful and effective collaborations. The opportunities that we commonly miss due to resources, urgency, and other outliers do not have to be overlooked. We will practice using our muscles so that intentional collaborations happen as smoothly as unintentional collaborations. Additionally, we will examine how our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills create space that fosters trust, agency, support, and miraculous change beyond the expectations we set. Collaboration is how we create the best work environments possible. This lab will be the perfect place to play in the fun and creativity of it all.

    Learning Objective 1: To become more friendly with collaboration as we are in our daily lives. We will do this by first examining a common way we all collaborate successfully every day. Using that example, we will attach it to The Life Cycle of Collaboration and provide us with a framework to continue through the rest of the workshop.

    Learning Objective 2: To slow down how we design and lead intentional collaborations in the workplace while highlighting ways build systems that allow focus on the collaboration. Doing this will identify moments we often speed through. We will practice slowing down in these moments, work out the muscles needed to adjust in real time, and to create a foundation for collaboration to flourish.

    Learning Objective 3: To apply transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills at important moments in the Life Cycle of Collaboration. These skills allow us to hold space for all actors through the entire collaboration process. If the entire team feels supported and have a framework that everyone follows, intentional collaborations will be more impactful and effective.

    Gregg is an international collaboration coach and the Founder and CEO of Project Kinect; a marketing and logistics firm in Madison, WI, USA. He also serves as the Regional Field Director of Southern Africa for Peacework International. Additionally, he supports as a Lead Facilitator and Marketing Specialist for Step Up: Equity Matters in the Workplace. Gregg spends most of his time supporting leaders and companies to create stronger collaborations. Gregg believes that we must deconstruct how we collaborate. This means getting down to the foundation of space creation, humanity, and trust. When we've done that work, we then can work on our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills to lead and design highly impactful and effective collaborations.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Wednesday PC1-1 (Kalahari A-B) Deconstructing Collaboration
    Gregg Potter
    Polarization and people not being able to collaborate is one of today's largest obstacles to creating the real productive spaces. However, we see successful collaborations every day in our lives. How can we go to the grocery store, plan birthday parties, or host a holiday dinner successfully including all the diverse people we do this with and not have the same ease when doing what our conscious minds consider collaboration? By taking lessons from how we successfully collaborate every day, we can be more impactful in our intentional collaborations. Collaboration has three repeated skills that help us as we work together. These are transformational leadership, conflict resolution, and facilitation skills. When we develop these skills, specifically for formal collaborations, then trust, space making, empowerment, team agency, and good communication are present… AND, with all of those working together, we are creating a better place for all of us to live and thrive.

    Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do and how we function as humans. This laboratory experience will create space to have conversations and practice slowing down our formal collaborative processes while illuminating opportunities to lead and design more impactful and effective collaborations. The opportunities that we commonly miss due to resources, urgency, and other outliers do not have to be overlooked. We will practice using our muscles so that intentional collaborations happen as smoothly as unintentional collaborations. Additionally, we will examine how our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills create space that fosters trust, agency, support, and miraculous change beyond the expectations we set. Collaboration is how we create the best work environments possible. This lab will be the perfect place to play in the fun and creativity of it all.

    Learning Objective 1: To become more friendly with collaboration as we are in our daily lives. We will do this by first examining a common way we all collaborate successfully every day. Using that example, we will attach it to The Life Cycle of Collaboration and provide us with a framework to continue through the rest of the workshop.

    Learning Objective 2: To slow down how we design and lead intentional collaborations in the workplace while highlighting ways build systems that allow focus on the collaboration. Doing this will identify moments we often speed through. We will practice slowing down in these moments, work out the muscles needed to adjust in real time, and to create a foundation for collaboration to flourish.

    Learning Objective 3: To apply transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills at important moments in the Life Cycle of Collaboration. These skills allow us to hold space for all actors through the entire collaboration process. If the entire team feels supported and have a framework that everyone follows, intentional collaborations will be more impactful and effective.

    Gregg is an international collaboration coach and the Founder and CEO of Project Kinect; a marketing and logistics firm in Madison, WI, USA. He also serves as the Regional Field Director of Southern Africa for Peacework International. Additionally, he supports as a Lead Facilitator and Marketing Specialist for Step Up: Equity Matters in the Workplace. Gregg spends most of his time supporting leaders and companies to create stronger collaborations. Gregg believes that we must deconstruct how we collaborate. This means getting down to the foundation of space creation, humanity, and trust. When we've done that work, we then can work on our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills to lead and design highly impactful and effective collaborations.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-2 (Kalahari E-F) HR: An Advocate for Employee Mental Health
    Jessica Jones
    Attitudes about employee mental health have dramatically shifted. The fact that more organizations are acknowledging the important connection between workplace conditions and well-being is an encouraging shift. But are HR professionals equipped to support the growing mental health needs of their employees. However, most of us lack the skills and mental health literacy needed to properly address these complex issues. By increasing your awareness of mental health in the workplace you can become an advocate for your employees and help evolve your workplace to create an environment that values employee mental health ... including your own.

    Learning Objective 1: Become a Mental Health Advocate in the Workplace: As an employee advocate, increasing mental health literacy in the workplace is a key objective for your people and your organization. The current mental health landscape is improving with reduced stigma, but also at times feels overwhelming and confusing. What is the difference between EAP interventions and ongoing mental health therapy? As an HR Pro and Organizational Leader is this information important to know? And then how do we help our employees and their families to maintain productivity and retention goals? During this presentation and discussion we will answer these questions and more. We will convey the ROI and people metrics achieved when investments in mental health are made.

    Learning Objective 2: Provide meaningful resources and tools to your employees: Promoting effective mental health awareness requires building trust amongst your employees. To instill a culture of mental health awareness, you must successfully bring the subject to the forefront of your employees’ minds. This can be done in a variety of ways. Exampling engagement options, tools, and resources. The ‘way it was always done’ is not good enough anymore. Our goal is to help our partners evolve their organizational habits and practice while staying true to the mission of your brand. Culture is by design or by default. We will help create intention and measurable results with tactics and efforts that you can start implementing immediately.

    Learning Objective 3: Self Care for the HR Professional: Just as you would fix your own oxygen mask before helping someone else, the best way to support the well-being of others is by first taking care of yourself. We will give you personal tips and tricks for supporting your own mental health as an HR professional. What are your healthy habits? What is your Northstar? How can you enact change and push the organization forward from the HR seat? As part of the third component of this conversation we will answer these questions that are developed from our recent discussions with HR Pros and why it matters to you, your role, and your company.

    Northstar is an Employee Assistance Program firm that focuses on delivering mental health counseling, strategic help and coaching to our partner company employees. We deliver tailor-made, human-centered counseling and care to our prioritized business partners. Working directly with employers, we eliminate the authorization and screening process so our clients can get help immediately. We put our partner companies and their employees first. Our goal at Northstar is to provide you and your company with tools, resources, and services that help you “work on your businesses” as well as “work in your business”. Employee Assistance Programming is our core, as well as offering opportunities to expand your potential and business efficiencies with our Business Coaching, Human Resources support, and Workplace Wellness services.

    Jess helps lead Business Development and Partner Relations. She focuses on building relationships that benefit clients, employer partners, and the Northstar EAP Team. Prior to Northstar Jess spent 15 years working at Northern Michigan University, 10 years in the NMU Foundation specifically as Director of Donor Relations and serving as a Development Office for Athletics, College of Arts and Sciences and acting as a liaison to campus leadership and the NMU Foundation team.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Wednesday PC1-2 (Kalahari E-F) HR: An Advocate for Employee Mental Health
    Jessica Jones
    Attitudes about employee mental health have dramatically shifted. The fact that more organizations are acknowledging the important connection between workplace conditions and well-being is an encouraging shift. But are HR professionals equipped to support the growing mental health needs of their employees. However, most of us lack the skills and mental health literacy needed to properly address these complex issues. By increasing your awareness of mental health in the workplace you can become an advocate for your employees and help evolve your workplace to create an environment that values employee mental health ... including your own.

    Learning Objective 1: Become a Mental Health Advocate in the Workplace: As an employee advocate, increasing mental health literacy in the workplace is a key objective for your people and your organization. The current mental health landscape is improving with reduced stigma, but also at times feels overwhelming and confusing. What is the difference between EAP interventions and ongoing mental health therapy? As an HR Pro and Organizational Leader is this information important to know? And then how do we help our employees and their families to maintain productivity and retention goals? During this presentation and discussion we will answer these questions and more. We will convey the ROI and people metrics achieved when investments in mental health are made.

    Learning Objective 2: Provide meaningful resources and tools to your employees: Promoting effective mental health awareness requires building trust amongst your employees. To instill a culture of mental health awareness, you must successfully bring the subject to the forefront of your employees’ minds. This can be done in a variety of ways. Exampling engagement options, tools, and resources. The ‘way it was always done’ is not good enough anymore. Our goal is to help our partners evolve their organizational habits and practice while staying true to the mission of your brand. Culture is by design or by default. We will help create intention and measurable results with tactics and efforts that you can start implementing immediately.

    Learning Objective 3: Self Care for the HR Professional: Just as you would fix your own oxygen mask before helping someone else, the best way to support the well-being of others is by first taking care of yourself. We will give you personal tips and tricks for supporting your own mental health as an HR professional. What are your healthy habits? What is your Northstar? How can you enact change and push the organization forward from the HR seat? As part of the third component of this conversation we will answer these questions that are developed from our recent discussions with HR Pros and why it matters to you, your role, and your company.

    Northstar is an Employee Assistance Program firm that focuses on delivering mental health counseling, strategic help and coaching to our partner company employees. We deliver tailor-made, human-centered counseling and care to our prioritized business partners. Working directly with employers, we eliminate the authorization and screening process so our clients can get help immediately. We put our partner companies and their employees first. Our goal at Northstar is to provide you and your company with tools, resources, and services that help you “work on your businesses” as well as “work in your business”. Employee Assistance Programming is our core, as well as offering opportunities to expand your potential and business efficiencies with our Business Coaching, Human Resources support, and Workplace Wellness services.

    Jess helps lead Business Development and Partner Relations. She focuses on building relationships that benefit clients, employer partners, and the Northstar EAP Team. Prior to Northstar Jess spent 15 years working at Northern Michigan University, 10 years in the NMU Foundation specifically as Director of Donor Relations and serving as a Development Office for Athletics, College of Arts and Sciences and acting as a liaison to campus leadership and the NMU Foundation team.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-3 (Kalahari G-H) No Cost Strategies to Attract and Retain Working Caregivers
    Lynn Gall, Harriet Redman
    Are you struggling to hire or retain workers? Are employees dealing with balancing caregiving responsibilities and work? Do you know how many of your employees have family caregiving responsibilities in addition to traditional child rearing? Did you know that in Wisconsin, more than three quarters of caregivers in the workforce said they missed work due to caregiving responsibilities? More and more evidence indicates that employers who are aware of the needs of employees providing care for family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, adult child with disabilities, spouse, etc) can reduce hidden costs (turnover costs, loss of institutional knowledge, loss of productivity) and increase productivity, employee retention, and improve recruitment efforts. This presentation will share information from Wisconsin employers and employed caregivers that will provide resources and suggest low- or no-cost strategies to support working caregivers and help retain employees as well as attract productive employees.

    Learning Objective 1: Increase awareness of the needs expressed by Wisconsin employees trying to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.

    Learning Objective 2: Increase knowledge about how employers and employees can access local, accessible, often free resources from state and county caregiver programs, including how to host a free UW-Madison study of your own workforce to determine the extent of caregivers needs among employees.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn about how several Wisconsin employers are seeing results in attracting and retaining productive employees through strategies supporting caregivers in their workforce.

    Harriet Redman, founder of the nonprofit WisconSibs, Inc and Lynn Gall, Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, co-chair a state-wide alliance to engage employers and working caregivers as partners in finding solutions to workforce shortages. Both presenters have personal experience being family caregivers while balancing the demands of job responsibilities. Along with UW-Madison researchers and partner organizations of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance, the group studies Wisconsin trends and seeks to find methods to simultaneously support employers and family caregivers for a healthy and productive workforce.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Wednesday PC1-3 (Kalahari G-H) No Cost Strategies to Attract and Retain Working Caregivers
    Lynn Gall, Harriet Redman
    Are you struggling to hire or retain workers? Are employees dealing with balancing caregiving responsibilities and work? Do you know how many of your employees have family caregiving responsibilities in addition to traditional child rearing? Did you know that in Wisconsin, more than three quarters of caregivers in the workforce said they missed work due to caregiving responsibilities? More and more evidence indicates that employers who are aware of the needs of employees providing care for family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, adult child with disabilities, spouse, etc) can reduce hidden costs (turnover costs, loss of institutional knowledge, loss of productivity) and increase productivity, employee retention, and improve recruitment efforts. This presentation will share information from Wisconsin employers and employed caregivers that will provide resources and suggest low- or no-cost strategies to support working caregivers and help retain employees as well as attract productive employees.

    Learning Objective 1: Increase awareness of the needs expressed by Wisconsin employees trying to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.

    Learning Objective 2: Increase knowledge about how employers and employees can access local, accessible, often free resources from state and county caregiver programs, including how to host a free UW-Madison study of your own workforce to determine the extent of caregivers needs among employees.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn about how several Wisconsin employers are seeing results in attracting and retaining productive employees through strategies supporting caregivers in their workforce.

    Harriet Redman, founder of the nonprofit WisconSibs, Inc and Lynn Gall, Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, co-chair a state-wide alliance to engage employers and working caregivers as partners in finding solutions to workforce shortages. Both presenters have personal experience being family caregivers while balancing the demands of job responsibilities. Along with UW-Madison researchers and partner organizations of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance, the group studies Wisconsin trends and seeks to find methods to simultaneously support employers and family caregivers for a healthy and productive workforce.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-4 (Africa West) The Annual Legal Update from Boardman Clark
    Brian Goodman, Bob Gregg, Storm Larson, Jennifer Mirus
    Attorney Robert E. Gregg: Unusual Cases with Important HR Lessons
    Attorneys Jennifer S. Mirus and Storm B. Larson: Legal Update
    Attorney Brian P. Goodman: Legal Requirements Regarding Employees with Mental Health Conditions

    Bob E. Gregg, Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group at the Boardman Clark Law Firm in Madison, Wisconsin, represents employers in a wide variety of litigation, including discrimination claims, wage and hour suits, FMLA, ADA, equal pay, employment contract and compensation cases. He has designed employment handbooks and effective workplace policies and procedures for numerous private and public employers. Bob’s career has included canoe guide, carpenter, laborer, Army Sergeant, professional beer taster, social worker, educator, business owner, Equal Employment Opportunity officer, and employment relations attorney. Bob has conducted over 3,000 supervisory training programs for managers and supervisors throughout the United States. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, SHRM, the American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity, and served on the Board of Directors of the Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Foundation. Bob is an honors graduate of West Virginia University Law School. Bob has been a Wisconsin SHRM member for 42 years and served on chapter boards and numerous state SHRM committees. He presents programs for SHRM chapters throughout the state.

    Jennifer S. Mirus is the Co-Chairperson of the Labor & Employment team at Boardman & Clark in Madison. Jennifer was recently elected Chairperson of the Firm’s Executive Committee—the first female elected to that role in the Firm’s history. Jennifer has been practicing employment law for over 28 years and represents employers in all aspects of employment relations, including hiring, discipline and terminations, wage and hour issues, discrimination, ADA, FMLA, and harassment. Jennifer also has extensive experience drafting and reviewing employee handbooks, employment contracts, restrictive covenants, and conducts workplace investigations and human resources and management trainings for clients of all sizes. Jennifer was recognized in the 2023 Best Lawyers in America voting for management side employment law.

    Storm B. Larson is an associate with Boardman Clark, Madison. Before joining Boardman Clark, he practiced at another prominent Madison defense-side law firm. During law school, he was an articles editor on the Wisconsin Law Review and a judicial intern to the Honorable William M. Conley at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin and to the Honorable Ann Walsh Bradley at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Atty. Larson practices primarily in labor and employment law, civil litigation, and municipal law. He is licensed to practice in all Wisconsin state courts, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

    Brian P. Goodman is an attorney and a member of the labor and employment and school law practice groups of Boardman Clark. He assists employers with a wide range of legal issues including, hiring, discipline, terminations, leave issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), accommodation issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), COVID-19 related issues, and many other day-to-day matters. Mr. Goodman is a frequent writer and presenter on employment law matters. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School, magna cum laude, and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Mr. Goodman currently serves as President of the Wisconsin School Attorneys Association. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Goodman was a music teacher and received his Master’s degree in educational administration.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Wednesday PC1-4 (Africa West) The Annual Legal Update from Boardman Clark
    Brian Goodman, Bob Gregg, Storm Larson, Jennifer Mirus
    Attorney Robert E. Gregg: Unusual Cases with Important HR Lessons
    Attorneys Jennifer S. Mirus and Storm B. Larson: Legal Update
    Attorney Brian P. Goodman: Legal Requirements Regarding Employees with Mental Health Conditions

    Bob E. Gregg, Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group at the Boardman Clark Law Firm in Madison, Wisconsin, represents employers in a wide variety of litigation, including discrimination claims, wage and hour suits, FMLA, ADA, equal pay, employment contract and compensation cases. He has designed employment handbooks and effective workplace policies and procedures for numerous private and public employers. Bob’s career has included canoe guide, carpenter, laborer, Army Sergeant, professional beer taster, social worker, educator, business owner, Equal Employment Opportunity officer, and employment relations attorney. Bob has conducted over 3,000 supervisory training programs for managers and supervisors throughout the United States. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, SHRM, the American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity, and served on the Board of Directors of the Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Foundation. Bob is an honors graduate of West Virginia University Law School. Bob has been a Wisconsin SHRM member for 42 years and served on chapter boards and numerous state SHRM committees. He presents programs for SHRM chapters throughout the state.

    Jennifer S. Mirus is the Co-Chairperson of the Labor & Employment team at Boardman & Clark in Madison. Jennifer was recently elected Chairperson of the Firm’s Executive Committee—the first female elected to that role in the Firm’s history. Jennifer has been practicing employment law for over 28 years and represents employers in all aspects of employment relations, including hiring, discipline and terminations, wage and hour issues, discrimination, ADA, FMLA, and harassment. Jennifer also has extensive experience drafting and reviewing employee handbooks, employment contracts, restrictive covenants, and conducts workplace investigations and human resources and management trainings for clients of all sizes. Jennifer was recognized in the 2023 Best Lawyers in America voting for management side employment law.

    Storm B. Larson is an associate with Boardman Clark, Madison. Before joining Boardman Clark, he practiced at another prominent Madison defense-side law firm. During law school, he was an articles editor on the Wisconsin Law Review and a judicial intern to the Honorable William M. Conley at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin and to the Honorable Ann Walsh Bradley at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Atty. Larson practices primarily in labor and employment law, civil litigation, and municipal law. He is licensed to practice in all Wisconsin state courts, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

    Brian P. Goodman is an attorney and a member of the labor and employment and school law practice groups of Boardman Clark. He assists employers with a wide range of legal issues including, hiring, discipline, terminations, leave issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), accommodation issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), COVID-19 related issues, and many other day-to-day matters. Mr. Goodman is a frequent writer and presenter on employment law matters. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School, magna cum laude, and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Mr. Goodman currently serves as President of the Wisconsin School Attorneys Association. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Goodman was a music teacher and received his Master’s degree in educational administration.

    Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
    4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
    Wednesday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening (Africa East | Africa 50-80)
    Wednesday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening
    Room Number: Africa East | Africa 50-80
    6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
    Wednesday (Portia/Wisteria) Student HR Games
    Alexis Outlaw
    Calling all students! Come join in the fun and win prizes at the State Conference Student HR Games! Using Kahoot!, players answer HR and other trivia questions - most points win!

    Network with senior HR professionals to get the scoop on the latest position openings and how to get your career started once graduation is over.

    The 2023 Callie Zipple Scholarship winner will also be announced during this event!
    Room Number: Portia/Wisteria
    There are no sessions on this day that match the current filters. Clear Filters.
  • Thursday, October 12
    6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-1 (Kalahari E-F) Personality Science: The Key to Understanding People
    Randal Weidenaar
    When team members value each other, they more effectively relate to one another, avoid potential conflicts, boost group cohesion and create positive dialogue. The strengths and dynamics of your team directly affects business outcomes. Drawing on personality science research, this seminar dives into why it is essential to understand personalities. You’ll learn why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team's efficiency, potential and output. Individuals who know themselves will work together to form better partnerships, and more thoughtful partnerships create stronger teams. This seminar will impact all levels of HR professionals seeking tools that really work on a deep level to create lasting change and growth in their teams.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how knowledge of personality can increase team members’ abilities to accept themselves, accept teammates, decrease tension and interpersonal conflicts and increase support.

    Learning Objective 2: Gain actionable insights into how to embrace individual personality strengths to be able to support weaker areas.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team’s efficiency, potential and output.

    Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday EB1-1 (Kalahari E-F) Personality Science: The Key to Understanding People
    Randal Weidenaar
    When team members value each other, they more effectively relate to one another, avoid potential conflicts, boost group cohesion and create positive dialogue. The strengths and dynamics of your team directly affects business outcomes. Drawing on personality science research, this seminar dives into why it is essential to understand personalities. You’ll learn why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team's efficiency, potential and output. Individuals who know themselves will work together to form better partnerships, and more thoughtful partnerships create stronger teams. This seminar will impact all levels of HR professionals seeking tools that really work on a deep level to create lasting change and growth in their teams.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how knowledge of personality can increase team members’ abilities to accept themselves, accept teammates, decrease tension and interpersonal conflicts and increase support.

    Learning Objective 2: Gain actionable insights into how to embrace individual personality strengths to be able to support weaker areas.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team’s efficiency, potential and output.

    Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-2 (Kalahari G-H) Promoting Health and Mental Resiliency to Manage Healthcare Costs
    Melanie Schoenemann
    This program is designed to guide Human Resource Benefit professional's understanding of the three physiological components of employee well-being and how successful engagement strategies targeted at each component can improve employee satisfaction and improve total cost management. Shifting to a holistic approach to employee management and engagement tackles the current HR challenges of retention, benefit costs, absenteeism and engagement from a different angle.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the three pillars of employee health & well-being and identify the metrics that support the case for building an organizational culture centered around a wholistic approach to employee engagement.

    Learning Objective 2: Identify stakeholders, benefit partners, and/or external influences that impact each pillar of employee health/well-being.
    Understand the connectedness of each pillar, and how Human Resources initiatives can and should integrate with those connections to amplify results and engagement.

    Learning Objective 3: After learning the "why" behind a three-pronged approach and identifying "who" can influence success, the ultimate goal is for each SHRM professional to learn "how" to put the learning into practice. We'll explore a variety of practical, attainable, and sustainable approaches to building well-being initiatives into business culture, including the prioritization of initiatives within their organization.

    Melanie Schoenemann is the Vice President, Commercial Sales at Quartz Health Solutions where she leads sales of group health plans regionally. Melanie graduated with a degree in Management and Human Resources from UW-Madison and is passionate about benefit strategies for your greatest asset – your employees.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday EB1-2 (Kalahari G-H) Promoting Health and Mental Resiliency to Manage Healthcare Costs
    Melanie Schoenemann
    This program is designed to guide Human Resource Benefit professional's understanding of the three physiological components of employee well-being and how successful engagement strategies targeted at each component can improve employee satisfaction and improve total cost management. Shifting to a holistic approach to employee management and engagement tackles the current HR challenges of retention, benefit costs, absenteeism and engagement from a different angle.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the three pillars of employee health & well-being and identify the metrics that support the case for building an organizational culture centered around a wholistic approach to employee engagement.

    Learning Objective 2: Identify stakeholders, benefit partners, and/or external influences that impact each pillar of employee health/well-being.
    Understand the connectedness of each pillar, and how Human Resources initiatives can and should integrate with those connections to amplify results and engagement.

    Learning Objective 3: After learning the "why" behind a three-pronged approach and identifying "who" can influence success, the ultimate goal is for each SHRM professional to learn "how" to put the learning into practice. We'll explore a variety of practical, attainable, and sustainable approaches to building well-being initiatives into business culture, including the prioritization of initiatives within their organization.

    Melanie Schoenemann is the Vice President, Commercial Sales at Quartz Health Solutions where she leads sales of group health plans regionally. Melanie graduated with a degree in Management and Human Resources from UW-Madison and is passionate about benefit strategies for your greatest asset – your employees.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-3 (Guava/Tamarind) Data-Driven Talent Decisions: Best Practices for a Leadership Selection Assessment Strategy
    Dr. Jenny Swanson
    Hiring decisions come with uncertainty and risk. A leadership selection assessment strategy can help. Psychometric assessments can predict job performance, provide insight for increased engagement and retention, and aid onboarding. Yet, one size does not fit all. To enable strong evidence-based decision-making, HR leaders must apply best practices, determine organizational readiness, consider the role of HR sponsorship, and identify an assessment partner. The importance of legal defensibility and avoiding pitfalls is also a critical consideration. When all the pieces come together, assessments provide an extra layer of discernment, data, and objectivity, for making strategic talent decisions.

    Learning Objective 1: Outline considerations for the design and implementation of an organizational assessment strategy.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize best practices for creating an assessment strategy and selecting assessment tools.

    Learning Objective 3: Apply understanding of different psychometric assessments to avoid pitfalls and promote legal defensibility.

    Dr. Swanson is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist with a practice in the Fox Cities. She facilitates executive strategy sessions as well as provides guidance around selecting, growing, and engaging top leaders. Specializing in psychological assessment, she has conducted over 5,000 executive assessments, garnering respect as a strategic HR advisor.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday EB1-3 (Guava/Tamarind) Data-Driven Talent Decisions: Best Practices for a Leadership Selection Assessment Strategy
    Dr. Jenny Swanson
    Hiring decisions come with uncertainty and risk. A leadership selection assessment strategy can help. Psychometric assessments can predict job performance, provide insight for increased engagement and retention, and aid onboarding. Yet, one size does not fit all. To enable strong evidence-based decision-making, HR leaders must apply best practices, determine organizational readiness, consider the role of HR sponsorship, and identify an assessment partner. The importance of legal defensibility and avoiding pitfalls is also a critical consideration. When all the pieces come together, assessments provide an extra layer of discernment, data, and objectivity, for making strategic talent decisions.

    Learning Objective 1: Outline considerations for the design and implementation of an organizational assessment strategy.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize best practices for creating an assessment strategy and selecting assessment tools.

    Learning Objective 3: Apply understanding of different psychometric assessments to avoid pitfalls and promote legal defensibility.

    Dr. Swanson is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist with a practice in the Fox Cities. She facilitates executive strategy sessions as well as provides guidance around selecting, growing, and engaging top leaders. Specializing in psychological assessment, she has conducted over 5,000 executive assessments, garnering respect as a strategic HR advisor.

    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    8:00 AM to 9:15 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday All Attendee Opening Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty: Deploying Proven, Powerful Tools to Achieve Success
    Paul Krismer
    .A powerful emotional context permeates all aspects of our lives presently — uncertainty. A global pandemic, economic threat, and political strife are layered onto our already hectic, demanding lives. How can people not only cope, but thrive personally and professionally?

    Paul Krismer brings the science of positive psychology to bear. With practical advice coupled with funny storytelling, Paul provides an inspiring toolkit for resilience! Paul explores the threat of burnout,
    shining a light on the three levels of increasingly debilitating stress. He then shifts focus to the tools that insulate workers from emotional exhaustion.

    Embrace the research results that prove positive emotions come readily when certain skills are learned. See how these skills demonstrably lead directly to greater success. Come away equipped to fuel your personal happiness and create positive contagion amongst the people you influence.

    Learning Objectives
    • Three levels of burnout
    • Scientifically connecting positive emotions with stress management
    • Neurophysiology: how the brain can be re‐wired
    • Overcoming negativity bias

    Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

    With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

    From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

    Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

    As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

    He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday All Attendee Opening Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty: Deploying Proven, Powerful Tools to Achieve Success
    Paul Krismer
    .A powerful emotional context permeates all aspects of our lives presently — uncertainty. A global pandemic, economic threat, and political strife are layered onto our already hectic, demanding lives. How can people not only cope, but thrive personally and professionally?

    Paul Krismer brings the science of positive psychology to bear. With practical advice coupled with funny storytelling, Paul provides an inspiring toolkit for resilience! Paul explores the threat of burnout,
    shining a light on the three levels of increasingly debilitating stress. He then shifts focus to the tools that insulate workers from emotional exhaustion.

    Embrace the research results that prove positive emotions come readily when certain skills are learned. See how these skills demonstrably lead directly to greater success. Come away equipped to fuel your personal happiness and create positive contagion amongst the people you influence.

    Learning Objectives
    • Three levels of burnout
    • Scientifically connecting positive emotions with stress management
    • Neurophysiology: how the brain can be re‐wired
    • Overcoming negativity bias

    Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

    With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

    From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

    Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

    As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

    He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

    Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
    10:15 AM to 11:30 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Whole-Brained Leadership: A New, “Feminine” Skillset for the Rapidly Changing Modern Economy
    Paul Krismer
    The speed and pace of the emerging economy is breathtaking. Yet, for most of us, most of the time, it goes unnoticed. Constant technological change, new markets, changing strategic relationships, and increasingly complex stakeholder management is the new normal.

    Old leadership styles are inadequate. We know that traditional “command and control” is antiquated and ineffective. But what takes its place? How do we capably meet the challenge of the new economy and bring our teams alongside us in an energized, committed way?

    This uplifting, funny presentation gets right at the heart of these issues while insightfully demonstrating that the path forward is practical and consists of learnable skills. Paul shows how new leadership requires more access to whole-brained management: emotional intelligence, very high standards, and consistently drawing the best out of employee’s own intrinsic motivations.

    Observing the real opportunities of 21st century industrial innovation, this conversation is about personal and corporate momentum. Organizations that anticipate the skillsets of the new economy can also navigate the path to massive success.

    Learning Objective 1: Emerging, most sought-after skills are associated with right-brain characteristics.

    Learning Objective 2: Combatting the social conditioning that limits leaders.

    Learning Objective 3: The World Economic Forum’s analysis of future leadership qualities.

    Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

    With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

    From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

    Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

    As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

    He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Whole-Brained Leadership: A New, “Feminine” Skillset for the Rapidly Changing Modern Economy
    Paul Krismer
    The speed and pace of the emerging economy is breathtaking. Yet, for most of us, most of the time, it goes unnoticed. Constant technological change, new markets, changing strategic relationships, and increasingly complex stakeholder management is the new normal.

    Old leadership styles are inadequate. We know that traditional “command and control” is antiquated and ineffective. But what takes its place? How do we capably meet the challenge of the new economy and bring our teams alongside us in an energized, committed way?

    This uplifting, funny presentation gets right at the heart of these issues while insightfully demonstrating that the path forward is practical and consists of learnable skills. Paul shows how new leadership requires more access to whole-brained management: emotional intelligence, very high standards, and consistently drawing the best out of employee’s own intrinsic motivations.

    Observing the real opportunities of 21st century industrial innovation, this conversation is about personal and corporate momentum. Organizations that anticipate the skillsets of the new economy can also navigate the path to massive success.

    Learning Objective 1: Emerging, most sought-after skills are associated with right-brain characteristics.

    Learning Objective 2: Combatting the social conditioning that limits leaders.

    Learning Objective 3: The World Economic Forum’s analysis of future leadership qualities.

    Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

    With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

    From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

    Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

    As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

    He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) TBD
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) TBD
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Creating Psychologically Safe Teams, A Scientific Method
    Randal Weidenaar
    Google has found that psychological safety is an essential trait of their highest performing teams, yet according to the 2019 SHRM Omnibus Survey, 3 in 10 U.S. workers lack trust in their manager to treat them fairly and another 3 in 10 say their manager doesn't encourage a culture of open and transparent communication. In this session you will learn what psychological safety is and how to develop it in teams. You will also learn what leadership training is necessary to properly train leaders, and what conditions need to be cultivated in your organizational culture to develop psychological safety.

    Learning Objective 1: View case studies, research, and outcomes supporting the importance of building psychological safety in teams.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn to identify characteristics of teams, leaders and organizations that do, and do not, display psychological safety.

    Learning Objective 3: Gain a foundational knowledge of emotional science and the role it plays in psychological safety.

    Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Creating Psychologically Safe Teams, A Scientific Method
    Randal Weidenaar
    Google has found that psychological safety is an essential trait of their highest performing teams, yet according to the 2019 SHRM Omnibus Survey, 3 in 10 U.S. workers lack trust in their manager to treat them fairly and another 3 in 10 say their manager doesn't encourage a culture of open and transparent communication. In this session you will learn what psychological safety is and how to develop it in teams. You will also learn what leadership training is necessary to properly train leaders, and what conditions need to be cultivated in your organizational culture to develop psychological safety.

    Learning Objective 1: View case studies, research, and outcomes supporting the importance of building psychological safety in teams.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn to identify characteristics of teams, leaders and organizations that do, and do not, display psychological safety.

    Learning Objective 3: Gain a foundational knowledge of emotional science and the role it plays in psychological safety.

    Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) 10 Top HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
    James Reid
    Cover the top 5 mistakes of 2022 and the top 5 anticipated mistakes to watch out for in 2023 and how to avoid them.

    Learning Objective 1: Strategies to spot artificial intelligence issues under handbook policies and contracts and how to be compliant with the National Labor Relations Act for even non-unionized employers.

    Learning Objective 2: How to deal with the overlapping laws of FMLA, ADA, local sick leave policies, and workers' compensation.

    Learning Objective 3: How to do with FLSA compliance issues/strategies when getting creative with pay for performance agreements and remote work compensation.

    Past Director of MISHRM and keynote speaker many times at HR Day, MISHRM, Indiana SHRM, American Payroll Association, TedX.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) 10 Top HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
    James Reid
    Cover the top 5 mistakes of 2022 and the top 5 anticipated mistakes to watch out for in 2023 and how to avoid them.

    Learning Objective 1: Strategies to spot artificial intelligence issues under handbook policies and contracts and how to be compliant with the National Labor Relations Act for even non-unionized employers.

    Learning Objective 2: How to deal with the overlapping laws of FMLA, ADA, local sick leave policies, and workers' compensation.

    Learning Objective 3: How to do with FLSA compliance issues/strategies when getting creative with pay for performance agreements and remote work compensation.

    Past Director of MISHRM and keynote speaker many times at HR Day, MISHRM, Indiana SHRM, American Payroll Association, TedX.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-5 (Kalahari A-B) Considerations for Hiring the Neurodivergent While Creating a Sense of Belonging for All
    Chelsea Budde, Shelly Dretzka
    In a market where talent is at a premium and diversity is valued, there is an untapped pool of talented individuals – the neurodivergent. Where do you find these individuals? How do you engage them and integrate this new diversity dimension into your organization’s culture? Tangible best practices, compelling resources and examples of success stories. The challenge, of course, is understanding neurodivergence and how the diverse employee brings value to your organization without adding more compliance to your plate. In this session, learn from two mothers — and experienced professionals in their own fields of non-profit and Human Resources— how you can attract, engage and retain qualified neurodivergent employees, as well as the benefits of the addition to the team.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the difference between "neurodiverse" and "neurodivergent", and how to best interact with and engage neurodivergent talent.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn how to improve your diverse culture with limited addition to your compliance tasks.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices and access resources to put into action immediately for attraction, retention & engagement.

    Chelsea Budde is the Program Director and Co-founder of nonprofit organization Good Friend, Inc. (Brookfield, Wis.), which is devoted to autism awareness, acceptance, and empathy. Her inspiration comes from her two young adult children, whose journey has taught more than 58,000 people how to better understand autistic neurology.

    Shelly is the mother of two young men, one a neurotypical college sophomore and the other a neurodivergent student teacher/coach. With her 25+ years of HR experience, she founded aHRrow Consulting in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Her style is personal, approach is upbeat, and objective is always the same—to be an HR business partner who is a seamless extension of her client’s team.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-5 (Kalahari A-B) Considerations for Hiring the Neurodivergent While Creating a Sense of Belonging for All
    Chelsea Budde, Shelly Dretzka
    In a market where talent is at a premium and diversity is valued, there is an untapped pool of talented individuals – the neurodivergent. Where do you find these individuals? How do you engage them and integrate this new diversity dimension into your organization’s culture? Tangible best practices, compelling resources and examples of success stories. The challenge, of course, is understanding neurodivergence and how the diverse employee brings value to your organization without adding more compliance to your plate. In this session, learn from two mothers — and experienced professionals in their own fields of non-profit and Human Resources— how you can attract, engage and retain qualified neurodivergent employees, as well as the benefits of the addition to the team.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the difference between "neurodiverse" and "neurodivergent", and how to best interact with and engage neurodivergent talent.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn how to improve your diverse culture with limited addition to your compliance tasks.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices and access resources to put into action immediately for attraction, retention & engagement.

    Chelsea Budde is the Program Director and Co-founder of nonprofit organization Good Friend, Inc. (Brookfield, Wis.), which is devoted to autism awareness, acceptance, and empathy. Her inspiration comes from her two young adult children, whose journey has taught more than 58,000 people how to better understand autistic neurology.

    Shelly is the mother of two young men, one a neurotypical college sophomore and the other a neurodivergent student teacher/coach. With her 25+ years of HR experience, she founded aHRrow Consulting in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Her style is personal, approach is upbeat, and objective is always the same—to be an HR business partner who is a seamless extension of her client’s team.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-6 (Kalahari C-D) Cycle Breakers: Reducing Female Rivalry and Building the Foundation for Camaraderie
    Sarah Fecht, Meg Krinke
    What if the perspectives women have always held about each other are false? What if female relationships, especially at work, are rife with challenge due to undiscovered external factors?
    Join this session to discover insightful but difficult realities that contribute directly to the way women work and live. This vantage point creates new possibilities and action items, moving learners toward greater awareness, harmony, and comradery with other women in and out of the workplace.

    Learning Objective 1: Walk away with increased awareness of the factors and storylines that shape and often sabotage female to female relationships.

    Learning Objective 2: Gain perspective and learn ways to influence the narrative of personal and team dynamics from this new vantage point.

    Learning Objective 3: Experience the momentum of this critical call to action, preparing to bring to life Maya Angelou’s philosophy, “When you know better, do better.”

    Meg & Sarah, both entrepreneurs and leadership experts, are on a mission to enlighten, engage and start momentum in our region and beyond. With every conversation about women’s relationships and the choices available to change the narrative, participants will experience their passion and vigor & will be delighted to be part of this critical conversation.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-6 (Kalahari C-D) Cycle Breakers: Reducing Female Rivalry and Building the Foundation for Camaraderie
    Sarah Fecht, Meg Krinke
    What if the perspectives women have always held about each other are false? What if female relationships, especially at work, are rife with challenge due to undiscovered external factors?
    Join this session to discover insightful but difficult realities that contribute directly to the way women work and live. This vantage point creates new possibilities and action items, moving learners toward greater awareness, harmony, and comradery with other women in and out of the workplace.

    Learning Objective 1: Walk away with increased awareness of the factors and storylines that shape and often sabotage female to female relationships.

    Learning Objective 2: Gain perspective and learn ways to influence the narrative of personal and team dynamics from this new vantage point.

    Learning Objective 3: Experience the momentum of this critical call to action, preparing to bring to life Maya Angelou’s philosophy, “When you know better, do better.”

    Meg & Sarah, both entrepreneurs and leadership experts, are on a mission to enlighten, engage and start momentum in our region and beyond. With every conversation about women’s relationships and the choices available to change the narrative, participants will experience their passion and vigor & will be delighted to be part of this critical conversation.
    Room Number: Kalahari C-D
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-7 (Kalahari E-F) Direct Contracting Myths & Realities Affecting Benefits Cost
    Jennifer Smith-Hulbert
    Employers are feeling more pressure than ever to seek solutions for the ever-increasing costs of medical coverage for their employees. As a result, many are turning to Centers of Excellence to aid in that strategy. Sadly, not all direct contracts are Centers of Excellence, leaving employers and members alike confused on results.

    With direct contracting, it is important to understand the significant strategy, cost, vendor selection and ROI measurements required for optimal success. This seminar is intended to educate employers on how to choose the best Center of Excellence as well as key considerations including incentives, health plan design and expected ROI.

    Learning Objective 1: Choosing the right path for your group can be tricky. In this seminar, you will gain an understanding of the differences between a Center of Excellence, Direct Contract, and a Bundled Agreement to ensure you are making the right choice

    Learning Objective 2: ROI can be measured in many ways, leaving a sense of confusion. We will ensure a well-rounded understanding of the ROI measurements through real data and case studies from Brown & Brown clients.

    Learning Objective 3: Weighing pros can cons of making the switch to direct contracting can be difficult, but we have you covered. We will review the advantages and disadvantages of a direct contracting strategy, including compliance, plan design & incentives, and member experience.

    In her role, Jenn is responsible for monitoring innovative and non-traditional healthcare strategies, vendors & disruptors. Jenn regularly meets with these cutting-edge solution providers, and brings back innovative products, strategies, and thought-processes to benefit Brown & Brown clients.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-7 (Kalahari E-F) Direct Contracting Myths & Realities Affecting Benefits Cost
    Jennifer Smith-Hulbert
    Employers are feeling more pressure than ever to seek solutions for the ever-increasing costs of medical coverage for their employees. As a result, many are turning to Centers of Excellence to aid in that strategy. Sadly, not all direct contracts are Centers of Excellence, leaving employers and members alike confused on results.

    With direct contracting, it is important to understand the significant strategy, cost, vendor selection and ROI measurements required for optimal success. This seminar is intended to educate employers on how to choose the best Center of Excellence as well as key considerations including incentives, health plan design and expected ROI.

    Learning Objective 1: Choosing the right path for your group can be tricky. In this seminar, you will gain an understanding of the differences between a Center of Excellence, Direct Contract, and a Bundled Agreement to ensure you are making the right choice

    Learning Objective 2: ROI can be measured in many ways, leaving a sense of confusion. We will ensure a well-rounded understanding of the ROI measurements through real data and case studies from Brown & Brown clients.

    Learning Objective 3: Weighing pros can cons of making the switch to direct contracting can be difficult, but we have you covered. We will review the advantages and disadvantages of a direct contracting strategy, including compliance, plan design & incentives, and member experience.

    In her role, Jenn is responsible for monitoring innovative and non-traditional healthcare strategies, vendors & disruptors. Jenn regularly meets with these cutting-edge solution providers, and brings back innovative products, strategies, and thought-processes to benefit Brown & Brown clients.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-8 (Kalahari G-H) Reboot Your Values – Reboot Your Culture | CANCELLED!!
    Do your team members’ eyes gloss over when you mention the company’s values?
    Are you battling an onslaught of snide comments and sidebar conversations during meetings?
    Is morale in the toilet and you’re expected to turn it around?

    If you answered YES to any one of those questions, you’re not alone and you CAN do something about it! Find out how to reboot your values so you can create and then leverage a great company culture to attract, train, promote, and retain incredible people.

    Learning Objective 1: Create values that complete your organization’s culture framework and support it in becoming the organization your team wants and needs it to be.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand the fundamental role “The House Rules” play in developing leaders, team members, and a great organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 3: Assess the strength of your current organizational values in helping you to shape your company’s culture.

    Liz and her team facilitate strategic and succession planning retreats, as well as provide executive coaching and comprehensive leadership development programs to business owners, boards of directors, and leadership teams.

    Liz has written ten leadership books, supervised business activities in 129 countries, and she has consulted in over 20 countries.

    Thursday L1-8 (Kalahari G-H) Reboot Your Values – Reboot Your Culture - CANCELLED!
    Liz Weber
    Do your team members’ eyes gloss over when you mention the company’s values?
    Are you battling an onslaught of snide comments and sidebar conversations during meetings?
    Is morale in the toilet and you’re expected to turn it around?

    If you answered YES to any one of those questions, you’re not alone and you CAN do something about it! Find out how to reboot your values so you can create and then leverage a great company culture to attract, train, promote, and retain incredible people.

    Learning Objective 1: Create values that complete your organization’s culture framework and support it in becoming the organization your team wants and needs it to be.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand the fundamental role “The House Rules” play in developing leaders, team members, and a great organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 3: Assess the strength of your current organizational values in helping you to shape your company’s culture.

    Liz and her team facilitate strategic and succession planning retreats, as well as provide executive coaching and comprehensive leadership development programs to business owners, boards of directors, and leadership teams.

    Liz has written ten leadership books, supervised business activities in 129 countries, and she has consulted in over 20 countries.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-9 (Guava/Tamarind) 6 Steps to Building a Robust Career Development Solution
    Taura Prosek, ACC
    The latest research shows a clear correlation between internal mobility and employee engagement and retention. One of the top reasons employees leave is a lack of internal development and opportunity. At the same time, recent studies identify a gap in career development capability among internal talent development professionals. Join this session to learn the 6 steps to building a robust career development solution for your organization. A culture embracing the value of internal mobility and that is embedding career development into its talent strategies is positioned to achieve higher retention, greater engagement, improved succession planning, and a stronger employer brand. Career development may be the most important benefit you can offer in today’s talent marketplace!

    Learning Objective 1: A 6-step process will be shared to build out a robust career development strategy.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will share their ideas on how to use and design career pathways as one component of this strategy.

    Learning Objective 3: A sample needs assessment will be shared that may provide a foundation for use in your organization to jumpstart this important initiative.

    Taura Prosek is an executive coach and career consultant with Stewart Leadership. She’s coached thousands of professionals and is the author of Lead Your Career: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Professional Fulfillment. She is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and is PCC certified with the ICF. She has an MBA from Kellogg-Northwestern and BBA from UW-Madison.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-9 (Guava/Tamarind) 6 Steps to Building a Robust Career Development Solution
    Taura Prosek, ACC
    The latest research shows a clear correlation between internal mobility and employee engagement and retention. One of the top reasons employees leave is a lack of internal development and opportunity. At the same time, recent studies identify a gap in career development capability among internal talent development professionals. Join this session to learn the 6 steps to building a robust career development solution for your organization. A culture embracing the value of internal mobility and that is embedding career development into its talent strategies is positioned to achieve higher retention, greater engagement, improved succession planning, and a stronger employer brand. Career development may be the most important benefit you can offer in today’s talent marketplace!

    Learning Objective 1: A 6-step process will be shared to build out a robust career development strategy.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will share their ideas on how to use and design career pathways as one component of this strategy.

    Learning Objective 3: A sample needs assessment will be shared that may provide a foundation for use in your organization to jumpstart this important initiative.

    Taura Prosek is an executive coach and career consultant with Stewart Leadership. She’s coached thousands of professionals and is the author of Lead Your Career: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Professional Fulfillment. She is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and is PCC certified with the ICF. She has an MBA from Kellogg-Northwestern and BBA from UW-Madison.
    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-10 (Portia/Wisteria) The Best Anywhere: Strategies for Retaining Top Talent in a Remote and Hybrid Workforce
    Michael Rampolla
    With remote and hybrid work becoming the new normal for many organizations, retaining top talent has become more challenging than ever. Leaders must ensure that all employees feel connected and included, regardless of their location or work arrangement. Keeping your best employees engaged and motivated requires new strategies and approaches to overcome the unique challenges of managing an increasingly remote workforce. This presentation for HR professionals and people leaders will explore proven practices for retaining top talent in remote and hybrid work environments. By understanding the challenges of managing remote employees and implementing effective strategies for engagement and retention, organizations can create a positive and cohesive team culture that leverages the unique benefits of the hybrid workforce model.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the unique challenges of managing and retaining top talent in a remote and hybrid workforce.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn strategies to identify the needs of top performers, and keep all employees engaged and motivated regardless of where they work.

    Learning Objective 3: Discover practical approaches to improve employee engagement and provide opportunities for learning and leadership development in any work environment.

    Michael Rampolla has a passion for inspiring others to be even better at what they love to do. The thread that connects his diverse career as a manager, trainer, teacher, owner, and consultant is the opportunity to multiply his impact. As a Growth Mindset Certified Coach with Spearity, Michael enables individuals and organizations to think, act, and lead more strategically to achieve a greater success.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L1-10 (Portia/Wisteria) The Best Anywhere: Strategies for Retaining Top Talent in a Remote and Hybrid Workforce
    Michael Rampolla
    With remote and hybrid work becoming the new normal for many organizations, retaining top talent has become more challenging than ever. Leaders must ensure that all employees feel connected and included, regardless of their location or work arrangement. Keeping your best employees engaged and motivated requires new strategies and approaches to overcome the unique challenges of managing an increasingly remote workforce. This presentation for HR professionals and people leaders will explore proven practices for retaining top talent in remote and hybrid work environments. By understanding the challenges of managing remote employees and implementing effective strategies for engagement and retention, organizations can create a positive and cohesive team culture that leverages the unique benefits of the hybrid workforce model.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the unique challenges of managing and retaining top talent in a remote and hybrid workforce.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn strategies to identify the needs of top performers, and keep all employees engaged and motivated regardless of where they work.

    Learning Objective 3: Discover practical approaches to improve employee engagement and provide opportunities for learning and leadership development in any work environment.

    Michael Rampolla has a passion for inspiring others to be even better at what they love to do. The thread that connects his diverse career as a manager, trainer, teacher, owner, and consultant is the opportunity to multiply his impact. As a Growth Mindset Certified Coach with Spearity, Michael enables individuals and organizations to think, act, and lead more strategically to achieve a greater success.
    Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
    12:45 PM to 2:00 PM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Coaching for Career Development: Engaging Employees in Their Career Development
    Tom Daniels
    If we’ve learned anything over the past several years, it is employees expecting organizations to provide more support and flexibility. The data suggest that employees are planning to leave organizations they feel are not supporting them with their career. During this session will examine how managers can use specific coaching models to facilitate career coaching discussions to engage and support employees in their own career development. We will also explore the multiple options for employees to add competencies and knowledge to their skill set to be ready for the next step in their career journey.

    Learning Objective 1: Use the Intentional Change Theory to assist employees in assessing their aspirations and current reality.

    Learning Objective 2: Apply coaching skills to employee development conversations.

    Learning Objective 3: Conduct an open career discussion to enable the identification of Life Goals and Career aspirations.

    Tom Daniels is the Associate Director for Graduate & Executive Program in Business at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) with a focus on admissions and advising for the students earning their master’s and doctorate degrees organization development & change. Prior to BGSU, Daniels worked in the advertising and marketing research industries, including Vice President of Learning & Development at TNS North America.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Coaching for Career Development: Engaging Employees in Their Career Development
    Tom Daniels
    If we’ve learned anything over the past several years, it is employees expecting organizations to provide more support and flexibility. The data suggest that employees are planning to leave organizations they feel are not supporting them with their career. During this session will examine how managers can use specific coaching models to facilitate career coaching discussions to engage and support employees in their own career development. We will also explore the multiple options for employees to add competencies and knowledge to their skill set to be ready for the next step in their career journey.

    Learning Objective 1: Use the Intentional Change Theory to assist employees in assessing their aspirations and current reality.

    Learning Objective 2: Apply coaching skills to employee development conversations.

    Learning Objective 3: Conduct an open career discussion to enable the identification of Life Goals and Career aspirations.

    Tom Daniels is the Associate Director for Graduate & Executive Program in Business at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) with a focus on admissions and advising for the students earning their master’s and doctorate degrees organization development & change. Prior to BGSU, Daniels worked in the advertising and marketing research industries, including Vice President of Learning & Development at TNS North America.
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Equity Leadership: Meeting Individual Employee Needs Across Organizations
    Laura Hurtienne, Matthew Hurtienne
    Leaders have a responsibility to determine how to most effectively support employees so that employees are willing to bring their best selves to the workplace. Like employee engagement, leaders cannot force this exchange upon employees but can create a positive culture where followers naturally want to support the organization. Leaders have to consider how to develop employees holistically, from professional development to personal development, and do so in a way that matters to the individual, not just the organization.

    The concept of leadership has continually adapted over the years, introducing new ideas based on the changing philosophies of the workforce. The evolution of leadership theories began with a focus on leadership as a role that would dominate in order to make people work and has more recently focused on the people who make up an organization and how they might be supported to grow in their abilities.

    Equity Leadership identifies individual employees’ personal and professional resource, relationship, and opportunity needs in an effort to support and encourage employees to reach their fullest potential in the workforce. This leadership theory indicates the responsibility of leaders to listen to, hear, acknowledge, and plan for employee needs with the individual. The decisions to act on fulfilling a need should be discussed and agreed upon between the leader and follower. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

    Equity leadership considers both leaders, along with those whom they serve, in a holistic view of leadership. By creating reciprocal relationships and considering employees’ needs, leaders can cultivate a culture that encourages employees to bring their best abilities to an organization, thus increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

    Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to define equity leadership.

    Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to explain the connection of equity leadership to increased employee engagement.

    Learning Objective 3: The learner will be able to identify how equity leadership can lead to improved employee retention.

    Dr. Matthew Hurtienne is a veteran of helping organizations to unleash expertise through organizational performance development. Matt is a published researcher and presenter in the field of HRD, where he continues his work at Concordia University. He serves as a Professor of HR and Dean for the School of Business.

    Dr. Laura Hurtienne is an educator and researcher. She earned her Ed.D. in Transformational Leadership from Concordia University Portland and is an alumna of Concordia University Wisconsin, where she earned her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. As a professor, she teaches and writes doctoral and undergraduate courses in leadership, change, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. Laura also supports doctoral students as a dissertation advisor. She is fully engaged in the fields of change management, employee engagement, and organizational development. Dr. Hurtienne has experience owning her own healthcare business and has consulted with businesses and organizations during critical times of transformation.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Equity Leadership: Meeting Individual Employee Needs Across Organizations
    Laura Hurtienne, Matthew Hurtienne
    Leaders have a responsibility to determine how to most effectively support employees so that employees are willing to bring their best selves to the workplace. Like employee engagement, leaders cannot force this exchange upon employees but can create a positive culture where followers naturally want to support the organization. Leaders have to consider how to develop employees holistically, from professional development to personal development, and do so in a way that matters to the individual, not just the organization.

    The concept of leadership has continually adapted over the years, introducing new ideas based on the changing philosophies of the workforce. The evolution of leadership theories began with a focus on leadership as a role that would dominate in order to make people work and has more recently focused on the people who make up an organization and how they might be supported to grow in their abilities.

    Equity Leadership identifies individual employees’ personal and professional resource, relationship, and opportunity needs in an effort to support and encourage employees to reach their fullest potential in the workforce. This leadership theory indicates the responsibility of leaders to listen to, hear, acknowledge, and plan for employee needs with the individual. The decisions to act on fulfilling a need should be discussed and agreed upon between the leader and follower. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

    Equity leadership considers both leaders, along with those whom they serve, in a holistic view of leadership. By creating reciprocal relationships and considering employees’ needs, leaders can cultivate a culture that encourages employees to bring their best abilities to an organization, thus increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

    Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to define equity leadership.

    Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to explain the connection of equity leadership to increased employee engagement.

    Learning Objective 3: The learner will be able to identify how equity leadership can lead to improved employee retention.

    Dr. Matthew Hurtienne is a veteran of helping organizations to unleash expertise through organizational performance development. Matt is a published researcher and presenter in the field of HRD, where he continues his work at Concordia University. He serves as a Professor of HR and Dean for the School of Business.

    Dr. Laura Hurtienne is an educator and researcher. She earned her Ed.D. in Transformational Leadership from Concordia University Portland and is an alumna of Concordia University Wisconsin, where she earned her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. As a professor, she teaches and writes doctoral and undergraduate courses in leadership, change, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. Laura also supports doctoral students as a dissertation advisor. She is fully engaged in the fields of change management, employee engagement, and organizational development. Dr. Hurtienne has experience owning her own healthcare business and has consulted with businesses and organizations during critical times of transformation.
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Remodeling Your Affirmative Action Programs: Strategies to Upgrade Your Program
    Sally Makreff, Lori Stewart
    Whether you are new to affirmative action or an experienced compliance professional, this presentation will provide the guidance needed to successfully implement an affirmative action program. Information will be provided on affirmative action from both a regulatory and practical perspective. We will cover what is required per the affirmative action regulations, the steps needed to implement an affirmative action plan, and the key internal partnerships needed to make the program a success. We will also provide strategies that participants can use to mitigate issues uncovered during an affirmative action program review that will reduce the risk of legal action. In addition, we will review the recent changes to affirmative action and provide best practices for compliance with the new requirements. Join us for this comprehensive overview of affirmative action, learn about the strategies that can assist you in successfully implementing an affirmative action program and help you to be prepared for the latest developments in affirmative action.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn what is included in a comprehensive affirmative action program and who your internal partners are.

    Learning Objective 2: Discuss common challenges that organizations face during the implementation process and offer practical solutions to overcome these obstacles.

    Learning Objective 3: Update on current and upcoming initiatives in the affirmative action field, including ways to update your affirmative action program so you can effectively transition to incorporate new requirements.

    Sally Makreff, Manager and Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group, Inc., has over 20 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Skilled in government regulations and compliance, she is responsible for developing multiple client affirmative action plans as well as helping to educate and guide those practitioners using industry best practices. Sally is the co-chair of the Madison, WI ILG and actively participates in the Milwaukee ILG and the Michigan ILG.

    Lori Stewart, HR Compliance Manager at Oshkosh Corporation, has over 15 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). In her current role, she is responsible for in house affirmative action program management, vendor partnership on plan completion, and also owns the pre-employment background check and I-9 processes for the organization. Lori is co-chair of both the Madison ILG and the Fox Valley ILG and participates in the Milwaukee ILG and Michigan ILG.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Remodeling Your Affirmative Action Programs: Strategies to Upgrade Your Program
    Sally Makreff, Lori Stewart
    Whether you are new to affirmative action or an experienced compliance professional, this presentation will provide the guidance needed to successfully implement an affirmative action program. Information will be provided on affirmative action from both a regulatory and practical perspective. We will cover what is required per the affirmative action regulations, the steps needed to implement an affirmative action plan, and the key internal partnerships needed to make the program a success. We will also provide strategies that participants can use to mitigate issues uncovered during an affirmative action program review that will reduce the risk of legal action. In addition, we will review the recent changes to affirmative action and provide best practices for compliance with the new requirements. Join us for this comprehensive overview of affirmative action, learn about the strategies that can assist you in successfully implementing an affirmative action program and help you to be prepared for the latest developments in affirmative action.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn what is included in a comprehensive affirmative action program and who your internal partners are.

    Learning Objective 2: Discuss common challenges that organizations face during the implementation process and offer practical solutions to overcome these obstacles.

    Learning Objective 3: Update on current and upcoming initiatives in the affirmative action field, including ways to update your affirmative action program so you can effectively transition to incorporate new requirements.

    Sally Makreff, Manager and Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group, Inc., has over 20 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Skilled in government regulations and compliance, she is responsible for developing multiple client affirmative action plans as well as helping to educate and guide those practitioners using industry best practices. Sally is the co-chair of the Madison, WI ILG and actively participates in the Milwaukee ILG and the Michigan ILG.

    Lori Stewart, HR Compliance Manager at Oshkosh Corporation, has over 15 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). In her current role, she is responsible for in house affirmative action program management, vendor partnership on plan completion, and also owns the pre-employment background check and I-9 processes for the organization. Lori is co-chair of both the Madison ILG and the Fox Valley ILG and participates in the Milwaukee ILG and Michigan ILG.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Top Ten Culture Killers... and What to do About Them
    David Schwallier
    In this session, participants will learn the top ten pervasive culture killers, which can decimate a team's and organization's stability and effectiveness. Each destructive issue will be explained and then clearly supported through storytelling and attendee group dialogue and examples. Attendees will then briefly assess how many culture killers are present in their organizations and share what they've done to mitigate the damage of them.

    The focus will then turn to stopping these common missteps that threaten organizational health. We will focus both on prevention, before they impact an organization or team, and mitigation- once they are already present and having a negative impact.

    Attendees will walk away with both skills, to recognize culture killers when they appear, along with practical tools to overcome and eliminate them once they have been identified.

    Learning Objective 1: To understand the top ten things that negatively impact organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 2: To learn how to recognize culture killers quickly and quickly assess what damage they may have already done.

    Learning Objective 3: To learn practical strategies and leverage simple tools to limit the impact of culture killers and take corrective action.

    Dave Schwallier is a coach, trainer, and consultant who works with executive teams, managers and HR leaders to navigate change, improve teamwork, and drive accountability within their organizations. Dave uses the power of story to reinforce points and provides a practical step-by-step framework and tools to help leaders get started.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Top Ten Culture Killers... and What to do About Them
    David Schwallier
    In this session, participants will learn the top ten pervasive culture killers, which can decimate a team's and organization's stability and effectiveness. Each destructive issue will be explained and then clearly supported through storytelling and attendee group dialogue and examples. Attendees will then briefly assess how many culture killers are present in their organizations and share what they've done to mitigate the damage of them.

    The focus will then turn to stopping these common missteps that threaten organizational health. We will focus both on prevention, before they impact an organization or team, and mitigation- once they are already present and having a negative impact.

    Attendees will walk away with both skills, to recognize culture killers when they appear, along with practical tools to overcome and eliminate them once they have been identified.

    Learning Objective 1: To understand the top ten things that negatively impact organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 2: To learn how to recognize culture killers quickly and quickly assess what damage they may have already done.

    Learning Objective 3: To learn practical strategies and leverage simple tools to limit the impact of culture killers and take corrective action.

    Dave Schwallier is a coach, trainer, and consultant who works with executive teams, managers and HR leaders to navigate change, improve teamwork, and drive accountability within their organizations. Dave uses the power of story to reinforce points and provides a practical step-by-step framework and tools to help leaders get started.
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-5 (Kalahari A-B) Growth Mindset Culture: Bringing Out the Best in Your People
    Kristin WhiteHorse
    Everyone has mindset triggers that stand in their way of being the best version of themselves. When organizations embrace a culture of Growth Mindset, they see higher levels of innovation, willingness to try new things and employees that are more engaged and productive. In this presentation, we will focus on understanding the mindset triggers and how to help your employees overcome their triggers and be at their best.

    Learning Objective 1: To understand the impact of Growth Mindset on individuals and organizations.

    Learning Objective 2: To identify ways mindset triggers stand in the way of growth.

    Learning Objective 3: To identify ways an organization can use Growth Mindset training to bring out the best in its staff.

    Kristin WhiteHorse is a Business and Executive Coach with Spearity. She works in diverse settings helping others realize their potential. Kristin’s purpose for working with leadership development is helping others make an impact in their communities. Using Growth Mindset, Kristin helps individuals and organizations develop a way of thinking that will help them reach their goals. Kristin holds a BA from UW- Platteville and an MA from Cardinal Stritch University.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-5 (Kalahari A-B) Growth Mindset Culture: Bringing Out the Best in Your People
    Kristin WhiteHorse
    Everyone has mindset triggers that stand in their way of being the best version of themselves. When organizations embrace a culture of Growth Mindset, they see higher levels of innovation, willingness to try new things and employees that are more engaged and productive. In this presentation, we will focus on understanding the mindset triggers and how to help your employees overcome their triggers and be at their best.

    Learning Objective 1: To understand the impact of Growth Mindset on individuals and organizations.

    Learning Objective 2: To identify ways mindset triggers stand in the way of growth.

    Learning Objective 3: To identify ways an organization can use Growth Mindset training to bring out the best in its staff.

    Kristin WhiteHorse is a Business and Executive Coach with Spearity. She works in diverse settings helping others realize their potential. Kristin’s purpose for working with leadership development is helping others make an impact in their communities. Using Growth Mindset, Kristin helps individuals and organizations develop a way of thinking that will help them reach their goals. Kristin holds a BA from UW- Platteville and an MA from Cardinal Stritch University.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-6 (Kalahari C-D) Recruiting Process Improvements to Create Strong Teams
    Katie Labedz, Jaime Schmitt
    Our presentation will focus on an overview of Lean and Leadership training. We will talk at a high level about process improvements for the recruitment process (systems, process and people) with a deep dive into the People category.

    Areas of Focus:
    Introduction to Lean and Leadership Training
    Identifying Process Gaps in your Recruitment Process
    Systems, Process and People
    Process Improvements Focus: People
    Training your Teams and Recruiters to be Leaders
    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Training

    Learning Objective 1: We will give participants an overview of Lean Six Sigma and how to identify process gaps in their recruitment process as well as inefficiencies in their HRIS systems that will allow them to build a strong recruitment process that decreases the time and cost to hire.

    Learning Objective 2: We will deep dive into the People category of lean concepts (Process, Systems, People) and help participants identify leadership concepts that they can implement in their process to create a better candidate, recruiter and hiring manager experience.

    We will give attendees the tools needed to develop and train their recruitment teams to become leaders and strong partners to the business, giving recruiters the tools and knowledge they need to identify talent that will help grow the organization.

    Learning Objective 3: We will apply our leadership concepts to diversity, equity and inclusion training and give participants the skills to attract, retain and grow diverse talent.
    GiANT leadership training and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training is approved for SHRM CEU's.

    Katie Labedz is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 20 years of experience implementing continuous improvement solutions within non-manufacturing and manufacturing environments. Her company is Learning to Lean. Katie also has her Master's certification in instructional design, her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification through PMI and is a certified instructor/facilitator through Langevin. She is also a well known international professional speaker.

    Jaime has a degree in Psychology and Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources. She is also a GiANT leadership coach and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. She has 15 years of experience in global talent attraction and management roles.

    Jaime focuses on transforming teams and organizations by helping them identify and best utilize their different leadership styles to drive collaboration and success.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-6 (Kalahari C-D) Recruiting Process Improvements to Create Strong Teams
    Katie Labedz, Jaime Schmitt
    Our presentation will focus on an overview of Lean and Leadership training. We will talk at a high level about process improvements for the recruitment process (systems, process and people) with a deep dive into the People category.

    Areas of Focus:
    Introduction to Lean and Leadership Training
    Identifying Process Gaps in your Recruitment Process
    Systems, Process and People
    Process Improvements Focus: People
    Training your Teams and Recruiters to be Leaders
    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Training

    Learning Objective 1: We will give participants an overview of Lean Six Sigma and how to identify process gaps in their recruitment process as well as inefficiencies in their HRIS systems that will allow them to build a strong recruitment process that decreases the time and cost to hire.

    Learning Objective 2: We will deep dive into the People category of lean concepts (Process, Systems, People) and help participants identify leadership concepts that they can implement in their process to create a better candidate, recruiter and hiring manager experience.

    We will give attendees the tools needed to develop and train their recruitment teams to become leaders and strong partners to the business, giving recruiters the tools and knowledge they need to identify talent that will help grow the organization.

    Learning Objective 3: We will apply our leadership concepts to diversity, equity and inclusion training and give participants the skills to attract, retain and grow diverse talent.
    GiANT leadership training and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training is approved for SHRM CEU's.

    Katie Labedz is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 20 years of experience implementing continuous improvement solutions within non-manufacturing and manufacturing environments. Her company is Learning to Lean. Katie also has her Master's certification in instructional design, her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification through PMI and is a certified instructor/facilitator through Langevin. She is also a well known international professional speaker.

    Jaime has a degree in Psychology and Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources. She is also a GiANT leadership coach and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. She has 15 years of experience in global talent attraction and management roles.

    Jaime focuses on transforming teams and organizations by helping them identify and best utilize their different leadership styles to drive collaboration and success.

    Room Number: Kalahari C-D
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-7 (Kalahari E-F) Non-Traditional Benefits that Support Talent Attraction and Retention
    Alicia Kiser
    The labor shortage facing companies today started before the pandemic, and it’s not going away any time soon. Employers who are winning the war for talent are laser-focused on their retention strategies, and understand that it takes more than negotiating wage-an-hour. In fact, people who change jobs typically cite wages as somewhere between #3 and #6 on the list of reasons they left. Today’s diverse workforce demands a flexible approach to work, empathetic leadership and a thoughtful approach to benefits that empowers employees with choice. This complex benefits environment necessitates creative, strategic thinking from benefits professionals who want to gain an edge.

    Learning Objective 1: It’s about so much more than insurance plans – flexibility is non-negotiable.

    Learning Objective 2: Putting the “humans” back in HR – accessible benefits education that meets employees where they are.

    Learning Objective 3: Understanding the benefits ecosystem – the critical importance of cooperative and adaptable vendor partnerships.
    A look at what’s outdated, still in vogue and newly emerging in the benefits market.

    Alicia Kiser is vice president of human resources at M3 Insurance. Her role is to facilitate the workflow of M3’s human resources department, including focusing on strategic human resource initiatives, talent management and development, compensation and benefits design, and employee relations.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-7 (Kalahari E-F) Non-Traditional Benefits that Support Talent Attraction and Retention
    Alicia Kiser
    The labor shortage facing companies today started before the pandemic, and it’s not going away any time soon. Employers who are winning the war for talent are laser-focused on their retention strategies, and understand that it takes more than negotiating wage-an-hour. In fact, people who change jobs typically cite wages as somewhere between #3 and #6 on the list of reasons they left. Today’s diverse workforce demands a flexible approach to work, empathetic leadership and a thoughtful approach to benefits that empowers employees with choice. This complex benefits environment necessitates creative, strategic thinking from benefits professionals who want to gain an edge.

    Learning Objective 1: It’s about so much more than insurance plans – flexibility is non-negotiable.

    Learning Objective 2: Putting the “humans” back in HR – accessible benefits education that meets employees where they are.

    Learning Objective 3: Understanding the benefits ecosystem – the critical importance of cooperative and adaptable vendor partnerships.
    A look at what’s outdated, still in vogue and newly emerging in the benefits market.

    Alicia Kiser is vice president of human resources at M3 Insurance. Her role is to facilitate the workflow of M3’s human resources department, including focusing on strategic human resource initiatives, talent management and development, compensation and benefits design, and employee relations.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-8 (Kalahari G-H) Solving for the Employee Engagement Puzzle
    Milan Batinich
    We take a deep dive into identifying extrinsic and intrinsic human motivations and what people need based on their motivations. We learn the four forces of employee disengagement and how to overcome them.

    We look at the differences between the golden rule and the platinum rule. We learn ways to improve how we communicate, interact, make decisions, and take action with employees based on how what they need in order for them to have energy, passion, and joy in the work they do at their organization. The attendees will take away pertinent ways to improve employee engagement and retention through managing to intrinsic motivations and behaviors.

    Learning Objective 1: What employee engagement and self-awareness is within the workplace.

    Learning Objective 2: In managing individuals, how to identify what each person's drives, needs, and motivations will be based on their job, manager, team, and organizational culture. Also, ways to improve on the four forces of disengagement.

    Learning Objective 3: Real life examples that can be used immediately in the workplace to manage to employees intrinsic motivations.

    Milan draws from 20 years of contact center operational and sales management experience from American Express and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other organizations. Milan holds several Certifications with The Predictive Index and Stanford University School of Medicine for Human Behaviors & Psychology for High Performance.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-8 (Kalahari G-H) Solving for the Employee Engagement Puzzle
    Milan Batinich
    We take a deep dive into identifying extrinsic and intrinsic human motivations and what people need based on their motivations. We learn the four forces of employee disengagement and how to overcome them.

    We look at the differences between the golden rule and the platinum rule. We learn ways to improve how we communicate, interact, make decisions, and take action with employees based on how what they need in order for them to have energy, passion, and joy in the work they do at their organization. The attendees will take away pertinent ways to improve employee engagement and retention through managing to intrinsic motivations and behaviors.

    Learning Objective 1: What employee engagement and self-awareness is within the workplace.

    Learning Objective 2: In managing individuals, how to identify what each person's drives, needs, and motivations will be based on their job, manager, team, and organizational culture. Also, ways to improve on the four forces of disengagement.

    Learning Objective 3: Real life examples that can be used immediately in the workplace to manage to employees intrinsic motivations.

    Milan draws from 20 years of contact center operational and sales management experience from American Express and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other organizations. Milan holds several Certifications with The Predictive Index and Stanford University School of Medicine for Human Behaviors & Psychology for High Performance.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-9 (Guava/Tamarind) Hybrid Leadership: Essential Skills to Lead from Anywhere
    Alexis Hasselberger
    Hybrid is here to stay and it's time to get intentional about making it work. Are your managers struggling to transition to leading in a remote or hybrid environment? Are you finding that what worked in the office doesn't exactly translate to a hybrid world, this session is for you.

    In this session, you'll learn about the 7 essential hybrid leadership skill areas, and I'll provide practical, actionable solutions and techniques for the challenges you may face when your org “goes hybrid”.

    Learning Objective 1: Assess your leadership's readiness for the hybrid world.

    Learning Objective 2: Use the GROW method to coach employees to their own success.

    Learning Objective 3: Diagnose, and resolve, hybrid communication breakdowns.

    Alexis Haselberger is a time management and productivity coach who helps people do more and stress less through coaching, workshops and online courses. Her pragmatic, yet fun, approach helps people easily integrate practical, realistic strategies into their lives so that they can do more of what they want and less of what they don't. Alexis has taught thousands of individuals to take control of their time and her clients include Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork and more.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-9 (Guava/Tamarind) Hybrid Leadership: Essential Skills to Lead from Anywhere
    Alexis Hasselberger
    Hybrid is here to stay and it's time to get intentional about making it work. Are your managers struggling to transition to leading in a remote or hybrid environment? Are you finding that what worked in the office doesn't exactly translate to a hybrid world, this session is for you.

    In this session, you'll learn about the 7 essential hybrid leadership skill areas, and I'll provide practical, actionable solutions and techniques for the challenges you may face when your org “goes hybrid”.

    Learning Objective 1: Assess your leadership's readiness for the hybrid world.

    Learning Objective 2: Use the GROW method to coach employees to their own success.

    Learning Objective 3: Diagnose, and resolve, hybrid communication breakdowns.

    Alexis Haselberger is a time management and productivity coach who helps people do more and stress less through coaching, workshops and online courses. Her pragmatic, yet fun, approach helps people easily integrate practical, realistic strategies into their lives so that they can do more of what they want and less of what they don't. Alexis has taught thousands of individuals to take control of their time and her clients include Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork and more.

    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-10 (Portia/Wisteria) HR, It’s a New Day!
    Christie L. Engler, SPHR, SHRM-CP, MHRM
    How did you get into HR? Why do you stay? The HR industry made important strides as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic…now what? This presentation will challenge you to think differently about the HR industry, as well as consider how you can prepare for the future of work. Based on the speaker’s Amazon best-selling book, People Fusion (released January 2023). This energizing session will get attendees pumped up and ready to tackle HR!

    Learning Objective 1: Challenge ideals of the HR industry and examine the past, present, and future state of HR.

    Learning Objective 2: Encourage dialogue on how to improve and prepare for the future; help HR practitioners & leaders consider their roles and how to advance the industry within their organizations.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to collaborate with business owners and senior leaders as a strategic partner.

    Christie Engler has been a Human Resources practitioner for 20 years with a focus on small businesses. Christie is dedicated to advancing the HR profession. She has spoken at various HR conferences, and she writes a blog entitled ‘Living in the Gray’ designed to inspire HR professionals. Christie is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Keller Graduate School of Management. She holds the SPHR and SHRM-CP certifications. Christie lives in the Columbus, Ohio area with her husband and two daughters. She is a fanatic of Ohio State football and Orangetheory Fitness.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L2-10 (Portia/Wisteria) HR, It’s a New Day!
    Christie L. Engler, SPHR, SHRM-CP, MHRM
    How did you get into HR? Why do you stay? The HR industry made important strides as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic…now what? This presentation will challenge you to think differently about the HR industry, as well as consider how you can prepare for the future of work. Based on the speaker’s Amazon best-selling book, People Fusion (released January 2023). This energizing session will get attendees pumped up and ready to tackle HR!

    Learning Objective 1: Challenge ideals of the HR industry and examine the past, present, and future state of HR.

    Learning Objective 2: Encourage dialogue on how to improve and prepare for the future; help HR practitioners & leaders consider their roles and how to advance the industry within their organizations.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to collaborate with business owners and senior leaders as a strategic partner.

    Christie Engler has been a Human Resources practitioner for 20 years with a focus on small businesses. Christie is dedicated to advancing the HR profession. She has spoken at various HR conferences, and she writes a blog entitled ‘Living in the Gray’ designed to inspire HR professionals. Christie is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Keller Graduate School of Management. She holds the SPHR and SHRM-CP certifications. Christie lives in the Columbus, Ohio area with her husband and two daughters. She is a fanatic of Ohio State football and Orangetheory Fitness.
    Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
    2:30 PM to 3:45 PM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Holding Steady: Navigating Emotionally Charged Conversations
    Sarah Noll Wilson
    It takes courage to begin a conversation that we know might be difficult. So, how do we overcome our avoidance and engage? How do we navigate conversations where we might disagree or things might get heated? How do we stay curious and connected while we navigate a difficult situation?

    By leveraging the Curiosity First Approach to having conversations that are curious and candid, we will explore how to hold steady in the heat of an emotionally charged conversation and how to leverage curiosity to promote connection.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify and normalize stress responses during emotionally charged conversations and avoidance.

    Learning Objective 2: Explore strategies to navigate conversations that utilize curiosity and promote dialogue.

    Learning Objective 3: Practice strategies to regulate the heat of a conversation.

    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

    Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

    With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Holding Steady: Navigating Emotionally Charged Conversations
    Sarah Noll Wilson
    It takes courage to begin a conversation that we know might be difficult. So, how do we overcome our avoidance and engage? How do we navigate conversations where we might disagree or things might get heated? How do we stay curious and connected while we navigate a difficult situation?

    By leveraging the Curiosity First Approach to having conversations that are curious and candid, we will explore how to hold steady in the heat of an emotionally charged conversation and how to leverage curiosity to promote connection.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify and normalize stress responses during emotionally charged conversations and avoidance.

    Learning Objective 2: Explore strategies to navigate conversations that utilize curiosity and promote dialogue.

    Learning Objective 3: Practice strategies to regulate the heat of a conversation.

    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

    Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

    With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Benefits Compliance in a Nutshell
    Sue Sieger, ACFCI, CAS
    In this session, we will discuss the compliance basics of what you need to know about health and welfare plans. Sometimes it may feel like trying to navigate employee benefits leaves you swimming in a big pot of alphabet soup. We will help you sort out many of the widely used benefit acronyms you will encounter and help you gain a better understanding of how regulations like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) impact your benefit plans and why compliance is so important. We will include a discussion of case studies on some common compliance mistakes and offer some solutions to remedy. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your knowledge of employee benefit plan rules and learn how to stay in compliance!

    Learning Objective 1: Describe the basics of how the ACA and IRC impact health and welfare benefit plans.

    Learning Objective 2: Explain the basics of COBRA and required deadlines.

    Learning Objective 3: Outline the basics of ERISA for health and welfare benefit plan compliance.

    Sue Sieger has over 30 years of experience in the employee benefits industry. As senior compliance consultant at Employee Benefits Corporation, she has worked with thousands of employers and has become a leading specialist in employee benefits. Ms. Sieger is a frequent speaker on employee benefits both locally and nationwide.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Benefits Compliance in a Nutshell
    Sue Sieger, ACFCI, CAS
    In this session, we will discuss the compliance basics of what you need to know about health and welfare plans. Sometimes it may feel like trying to navigate employee benefits leaves you swimming in a big pot of alphabet soup. We will help you sort out many of the widely used benefit acronyms you will encounter and help you gain a better understanding of how regulations like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) impact your benefit plans and why compliance is so important. We will include a discussion of case studies on some common compliance mistakes and offer some solutions to remedy. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your knowledge of employee benefit plan rules and learn how to stay in compliance!

    Learning Objective 1: Describe the basics of how the ACA and IRC impact health and welfare benefit plans.

    Learning Objective 2: Explain the basics of COBRA and required deadlines.

    Learning Objective 3: Outline the basics of ERISA for health and welfare benefit plan compliance.

    Sue Sieger has over 30 years of experience in the employee benefits industry. As senior compliance consultant at Employee Benefits Corporation, she has worked with thousands of employers and has become a leading specialist in employee benefits. Ms. Sieger is a frequent speaker on employee benefits both locally and nationwide.
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Appealing to the Ages: Recruit, Reward and Retain Across Generations
    Nicki Johnson, Shay Sherfinski
    From The Beatles to Billie Eilish, attracting and retaining employees across the ever-growing cross-generational workforce requires a unique approach. In this presentation, you’ll learn real strategies and best practices for diversity and inclusion that have worked so well, Madonna and Dua Lipa would approve. No matter where your organization is at, we will provide tips and a ready-to-use action plan to promote generational inclusion and eliminate generational biases, which can be implemented immediately.

    We promise you’ll leave this session feeling confident and ready to lead a generationally diverse workforce with the tips and best practices needed to bridge the generation gap and attract and retain top talent.

    Learning Objective 1: Modify; Learn real strategies and practices for multi-generational employee attraction and retention. To learn and share tangible strategies and practices.

    Learning Objective 2: Consider; Regardless of where your organization is in recruiting new or “seasoned“ talent, we will provide you with clever ideas and useful examples that you can implement right away.

    Learning Objective 3: Sharing; Whether your HR Department is a Department of One or a Team Department; solid takeaways will be shared so you can hit the ground running or walking; depending on your level of readiness.

    Nicki offers over 16 years of human resources expertise. Her specialties include HR strategic planning, talent acquisition, organizational development, employee relations, employee engagement/culture, labor law and legal compliance, and compensation.

    Shay’s insurance and consulting career is approaching the decade mark. Prior to joining the insurance industry, she worked in business development and client service, including time at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Bucks (Go Bucks!). As an employee, she remembers being on the other side of insurance listening to a Benefits Consultant discuss the benefits available to her —and not understanding the terms they used or how the benefits worked. She decided when she joined the Benefits Consulting Team at R&R that her #1 priority was to ensure employees and employers understood benefits, without all the jargon.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Appealing to the Ages: Recruit, Reward and Retain Across Generations
    Nicki Johnson, Shay Sherfinski
    From The Beatles to Billie Eilish, attracting and retaining employees across the ever-growing cross-generational workforce requires a unique approach. In this presentation, you’ll learn real strategies and best practices for diversity and inclusion that have worked so well, Madonna and Dua Lipa would approve. No matter where your organization is at, we will provide tips and a ready-to-use action plan to promote generational inclusion and eliminate generational biases, which can be implemented immediately.

    We promise you’ll leave this session feeling confident and ready to lead a generationally diverse workforce with the tips and best practices needed to bridge the generation gap and attract and retain top talent.

    Learning Objective 1: Modify; Learn real strategies and practices for multi-generational employee attraction and retention. To learn and share tangible strategies and practices.

    Learning Objective 2: Consider; Regardless of where your organization is in recruiting new or “seasoned“ talent, we will provide you with clever ideas and useful examples that you can implement right away.

    Learning Objective 3: Sharing; Whether your HR Department is a Department of One or a Team Department; solid takeaways will be shared so you can hit the ground running or walking; depending on your level of readiness.

    Nicki offers over 16 years of human resources expertise. Her specialties include HR strategic planning, talent acquisition, organizational development, employee relations, employee engagement/culture, labor law and legal compliance, and compensation.

    Shay’s insurance and consulting career is approaching the decade mark. Prior to joining the insurance industry, she worked in business development and client service, including time at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Bucks (Go Bucks!). As an employee, she remembers being on the other side of insurance listening to a Benefits Consultant discuss the benefits available to her —and not understanding the terms they used or how the benefits worked. She decided when she joined the Benefits Consulting Team at R&R that her #1 priority was to ensure employees and employers understood benefits, without all the jargon.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Helping Teams Thrive in a VUCA World
    Rachel Breitbach
    An environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is becoming more prevalent in the business world. To help lead teams through this environment, it is important for leaders to understand behaviors and Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategies to incorporate to build greater change agility and resilience.

    This session is intended for all human resources practitioners and leaders who are sponsoring and guiding others through change.

    Learning Objective 1: VUCA Awareness: Understand what VUCA means and the difference between planned and unplanned changes.

    Learning Objective 2: VUCA Impacts: Understand the impacts a VUCA environment can have on organizations and teams.

    Learning Objective 3: Org. Change and Leadership Practices: Provide some immediate dynamic org. change management and leadership practices that HR practitioners and leaders can embrace to help their teams not just survive but thrive.

    As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Helping Teams Thrive in a VUCA World
    Rachel Breitbach
    An environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is becoming more prevalent in the business world. To help lead teams through this environment, it is important for leaders to understand behaviors and Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategies to incorporate to build greater change agility and resilience.

    This session is intended for all human resources practitioners and leaders who are sponsoring and guiding others through change.

    Learning Objective 1: VUCA Awareness: Understand what VUCA means and the difference between planned and unplanned changes.

    Learning Objective 2: VUCA Impacts: Understand the impacts a VUCA environment can have on organizations and teams.

    Learning Objective 3: Org. Change and Leadership Practices: Provide some immediate dynamic org. change management and leadership practices that HR practitioners and leaders can embrace to help their teams not just survive but thrive.

    As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-5 (Kalahari A-B) Attract and Retain Employees with Financial Wellness
    Joe Saari, William Weyers
    Now more than ever in these turbulent times with the threat of inflation, a volatile market, and uncertain economic times, smart HR professionals are seeking ways to help reduce financial stress in the workplace and help attract, retain, and fully engage a motivated workforce. Through this powerful presentation you will learn key details such as:
    -How offering financial wellness program can enhance the lives of your staff, fostering a less stressed and more productive workforce that benefits your organization’s bottom line.
    -Understand trends and key discoveries from a statewide survey conducted by the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability and the UW-Madison.
    -Discover the resources available to you to help make an immediate impact in the financial wellness of your employees along with best practices and prior results.
    Join us and learn how to empower your employees with financial knowledge and security. Our panel of experts will discuss the best ways to engage your employees and help them attain financial success. You will also learn ideas on how to find and implement a financial wellness program to help you attract, retain and engage a motivated workforce.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn from industry experts, extensive research and survey data about both national and state trends related to how the financial wellness of your employees impacts your organization’s workforce as well as key trends and results from 100’s of employers in Wisconsin.

    Learning Objective 2: Discover the bottom-line impact that an effective financial wellness program can have on your workforce in terms of helping you improve employee’s financial aptitude, behavior, and confidence and the impact that can have on helping you attract, retain and engage talent.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices from industry experts along with a host of resources available to you at little or no charge thanks to the work of the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability along with other program partners in an public-private partnership called Elevate Wisconsin aiming to help organizations and HR / Benefit professionals improve financial wellness in the workplace.

    David D. Mancl is the director of the Office of Financial Literacy at the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and has over 20 years of experience in the financial literacy and capability field. In this position he takes a leadership role on all issues of financial literacy and capability, and manages the department’s related programs and initiatives.

    J. Michael Collins is faculty director of the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the Fetzer Family Chair in Consumer & Personal Finance in the School of Human Ecology, a Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs, a family economics specialist for the Division of Extension, and an affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty and Center for Demography and Ecology.

    Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) Secretary-designee Cheryll Olson-Collins, a native of Portage, Wis., spent more than two decades in the private-sector banking industry before joining the State of Wisconsin.

    Joe Saari is the founder and Chairman of the Financial Fitness Group (FFG). A well-known thought leader, who has been featured on CNBC, CNN, and Bloomberg TV, Joe brings over 20 years of experience as an academic, innovator, and leader in the field of financial wellness.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-5 (Kalahari A-B) Attract and Retain Employees with Financial Wellness
    Michael Collins, David Manci, Cheryll Olson-Collins, Joe Saari
    Now more than ever in these turbulent times with the threat of inflation, a volatile market, and uncertain economic times, smart HR professionals are seeking ways to help reduce financial stress in the workplace and help attract, retain, and fully engage a motivated workforce. Through this powerful presentation you will learn key details such as:
    -How offering financial wellness program can enhance the lives of your staff, fostering a less stressed and more productive workforce that benefits your organization’s bottom line.
    -Understand trends and key discoveries from a statewide survey conducted by the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability and the UW-Madison.
    -Discover the resources available to you to help make an immediate impact in the financial wellness of your employees along with best practices and prior results.
    Join us and learn how to empower your employees with financial knowledge and security. Our panel of experts will discuss the best ways to engage your employees and help them attain financial success. You will also learn ideas on how to find and implement a financial wellness program to help you attract, retain and engage a motivated workforce.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn from industry experts, extensive research and survey data about both national and state trends related to how the financial wellness of your employees impacts your organization’s workforce as well as key trends and results from 100’s of employers in Wisconsin.

    Learning Objective 2: Discover the bottom-line impact that an effective financial wellness program can have on your workforce in terms of helping you improve employee’s financial aptitude, behavior, and confidence and the impact that can have on helping you attract, retain and engage talent.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices from industry experts along with a host of resources available to you at little or no charge thanks to the work of the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability along with other program partners in an public-private partnership called Elevate Wisconsin aiming to help organizations and HR / Benefit professionals improve financial wellness in the workplace.

    David D. Mancl is the director of the Office of Financial Literacy at the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and has over 20 years of experience in the financial literacy and capability field. In this position he takes a leadership role on all issues of financial literacy and capability, and manages the department’s related programs and initiatives.

    J. Michael Collins is faculty director of the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the Fetzer Family Chair in Consumer & Personal Finance in the School of Human Ecology, a Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs, a family economics specialist for the Division of Extension, and an affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty and Center for Demography and Ecology.

    Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) Secretary-designee Cheryll Olson-Collins, a native of Portage, Wis., spent more than two decades in the private-sector banking industry before joining the State of Wisconsin.

    Joe Saari is the founder and Chairman of the Financial Fitness Group (FFG). A well-known thought leader, who has been featured on CNBC, CNN, and Bloomberg TV, Joe brings over 20 years of experience as an academic, innovator, and leader in the field of financial wellness.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-6 (Kalahari C-D) SECURE ACT 2.0 - It’s Impact on Your Retirement Plan and All of Your Admin Processes
    Neil Decker, Paul Dowd, Roger Fuerstenau
    The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in December 2019 and became a law as of Jan. 1, 2020. The legislation created changes for long-term retirement savings and has financial impacts for Americans at every age.
    And then…

    SECURE 2.0 Act was signed into law in late 2022, delivering dozens of new retirement-related provisions. These changes build on the original SECURE Act of 2019, which altered the rules around how you can save and withdraw money from your retirement accounts. SECURE 2.0 Act addresses additional issues related to retirement and savings that were not part of the original SECURE Act, creating new flexibility and accessibility to help individuals plan for a more secure future.

    We will unpack the changes happening in 2023 and through 2033 that impact retirement plan administration and the residual impact on payroll, HR and admin teams.

    Learning Objective 1: What the new law requires of business owners. The changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years and business owners will need to make some of the changes while other changes may be optional.

    Learning Objective 2: How the law will affect your retirement plan?
    How the law will affect you if your DON'T have a retirement plan?
    Existing plans will need to be updated.
    Don't have a plan? You will have to offer one or use your states version. We will explain.

    Learning Objective 3: When the changes will go into effect.
    Changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years.
    We will give you the timeline to make changes/updates.

    Roger is a 25-year veteran in the financial services industry. He is an HCM Consultant and podcast host for The Benefit Companies. He graduated from Concordia Mequon with a BA in Business.

    Paul brings over 30 years of retirement plan consulting and sales experience with his most recent role as Senior Regional Sales Director at Morningstar, Inc. Paul is responsible for Business Development at The Benefit Companies. Paul graduated from the U of Illinois in finance.

    Neil is a Retirement Plan Account Executive and HCM Consultant with The Benefit Companies. Neil graduated from UW-Madison in Personal Finance and Financial Planning.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-6 (Kalahari C-D) SECURE ACT 2.0 - It’s Impact on Your Retirement Plan and All of Your Admin Processes
    Neil Decker, Paul Dowd, Roger Fuerstenau
    The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in December 2019 and became a law as of Jan. 1, 2020. The legislation created changes for long-term retirement savings and has financial impacts for Americans at every age.
    And then…

    SECURE 2.0 Act was signed into law in late 2022, delivering dozens of new retirement-related provisions. These changes build on the original SECURE Act of 2019, which altered the rules around how you can save and withdraw money from your retirement accounts. SECURE 2.0 Act addresses additional issues related to retirement and savings that were not part of the original SECURE Act, creating new flexibility and accessibility to help individuals plan for a more secure future.

    We will unpack the changes happening in 2023 and through 2033 that impact retirement plan administration and the residual impact on payroll, HR and admin teams.

    Learning Objective 1: What the new law requires of business owners. The changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years and business owners will need to make some of the changes while other changes may be optional.

    Learning Objective 2: How the law will affect your retirement plan?
    How the law will affect you if your DON'T have a retirement plan?
    Existing plans will need to be updated.
    Don't have a plan? You will have to offer one or use your states version. We will explain.

    Learning Objective 3: When the changes will go into effect.
    Changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years.
    We will give you the timeline to make changes/updates.

    Roger is a 25-year veteran in the financial services industry. He is an HCM Consultant and podcast host for The Benefit Companies. He graduated from Concordia Mequon with a BA in Business.

    Paul brings over 30 years of retirement plan consulting and sales experience with his most recent role as Senior Regional Sales Director at Morningstar, Inc. Paul is responsible for Business Development at The Benefit Companies. Paul graduated from the U of Illinois in finance.

    Neil is a Retirement Plan Account Executive and HCM Consultant with The Benefit Companies. Neil graduated from UW-Madison in Personal Finance and Financial Planning.
    Room Number: Kalahari C-D
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-7 (Kalahari E-F) Leverage Your Team’s Superpowers & Build a StrengthsFirst Culture
    Tiffany Weigand
    Do you feel like you're always focusing on the fire in front of you? Team members are exhausted, burned out, frustrated or not working well as a team? Maybe you notice the complaining, the low morale, high turnover, or that you aren't meeting your goals.
    If any of these sounds like your team, consider shifting perspective to help your team identify their individual strengths for increased engagement and energy management.

    Strengths-based leadership and team development are vital for every individual and group. The StrengthsFirst program focuses on individual strengths, the need to partner with others, and how it all fits together to optimize all people and situations. Through discussion and direct application of CliftonStrengths and our proprietary tools, individuals and teams will see themselves in a new and positive light.

    Help individuals and teams leverage their superpowers. Take "weakness" out of your vocabulary and replace it with "partner-up opportunities" for maximum engagement, retention, and efficiency.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the uniqueness of each person’s individual strengths.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize and appreciate personal strengths, as well as the natural need for others’ strengths achieved through partnering-up.

    Learning Objective 3: Identify how it all fits together, using strengths for individuals, teams and organizations to increase engagement, energy and efficiency.

    With 20+ years of marketing and consulting, Tiffany has served regional and global organizations in numerous industries, including manufacturing, education, municipalities, small business and nonprofit. Tiffany’s Gallup Certification, experience, and focus on real life solutions adds tremendous value to her clients. She has a Bachelor's in Marketing from UW-La Crosse and an MBA from Marquette University. Her top strengths are focus, responsibility, analytical, relator, and consistency.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-7 (Kalahari E-F) Leverage Your Team’s Superpowers & Build a StrengthsFirst Culture
    Tiffany Weigand
    Do you feel like you're always focusing on the fire in front of you? Team members are exhausted, burned out, frustrated or not working well as a team? Maybe you notice the complaining, the low morale, high turnover, or that you aren't meeting your goals.
    If any of these sounds like your team, consider shifting perspective to help your team identify their individual strengths for increased engagement and energy management.

    Strengths-based leadership and team development are vital for every individual and group. The StrengthsFirst program focuses on individual strengths, the need to partner with others, and how it all fits together to optimize all people and situations. Through discussion and direct application of CliftonStrengths and our proprietary tools, individuals and teams will see themselves in a new and positive light.

    Help individuals and teams leverage their superpowers. Take "weakness" out of your vocabulary and replace it with "partner-up opportunities" for maximum engagement, retention, and efficiency.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the uniqueness of each person’s individual strengths.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize and appreciate personal strengths, as well as the natural need for others’ strengths achieved through partnering-up.

    Learning Objective 3: Identify how it all fits together, using strengths for individuals, teams and organizations to increase engagement, energy and efficiency.

    With 20+ years of marketing and consulting, Tiffany has served regional and global organizations in numerous industries, including manufacturing, education, municipalities, small business and nonprofit. Tiffany’s Gallup Certification, experience, and focus on real life solutions adds tremendous value to her clients. She has a Bachelor's in Marketing from UW-La Crosse and an MBA from Marquette University. Her top strengths are focus, responsibility, analytical, relator, and consistency.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-8 (Kalahari G-H) What Employees Want: Using Data to Optimize Your Rewards Program
    Taylor Orton
    In this session, we will dive deep into employee perception data and how it can be used to better align employer rewards with what employees actually value in their total rewards package.

    Learning Objective 1: A Framework to Prioritize Your Total Rewards Initiatives

    Learning Objective 2: Innovative Ways to Tweak Traditional Rewards to Stand Out From the Crowd

    Learning Objective 3: Proven Strategies to Free Up Expenses to Allow for Reinvestment

    Taylor Orton has worked with Cottingham & Butler since 2012 and currently holds the position of Vice President and Director of Wisconsin Benefits for the Employee Benefits Consulting division. Prior to managing the Wisconsin Benefits Practice, Taylor ran the Healthcare Analytics division of Cottingham & Butler and brought with him an analytical background with experience in Private Equity and IBM. Taylor’s vast experience in both employee benefits and data analytics provides clients with a strategical insight to make better decisions for their organization and employees.

    Taylor received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Dubuque. He also holds a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist designation awarded by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-8 (Kalahari G-H) What Employees Want: Using Data to Optimize Your Rewards Program
    Taylor Orton
    In this session, we will dive deep into employee perception data and how it can be used to better align employer rewards with what employees actually value in their total rewards package.

    Learning Objective 1: A Framework to Prioritize Your Total Rewards Initiatives

    Learning Objective 2: Innovative Ways to Tweak Traditional Rewards to Stand Out From the Crowd

    Learning Objective 3: Proven Strategies to Free Up Expenses to Allow for Reinvestment

    Taylor Orton has worked with Cottingham & Butler since 2012 and currently holds the position of Vice President and Director of Wisconsin Benefits for the Employee Benefits Consulting division. Prior to managing the Wisconsin Benefits Practice, Taylor ran the Healthcare Analytics division of Cottingham & Butler and brought with him an analytical background with experience in Private Equity and IBM. Taylor’s vast experience in both employee benefits and data analytics provides clients with a strategical insight to make better decisions for their organization and employees.

    Taylor received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Dubuque. He also holds a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist designation awarded by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Employer Healthcare Success Formula
    Matt Ohrt
    Having led a healthcare improvement journey at Merrill Steel in Schofield, WI, which saved millions of dollars of plan spend, while adding a large host of no cost care options for members, such as primary care, imaging, surgery, etc. Matt has become well known in Wisconsin and nationally for his knowledge and leadership ability on employer healthcare plans. Improvements to benefit plan also give an employer a great advantage for recruiting and retention. They also earn HR valuable credibility in the area of business acumen, cost management, and culture change.

    Learning Objective 1: Educate HR leaders on the current condition of healthcare. According to the most recent RAND study, Wisconsin ranks as the 4th most expensive state to receive healthcare. Employers and employees are the overburdened payers.

    Learning Objective 2: Educate HR leaders on why Wisconsin is the 4th highest cost and the things that are causing this.

    Learning Objective 3: Share a practical method, called the Employer Healthcare Success Formula, which is backed by employer success stories across the state that HR leaders can follow to reduce wasted cost with their employer sponsored health plan, while greatly increasing the quality of care.

    As the VP of Human Resources at Merrill Steel, Matt embarked on a healthcare journey that took him places he never would have imagined, ultimately discovering a repeatable path for employers to fix their healthcare.

    Matt founded the Healthcare Best Practice Group, which includes over 250 Wisconsin employers, and is a Co-Chapter Leader for the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA). His diligence and gritty leadership have sparked and supported a healthcare improvement movement in Wisconsin.

    Matt is the recipient of the 2019 CWSHRM HR Professional of the Year, the Alliance 2020 Healthcare Transformation Award, the 2020 National Employer/Purchaser Healthcare Excellence Award (previously won by Disney, Boeing, and Walmart) and the 2022 Free Market Medical Association’s Be the Beacon Award.

    Matt and his wife Denise have been married 26 years and live in central Wisconsin. They have five children - one adopted and serve as champion foster parents for Marathon County.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Employer Healthcare Success Formula
    Matt Ohrt
    Having led a healthcare improvement journey at Merrill Steel in Schofield, WI, which saved millions of dollars of plan spend, while adding a large host of no cost care options for members, such as primary care, imaging, surgery, etc. Matt has become well known in Wisconsin and nationally for his knowledge and leadership ability on employer healthcare plans. Improvements to benefit plan also give an employer a great advantage for recruiting and retention. They also earn HR valuable credibility in the area of business acumen, cost management, and culture change.

    Learning Objective 1: Educate HR leaders on the current condition of healthcare. According to the most recent RAND study, Wisconsin ranks as the 4th most expensive state to receive healthcare. Employers and employees are the overburdened payers.

    Learning Objective 2: Educate HR leaders on why Wisconsin is the 4th highest cost and the things that are causing this.

    Learning Objective 3: Share a practical method, called the Employer Healthcare Success Formula, which is backed by employer success stories across the state that HR leaders can follow to reduce wasted cost with their employer sponsored health plan, while greatly increasing the quality of care.

    As the VP of Human Resources at Merrill Steel, Matt embarked on a healthcare journey that took him places he never would have imagined, ultimately discovering a repeatable path for employers to fix their healthcare.

    Matt founded the Healthcare Best Practice Group, which includes over 250 Wisconsin employers, and is a Co-Chapter Leader for the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA). His diligence and gritty leadership have sparked and supported a healthcare improvement movement in Wisconsin.

    Matt is the recipient of the 2019 CWSHRM HR Professional of the Year, the Alliance 2020 Healthcare Transformation Award, the 2020 National Employer/Purchaser Healthcare Excellence Award (previously won by Disney, Boeing, and Walmart) and the 2022 Free Market Medical Association’s Be the Beacon Award.

    Matt and his wife Denise have been married 26 years and live in central Wisconsin. They have five children - one adopted and serve as champion foster parents for Marathon County.

    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-10 (Portia/Wisteria) A Deep Dive into Student Loan Repayment Assistance
    Amy Nelson
    Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA) is one of the fastest growing employee benefits. It’s a strategic way to attract and retain top talent because it directly addresses the burden that student loan debt places on borrowers. Employers can make tax-free payments toward an employee’s student loans up to $5,250 per year.

    Join us to learn more about SLRA, its impact on employees and employers, and key considerations when creating a program.

    Learning Objective 1: Define Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA), share background, features and insight into tax-free status.

    Learning Objective 2: Identify employee and employer impacts of SLRA.

    Learning Objective 3: Introduce considerations for implementation of a SLRA program and examine ROI.

    Amy is an Attigo Regional Sales Director, with nearly two decades of assisting organizations implement strategic plans to meet the educational assistance goals for their employees, their employee’s dependents, and the constituents that they serve. She helps Human Resource leaders better understand the impact of student loan debt on their workforce, and the positive gains achieved from a repayment benefit.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L3-10 (Portia/Wisteria) A Deep Dive into Student Loan Repayment Assistance
    Amy Nelson
    Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA) is one of the fastest growing employee benefits. It’s a strategic way to attract and retain top talent because it directly addresses the burden that student loan debt places on borrowers. Employers can make tax-free payments toward an employee’s student loans up to $5,250 per year.

    Join us to learn more about SLRA, its impact on employees and employers, and key considerations when creating a program.

    Learning Objective 1: Define Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA), share background, features and insight into tax-free status.

    Learning Objective 2: Identify employee and employer impacts of SLRA.

    Learning Objective 3: Introduce considerations for implementation of a SLRA program and examine ROI.

    Amy is an Attigo Regional Sales Director, with nearly two decades of assisting organizations implement strategic plans to meet the educational assistance goals for their employees, their employee’s dependents, and the constituents that they serve. She helps Human Resource leaders better understand the impact of student loan debt on their workforce, and the positive gains achieved from a repayment benefit.

    Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
    4:00 PM to 5:15 PM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) The Quest for Culture: Is it an Impossible Dream?
    Shawn Gulyas
    Creating and maintaining a top workplace culture is a challenging, ongoing process reinforced through an organization’s people touchpoints - communications, talent discovery, onboarding, performance management and every other practice that impacts your team. If culture is “everything,” where does a leader begin? HR’s role in attaining a dream culture is rooted in purposeful action. In this session, HR professionals on a culture crusade will explore the foundational pillars that simplify and inspire that action, and learn the methodology that makes culture dreams a reality. This session will energize the role of HR, enliven people touchpoint practices and redefine the world of work.

    Learning Objective 1: Participants will define and prioritize the “dream” elements of their organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will set their “dream” into motion by identifying the purposeful actions (i.e. their culture strategy) using the humanworks8 framework.

    Learning Objective 3: Participants will leverage new tools for strategic guidance and internal communication to harness momentum.

    Shawn exists to design and facilitate creative experiences that challenge one’s thinking and action – helping individuals and companies find their authenticity and elevate their people touchpoints. After a 25-year leadership career in HR, Shawn founded humanworks8 to help organizations improve their bottom line by building sustainable people practices through Culture Development, Talent Engagement, Leadership Development and Strategic Planning.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) The Quest for Culture: Is it an Impossible Dream?
    Shawn Gulyas
    Creating and maintaining a top workplace culture is a challenging, ongoing process reinforced through an organization’s people touchpoints - communications, talent discovery, onboarding, performance management and every other practice that impacts your team. If culture is “everything,” where does a leader begin? HR’s role in attaining a dream culture is rooted in purposeful action. In this session, HR professionals on a culture crusade will explore the foundational pillars that simplify and inspire that action, and learn the methodology that makes culture dreams a reality. This session will energize the role of HR, enliven people touchpoint practices and redefine the world of work.

    Learning Objective 1: Participants will define and prioritize the “dream” elements of their organizational culture.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will set their “dream” into motion by identifying the purposeful actions (i.e. their culture strategy) using the humanworks8 framework.

    Learning Objective 3: Participants will leverage new tools for strategic guidance and internal communication to harness momentum.

    Shawn exists to design and facilitate creative experiences that challenge one’s thinking and action – helping individuals and companies find their authenticity and elevate their people touchpoints. After a 25-year leadership career in HR, Shawn founded humanworks8 to help organizations improve their bottom line by building sustainable people practices through Culture Development, Talent Engagement, Leadership Development and Strategic Planning.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) What’s New in Benefits: Lifestyle Spending Accounts
    Sarah Fowles, JD
    Employees are unique; let them choose how to use their benefit dollars. Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) are a flexible, usually after-tax benefit offering to help support employees’ individual lifestyles. LSAs are an excellent tool to help employees pay for a variety of expenses above and beyond what traditional benefit accounts can cover, including work equipment, return to office incentives, fitness memberships, and much more. But watch out - LSAs also contain a few “compliance traps” for the unwary and can trigger unexpected tax consequences, requirements under ERISA and other benefits laws depending on what they cover.

    In this session, we will be discussing:
    •Market trends around LSAs
    •Where LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture
    •Case Study: Employers who have offered an LSA and why?
    •How to recognize and avoid “compliance traps”

    Learning Objective 1: Discuss market trends around LSAs.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand how LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture.

    Learning Objective 3: Recognize and avoid compliance traps.

    Sarah Fowles is Compliance Director for Employee Benefits Corporation ("EBC"). Prior to joining EBC, Sarah worked for national and regional brokerages as a compliance consultant. She is a licensed attorney, and spent 7 years practicing employee benefits law with a focus on health and welfare benefits.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) What’s New in Benefits: Lifestyle Spending Accounts
    Sarah Fowles, JD
    Employees are unique; let them choose how to use their benefit dollars. Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) are a flexible, usually after-tax benefit offering to help support employees’ individual lifestyles. LSAs are an excellent tool to help employees pay for a variety of expenses above and beyond what traditional benefit accounts can cover, including work equipment, return to office incentives, fitness memberships, and much more. But watch out - LSAs also contain a few “compliance traps” for the unwary and can trigger unexpected tax consequences, requirements under ERISA and other benefits laws depending on what they cover.

    In this session, we will be discussing:
    •Market trends around LSAs
    •Where LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture
    •Case Study: Employers who have offered an LSA and why?
    •How to recognize and avoid “compliance traps”

    Learning Objective 1: Discuss market trends around LSAs.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand how LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture.

    Learning Objective 3: Recognize and avoid compliance traps.

    Sarah Fowles is Compliance Director for Employee Benefits Corporation ("EBC"). Prior to joining EBC, Sarah worked for national and regional brokerages as a compliance consultant. She is a licensed attorney, and spent 7 years practicing employee benefits law with a focus on health and welfare benefits.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Cultivating Charisma
    Kristin Bock
    Leadership begins with a moment...

    ... an introduction that conveys confidence, competence, and character...
    ... an interaction that creates connection...
    ... an opportunity that establishes your executive presence.

    At the core of building executive presence is your charisma—that “something special” that draws others to you and makes them eager to trust you. Even if you’re not a “natural born leader”, you can build executive presence by cultivating your charisma. A foundational approach to executive presence training, this interactive session illustrates the nonverbal keys of influence and how they affect the way others perceive you, your warmth, your competence, and your ability to lead.

    Learning Objective 1: We often consider charisma and executive presence to be mysterious and elusive skills only a few are lucky enough to possess. Yet these skills can be both learned and taught. We will identify leaders that have these qualities and examine hard and soft skills and their relationship to influence. We will take a quiz to determine personal tendencies.

    Learning Objective 2: Understanding how emotional intelligence (EI) and interpersonal intelligence (PQ) impact how others perceive and relate to us is the key to cultivating charisma. We will discuss ways to calibrate and balance our warmth and competence cues both in-person and in the virtual world. We will highlight recognizing our own cues and discover how we can show up more intentionally. We will learn how RBF (resting “bothered” face) is actually real and learn what we can do to make adjustments.

    Learning Objective 3: How we make others feel matters. Understanding how we show up and impact others is an important part of presence and influence (besides recruitment and retention)! We will look at the neuroscience of human connection and discover nonverbal communication cues that our brain needs in order to build trust, rapport, and empathy. We will also analyze the influence and impact of nonverbal cues in our environment.

    Kristin Bock—aka Woman Determined To Make Sure People Feel Seen & Heard—is a speaker, coach, and the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an online platform that helps leaders and professionals win more clients, enchant audiences, & supercharge their communities.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Cultivating Charisma
    Kristin Bock
    Leadership begins with a moment...

    ... an introduction that conveys confidence, competence, and character...
    ... an interaction that creates connection...
    ... an opportunity that establishes your executive presence.

    At the core of building executive presence is your charisma—that “something special” that draws others to you and makes them eager to trust you. Even if you’re not a “natural born leader”, you can build executive presence by cultivating your charisma. A foundational approach to executive presence training, this interactive session illustrates the nonverbal keys of influence and how they affect the way others perceive you, your warmth, your competence, and your ability to lead.

    Learning Objective 1: We often consider charisma and executive presence to be mysterious and elusive skills only a few are lucky enough to possess. Yet these skills can be both learned and taught. We will identify leaders that have these qualities and examine hard and soft skills and their relationship to influence. We will take a quiz to determine personal tendencies.

    Learning Objective 2: Understanding how emotional intelligence (EI) and interpersonal intelligence (PQ) impact how others perceive and relate to us is the key to cultivating charisma. We will discuss ways to calibrate and balance our warmth and competence cues both in-person and in the virtual world. We will highlight recognizing our own cues and discover how we can show up more intentionally. We will learn how RBF (resting “bothered” face) is actually real and learn what we can do to make adjustments.

    Learning Objective 3: How we make others feel matters. Understanding how we show up and impact others is an important part of presence and influence (besides recruitment and retention)! We will look at the neuroscience of human connection and discover nonverbal communication cues that our brain needs in order to build trust, rapport, and empathy. We will also analyze the influence and impact of nonverbal cues in our environment.

    Kristin Bock—aka Woman Determined To Make Sure People Feel Seen & Heard—is a speaker, coach, and the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an online platform that helps leaders and professionals win more clients, enchant audiences, & supercharge their communities.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Psychological Safety Fosters Positive Change
    Rachel Breitbach
    As we lead change, we are focused on creating an environment where people are ready for and can adopt change. To do that, we need to understand the organization’s culture and environment and one of the most important aspects of culture is that people inherently feel psychologically safe. Amy Edmonson from Harvard defines psychological safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes, and that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” It is a simple concept but it isn’t necessarily easy to create. How can HR Practitioners and leaders instill an environment of psychological safety that helps to enable positive change?

    Learning Objective 1: What is psychological safety and what happens when psychological safety is and is not present?

    Learning Objective 2: How psychological safety impacts change outcomes.

    Learning Objective 3: What can we do to create psychological safety?

    As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Psychological Safety Fosters Positive Change
    Rachel Breitbach
    As we lead change, we are focused on creating an environment where people are ready for and can adopt change. To do that, we need to understand the organization’s culture and environment and one of the most important aspects of culture is that people inherently feel psychologically safe. Amy Edmonson from Harvard defines psychological safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes, and that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” It is a simple concept but it isn’t necessarily easy to create. How can HR Practitioners and leaders instill an environment of psychological safety that helps to enable positive change?

    Learning Objective 1: What is psychological safety and what happens when psychological safety is and is not present?

    Learning Objective 2: How psychological safety impacts change outcomes.

    Learning Objective 3: What can we do to create psychological safety?

    As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!
    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-5 (Kalahari A-B) You’ve Been Ghosted: 3 Steps to Becoming an HR Ghostbuster
    Steven Smith
    Ghosting is an issue that has plagued employers for years, but recently, this phenomenon has seen the disapparation of more applicants than ever before. While many employers are blaming the rising generation, laziness, lack of respect or professionalism, etc., what if part of the problem was the employer’s fault?

    In this session we will cover how to become an HR ghostbuster by looking at three specific areas where ghosting occurs the most. Understanding why it occurs is also extremely important to potentially mitigate the issue and give your organization the opportunity to not only attract applicants, but keep them interested and engaged without losing them along the way.

    Finally, you will learn a bit more about quiet quitting, and how ghosting is related to this very issue. Also, what would you do if you learned that quiet quitting is sometimes a call for help?

    Come learn to be an HR Ghostbuster, and you will have applicants and employees alike answering the question:

    Who you gonna call?

    Why, HR of course!

    Learning Objective 1: Understand how the application process can cause ghosting and three immediate practices that can be implemented to mitigate ghosting at this stage of the process.

    Learning Objective 2: Define the job seeker persona to help avoid the common mistakes that lead to ghosting and understand how the job ad has a direct impact on the likelihood of ghosting from the application stage to the interview process.

    Learning Objective 3: Gain a sound understanding of how manager engagement during the interview process can help stop ghosting and three core elements to help managers better prepare for the interview. Also learn the six practices for engaged focus.

    Steve will be the first to tell you that recruiting is marketing. He earned a BS in Finance at Brigham Young University and started his career in recruiting in Feb 2005. In 2008, he took a risk during a recession to help start a new company with Ryan Kohler, called ApplicantPro, designed to provide applicant tracking software for small to mid-sized businesses. 11,000 clients and 300 employees later, ApplicantPro has been on the Inc 5000 list 10 years in a row. Steve currently serves as the Utah SHRM State Director and he loves to volunteer. His book, The Hiring Tree: Laws of Applicant Attraction, has helped thousands of organizations across the country rethink the way they approach hiring. #1 New Release in several categories on Amazon in 2023, The Hiring Tree will help any organization understand the principles and role of SEO and marketing when it comes to attracting job seekers.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-5 (Kalahari A-B) You’ve Been Ghosted: 3 Steps to Becoming an HR Ghostbuster
    Steven Smith
    Ghosting is an issue that has plagued employers for years, but recently, this phenomenon has seen the disapparation of more applicants than ever before. While many employers are blaming the rising generation, laziness, lack of respect or professionalism, etc., what if part of the problem was the employer’s fault?

    In this session we will cover how to become an HR ghostbuster by looking at three specific areas where ghosting occurs the most. Understanding why it occurs is also extremely important to potentially mitigate the issue and give your organization the opportunity to not only attract applicants, but keep them interested and engaged without losing them along the way.

    Finally, you will learn a bit more about quiet quitting, and how ghosting is related to this very issue. Also, what would you do if you learned that quiet quitting is sometimes a call for help?

    Come learn to be an HR Ghostbuster, and you will have applicants and employees alike answering the question:

    Who you gonna call?

    Why, HR of course!

    Learning Objective 1: Understand how the application process can cause ghosting and three immediate practices that can be implemented to mitigate ghosting at this stage of the process.

    Learning Objective 2: Define the job seeker persona to help avoid the common mistakes that lead to ghosting and understand how the job ad has a direct impact on the likelihood of ghosting from the application stage to the interview process.

    Learning Objective 3: Gain a sound understanding of how manager engagement during the interview process can help stop ghosting and three core elements to help managers better prepare for the interview. Also learn the six practices for engaged focus.

    Steve will be the first to tell you that recruiting is marketing. He earned a BS in Finance at Brigham Young University and started his career in recruiting in Feb 2005. In 2008, he took a risk during a recession to help start a new company with Ryan Kohler, called ApplicantPro, designed to provide applicant tracking software for small to mid-sized businesses. 11,000 clients and 300 employees later, ApplicantPro has been on the Inc 5000 list 10 years in a row. Steve currently serves as the Utah SHRM State Director and he loves to volunteer. His book, The Hiring Tree: Laws of Applicant Attraction, has helped thousands of organizations across the country rethink the way they approach hiring. #1 New Release in several categories on Amazon in 2023, The Hiring Tree will help any organization understand the principles and role of SEO and marketing when it comes to attracting job seekers.
    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-6 (Kalahari C-D) Creating a Winning Culture in Times of Chaos
    Ryan Festerling
    The rise in demand for remote or hybrid roles, the shifting labor market and increased competition for talent are all issues that HR teams are facing in a post-pandemic world. All of these factors can affect your company's culture. In this presentation track, you will learn how to cut through the chaos and create a winning culture by having employee alignment, brand ambassadors and understanding how to centralize a decentralized environment.

    Learning Objective 1: Unifying new and legacy employees – honoring the past, driving the future, and getting others to own the culture.

    Learning Objective 2: Understanding the ‘Golden Rule’: Developing brand ambassadors in the onboarding and offboarding process.

    Learning Objective 3: Creating a centralized culture in a decentralized environment.

    Ryan Festerling is President of QPS Employment Group with over 50 locations in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. QPS solves talent challenges for hundreds of customers on a daily basis with temporary staffing, direct hire and analytical data. Ryan has over 20 years of progressive leadership experience in both private and Fortune 150 companies. Prior to joining QPS in 2019, Ryan was Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Kohl's Department Stores where he was responsible for leading the people functions for 130,000 employees and 1150 locations across the nation. Ryan has a track record of utilizing technology to enhance the candidate experience while improving overall efficiencies. He has a drive for building cohesive teams and individuals that are passionate about the work they do.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-6 (Kalahari C-D) Creating a Winning Culture in Times of Chaos
    Ryan Festerling
    The rise in demand for remote or hybrid roles, the shifting labor market and increased competition for talent are all issues that HR teams are facing in a post-pandemic world. All of these factors can affect your company's culture. In this presentation track, you will learn how to cut through the chaos and create a winning culture by having employee alignment, brand ambassadors and understanding how to centralize a decentralized environment.

    Learning Objective 1: Unifying new and legacy employees – honoring the past, driving the future, and getting others to own the culture.

    Learning Objective 2: Understanding the ‘Golden Rule’: Developing brand ambassadors in the onboarding and offboarding process.

    Learning Objective 3: Creating a centralized culture in a decentralized environment.

    Ryan Festerling is President of QPS Employment Group with over 50 locations in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. QPS solves talent challenges for hundreds of customers on a daily basis with temporary staffing, direct hire and analytical data. Ryan has over 20 years of progressive leadership experience in both private and Fortune 150 companies. Prior to joining QPS in 2019, Ryan was Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Kohl's Department Stores where he was responsible for leading the people functions for 130,000 employees and 1150 locations across the nation. Ryan has a track record of utilizing technology to enhance the candidate experience while improving overall efficiencies. He has a drive for building cohesive teams and individuals that are passionate about the work they do.

    Room Number: Kalahari C-D
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-7 (Kalahari E-F) The Importance of Employee Engagement – An Update on Union Growth and Developments with the NLRA
    Christopher Toner
    Attorney Chris Toner from Axley Attorneys will provide an update on labor law and a discussion on the reasons union organizing campaigns are increasing. Gain understanding labor law under the National Labor Relations Act on:
    •Understanding why unions are on the rise;
    •What to do if you get an organizing campaign;
    •Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA; and
    •Identifying strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.
    Chris has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with labor relations matters, including the collective bargaining process and providing strategic representation in managing labor agreements.

    Learning Objective 1: Understanding why unions are on the rise.

    Learning Objective 2: What to do if you get an organizing campaign.

    Learning Objective 3: Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA. Identify strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.

    Attorney Christopher M. Toner is a partner and member of the Firm’s Labor and
    Employment Practice Group. As a former in-house attorney at large health care systems,
    Attorney Toner is well positioned to assist clients with navigating and resolving complex
    legal matters as well as assisting with legal guidance on their day to day legal needs. His
    experience as in-house counsel allows him to understand the operational complexities
    and provide practical solutions. Attorney Toner handles legal and regulatory issues facing health systems, including areas such as employment law counseling, collective bargaining with labor unions, peer review matters and medical staff issues, and revisions to medical staff bylaws. In addition, Attorney Toner has experience assisting Corporate Compliance teams, and provides counsel in matters involving issues related to Stark, Anti-Anti-Kickback and tax-exempt regulations, HIPAA, EMTALA, and licensing issues.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-7 (Kalahari E-F) The Importance of Employee Engagement – An Update on Union Growth and Developments with the NLRA
    Christopher Toner
    Attorney Chris Toner from Axley Attorneys will provide an update on labor law and a discussion on the reasons union organizing campaigns are increasing. Gain understanding labor law under the National Labor Relations Act on:
    •Understanding why unions are on the rise;
    •What to do if you get an organizing campaign;
    •Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA; and
    •Identifying strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.
    Chris has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with labor relations matters, including the collective bargaining process and providing strategic representation in managing labor agreements.

    Learning Objective 1: Understanding why unions are on the rise.

    Learning Objective 2: What to do if you get an organizing campaign.

    Learning Objective 3: Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA. Identify strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.

    Attorney Christopher M. Toner is a partner and member of the Firm’s Labor and
    Employment Practice Group. As a former in-house attorney at large health care systems,
    Attorney Toner is well positioned to assist clients with navigating and resolving complex
    legal matters as well as assisting with legal guidance on their day to day legal needs. His
    experience as in-house counsel allows him to understand the operational complexities
    and provide practical solutions. Attorney Toner handles legal and regulatory issues facing health systems, including areas such as employment law counseling, collective bargaining with labor unions, peer review matters and medical staff issues, and revisions to medical staff bylaws. In addition, Attorney Toner has experience assisting Corporate Compliance teams, and provides counsel in matters involving issues related to Stark, Anti-Anti-Kickback and tax-exempt regulations, HIPAA, EMTALA, and licensing issues.
    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-8 (Kalahari G-H) Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
    Jesse Dill
    Artificial intelligence applications have exploded and are poised to continue to grow in the coming years. With these new tools come new labor and employment law challenges in the workplace.

    This wide-ranging presentation will discuss emerging technologies, government responses to their application in business, and best practices to navigate.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify what artificial intelligence is and how technologies are using it to create efficiencies in human resource-related functions.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn about the latest federal, state, and local government laws and publications passed in response to the rise in artificial intelligence technologies.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for introducing or maintaining artificial intelligence applications that apply to your workforce.

    Jesse has a wide range of labor and employment law experience with a focus on single-plaintiff litigation, class and collective matters under the Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour laws, and labor relations pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act. Jesse has cost-effectively obtained successful judgments, decisions, and resolutions for his clients in a wide array of forums, including state and federal courts, arbitration proceedings, and administrative hearings before the Equal Rights Division. Jesse also represents indigent parties in federal jury trials through the Eastern District of Wisconsin Pro Bono Program.

    Jesse is an active member in the legal and civic communities. He is a fellow with the Wisconsin Law Foundation, a former board member of the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Labor and Employment Law Section, and a committee member for the Wisconsin Humane Society.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-8 (Kalahari G-H) Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
    Jesse Dill
    Artificial intelligence applications have exploded and are poised to continue to grow in the coming years. With these new tools come new labor and employment law challenges in the workplace.

    This wide-ranging presentation will discuss emerging technologies, government responses to their application in business, and best practices to navigate.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify what artificial intelligence is and how technologies are using it to create efficiencies in human resource-related functions.

    Learning Objective 2: Learn about the latest federal, state, and local government laws and publications passed in response to the rise in artificial intelligence technologies.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for introducing or maintaining artificial intelligence applications that apply to your workforce.

    Jesse has a wide range of labor and employment law experience with a focus on single-plaintiff litigation, class and collective matters under the Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour laws, and labor relations pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act. Jesse has cost-effectively obtained successful judgments, decisions, and resolutions for his clients in a wide array of forums, including state and federal courts, arbitration proceedings, and administrative hearings before the Equal Rights Division. Jesse also represents indigent parties in federal jury trials through the Eastern District of Wisconsin Pro Bono Program.

    Jesse is an active member in the legal and civic communities. He is a fellow with the Wisconsin Law Foundation, a former board member of the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Labor and Employment Law Section, and a committee member for the Wisconsin Humane Society.

    Room Number: Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Changing World of Compensation
    Rena Somersan
    So many things have happened over the last couple of years. Compensation programs have had to evolve and adapt. Join this interactive fast-paced program to explore the new world of pay. The program will start with a fresh look at crafting a Total Rewards Philosophy to provide a new-world employee value proposition. It will cover inflations' impact on workforce pay programs as well as the possibility of recession. We'll delve into the ways pay can help with attraction, motivation and retention as well as executive compensation plans and the ways that an organization can really generate a return on the investment of compensation dollars in a tight labor market!

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how to craft a Compensation Philosophy to align to the new world of work. Participants will participate in an activity designed to send them home with a draft to work on with their top teams.

    Learning Objective 2: Obtain creative workforce compensation ideas that you can practically implement at your organizations.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to craft executive compensation programs to drive performance and enhance retention.

    Rena Somersan is a Managing Principal with Newport Group. She has over twenty five years of consulting and industry experience assisting clients in executing their strategic human resources and compensation initiatives. Her focus has been in the areas of workforce and executive compensation, performance management initiatives, leadership development, talent motivation and retention. Rena LOVES helping clients improve their compensation programs!

    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Changing World of Compensation
    Rena Somersan
    So many things have happened over the last couple of years. Compensation programs have had to evolve and adapt. Join this interactive fast-paced program to explore the new world of pay. The program will start with a fresh look at crafting a Total Rewards Philosophy to provide a new-world employee value proposition. It will cover inflations' impact on workforce pay programs as well as the possibility of recession. We'll delve into the ways pay can help with attraction, motivation and retention as well as executive compensation plans and the ways that an organization can really generate a return on the investment of compensation dollars in a tight labor market!

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how to craft a Compensation Philosophy to align to the new world of work. Participants will participate in an activity designed to send them home with a draft to work on with their top teams.

    Learning Objective 2: Obtain creative workforce compensation ideas that you can practically implement at your organizations.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to craft executive compensation programs to drive performance and enhance retention.

    Rena Somersan is a Managing Principal with Newport Group. She has over twenty five years of consulting and industry experience assisting clients in executing their strategic human resources and compensation initiatives. Her focus has been in the areas of workforce and executive compensation, performance management initiatives, leadership development, talent motivation and retention. Rena LOVES helping clients improve their compensation programs!

    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-10 (Portia/Wisteria) An Elephant Hunt: Is Your Team Thoughtfully Fit?
    Jill Mueller
    Research shows that 90% of teams see themselves as underachieving, not exclusively because of external challenges, but because the team struggles with communication, conflict, and trust. Left unaddressed, these struggles can turn into elephants: issues that everyone avoids talking about that get in the way of your success. If you are part of the 90% of teams with these issues, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

    Learning Objective 1: Participants will gain new awareness of some of the common issues or “elephants” that teams often leave unaddressed.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will gain new awareness of their team and their teams’ “elephants.”

    Learning Objective 3: Participants will learn a tangible strategy that they can apply to situations and name “elephants” in a positive way.

    Jill Mueller is the VP for Training & Learning Experiences at Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting. After working in government and higher education, Jill earned her Masters in Human Resource & Workforce Development from UW-Milwaukee. Jill works with leaders and teams looking to achieve high performance and be Thoughtfully Fit.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Thursday L4-10 (Portia/Wisteria) An Elephant Hunt: Is Your Team Thoughtfully Fit?
    Jill Mueller
    Research shows that 90% of teams see themselves as underachieving, not exclusively because of external challenges, but because the team struggles with communication, conflict, and trust. Left unaddressed, these struggles can turn into elephants: issues that everyone avoids talking about that get in the way of your success. If you are part of the 90% of teams with these issues, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

    Learning Objective 1: Participants will gain new awareness of some of the common issues or “elephants” that teams often leave unaddressed.

    Learning Objective 2: Participants will gain new awareness of their team and their teams’ “elephants.”

    Learning Objective 3: Participants will learn a tangible strategy that they can apply to situations and name “elephants” in a positive way.

    Jill Mueller is the VP for Training & Learning Experiences at Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting. After working in government and higher education, Jill earned her Masters in Human Resource & Workforce Development from UW-Milwaukee. Jill works with leaders and teams looking to achieve high performance and be Thoughtfully Fit.
    Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
    5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
    Thursday Attendee Appreciation Dinner (Africa West|10-40)
    Enjoy a sit-down dinner with fellow attendees after the first full day of conference sessions and expo hall. Help celebrate Wisconsin's newest Certified HR professionals and stay afterwards for an evening of entertainment with Deuces Wild! Dueling Pianos!
    There are no sessions on this day that match the current filters. Clear Filters.
  • Friday, October 13
    6:15 AM to 7:15 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-1 (Kalahari A-B) Making Your Way through the Haze of Marijuana Legalization
    Terri Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR
    Marijuana is legal for recreational use in more than 20 states and for medical use in more than 35. State marijuana laws are a complex maze of regulations, with some restricting drug testing. How do you navigate everything while maintaining safety standards? Should THC be on your testing panel? What about CBD?
    We will break it all down and look at handling issues that arise. This presentation will address:
    •The question of impairment
    •Medical marijuana accommodation requests
    •Oral fluid testing vs. hair testing
    •Safety measures available for every workplace
    •Drug policy best practices

    Learning Objective 1: Learn why marijuana can be illegal on the federal level yet legal under state laws.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand why marijuana testing is controversial.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to use your drug and alcohol policy to support workplace safety.

    Terri L. Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR, is an editor on the human resources publishing team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Marijuana legislation and drug testing laws are primary areas of focus for her, and she has answered hundreds of customer questions on these topics during her 12 years at J. J. Keller. She also writes articles and delivers presentations on these ever-evolving issues.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday EB2-1 (Kalahari A-B) Making Your Way through the Haze of Marijuana Legalization
    Terri Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR
    Marijuana is legal for recreational use in more than 20 states and for medical use in more than 35. State marijuana laws are a complex maze of regulations, with some restricting drug testing. How do you navigate everything while maintaining safety standards? Should THC be on your testing panel? What about CBD?
    We will break it all down and look at handling issues that arise. This presentation will address:
    •The question of impairment
    •Medical marijuana accommodation requests
    •Oral fluid testing vs. hair testing
    •Safety measures available for every workplace
    •Drug policy best practices

    Learning Objective 1: Learn why marijuana can be illegal on the federal level yet legal under state laws.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand why marijuana testing is controversial.

    Learning Objective 3: Learn how to use your drug and alcohol policy to support workplace safety.

    Terri L. Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR, is an editor on the human resources publishing team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Marijuana legislation and drug testing laws are primary areas of focus for her, and she has answered hundreds of customer questions on these topics during her 12 years at J. J. Keller. She also writes articles and delivers presentations on these ever-evolving issues.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-2 (Kalahari C-D) Employees Can Take Leave for That?
    Darlene Clabault
    You’re an FMLA-covered employer and you have eligible employees. Can these employees take FMLA-protected leave for any reason?

    Short answer: No. Many reasons do qualify for FMLA leave, but not every reason. The law and regulations limit why an employee may take FMLA leave, and you need to be aware of these limits. Failure to do so can risk a claim, which could put you in the crosshairs of a court case.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn what does and does not constitute an FMLA serious health condition for which employees may take leave. This will include information on elective procedures.

    Learning Objective 2: Ascertain who are considered family members for the various qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. This will include adult children.

    Learning Objective 3: Become more confident in determining whether an employee is entitled to the potent FMLA protections.

    Darlene (Dolly) has been an editor at J. J. Keller since 1996. As an Editor- HR, she specializes in writing about employment laws such as the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, state leave provisions, as well as applicable regulations, guidance, and court cases.

    Friday EB2-2 (Kalahari C-D) Employees Can Take Leave for That?
    Darlene Clabault
    You’re an FMLA-covered employer and you have eligible employees. Can these employees take FMLA-protected leave for any reason?

    Short answer: No. Many reasons do qualify for FMLA leave, but not every reason. The law and regulations limit why an employee may take FMLA leave, and you need to be aware of these limits. Failure to do so can risk a claim, which could put you in the crosshairs of a court case.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn what does and does not constitute an FMLA serious health condition for which employees may take leave. This will include information on elective procedures.

    Learning Objective 2: Ascertain who are considered family members for the various qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. This will include adult children.

    Learning Objective 3: Become more confident in determining whether an employee is entitled to the potent FMLA protections.

    Darlene (Dolly) has been an editor at J. J. Keller since 1996. As an Editor- HR, she specializes in writing about employment laws such as the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, state leave provisions, as well as applicable regulations, guidance, and court cases.

    Room Number: Kalahari C-D
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-3 (Kalahari E-F) The Change Tools You Can’t Lead Without
    Kristin Derwinski
    Our role as leaders continues to evolve as the needs of the business change. The challenge is how to learn the new way, make the appropriate changes and strive towards high performance. Join us for a discussion around practical tools and approaches you can use to navigate the changes and move towards peak performance quicker.

    Learning Objective 1: Take a change assessment and discuss what you learned about you and how you can take this back to your team and organization.

    Learning Objective 2: Introduce the Hallway Conversation Tool and talk about how to use during small and large scale change initiatives.

    Learning Objective 3: Discuss the SARA curve and how you and your leaders can use this tool to build your empathetic skills and ensure your employees have what they need throughout the change.

    Kristin Derwinski works with business executives and C-suite leaders to identify solutions to drive organizational growth, success, and engagement. She has extensive experience in leading major change in large global organizations, including technology, people and business transitions. Kristin has partnered with leaders at every level as they work with their teams to drive and sustain change.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday EB2-3 (Kalahari E-F) The Change Tools You Can’t Lead Without
    Kristin Derwinski
    Our role as leaders continues to evolve as the needs of the business change. The challenge is how to learn the new way, make the appropriate changes and strive towards high performance. Join us for a discussion around practical tools and approaches you can use to navigate the changes and move towards peak performance quicker.

    Learning Objective 1: Take a change assessment and discuss what you learned about you and how you can take this back to your team and organization.

    Learning Objective 2: Introduce the Hallway Conversation Tool and talk about how to use during small and large scale change initiatives.

    Learning Objective 3: Discuss the SARA curve and how you and your leaders can use this tool to build your empathetic skills and ensure your employees have what they need throughout the change.

    Kristin Derwinski works with business executives and C-suite leaders to identify solutions to drive organizational growth, success, and engagement. She has extensive experience in leading major change in large global organizations, including technology, people and business transitions. Kristin has partnered with leaders at every level as they work with their teams to drive and sustain change.

    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    8:30 AM to 9:45 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday All Attendee Breakfast Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) The Three T's of Confidence: Building Lasting Self-Trust to Achieve Your Dreams
    Erik Dominguez
    Unexpected change is the new norm, and the pressure to navigate it falls on leaders. As a result, we’ve seen increased anxiety, burnout, turnover, and poor decision-making. Our leaders lack (and leak!) the confidence needed to keep up with the ever-changing workplace.

    But what if we could train leaders to lead well and in any situation simply by improving confidence? What if we could learn the tools to build confidence that lasts and levels up our entire team?

    In this live or virtual experience, Erik uses the Three T’s of Confidence to equip new and seasoned leaders to help them build authentic confidence, navigate change, and find balance in an unbalanced world.

    His high-energy delivery and science-backed content will have participants leaving more confident and better equipped to lead at new levels…immediately!

    Learning Objectives:
    -Redefine confidence and identify the common barriers to self-assurance
    -Learn and apply the Three Ts for lasting confidence
    -Establish new mindsets that energizes teams and avoids burnout

    Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday All Attendee Breakfast Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) The Three T's of Confidence: Building Lasting Self-Trust to Achieve Your Dreams
    Erik Dominguez
    Unexpected change is the new norm, and the pressure to navigate it falls on leaders. As a result, we’ve seen increased anxiety, burnout, turnover, and poor decision-making. Our leaders lack (and leak!) the confidence needed to keep up with the ever-changing workplace.

    But what if we could train leaders to lead well and in any situation simply by improving confidence? What if we could learn the tools to build confidence that lasts and levels up our entire team?

    In this live or virtual experience, Erik uses the Three T’s of Confidence to equip new and seasoned leaders to help them build authentic confidence, navigate change, and find balance in an unbalanced world.

    His high-energy delivery and science-backed content will have participants leaving more confident and better equipped to lead at new levels…immediately!

    Learning Objectives:
    -Redefine confidence and identify the common barriers to self-assurance
    -Learn and apply the Three Ts for lasting confidence
    -Establish new mindsets that energizes teams and avoids burnout

    Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

    Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
    10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Confident Communication for Leaders
    Erik Dominguez
    Communication is the top barrier to success for leaders in any field. Why? Because communication fears and inefficiencies limit our ability to inspire teams and maximize results. Break through that barrier. Transform communication fears and inefficiencies into fuel and reach higher with the emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling tools shared in this session.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify and reframe communication fears.

    Learning Objective 2: Create an effective feedback loop to minimize communication inefficiencies.

    Learning Objective 3: Apply the tools of emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling to engage their audiences and lead them to action.

    Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Confident Communication for Leaders
    Erik Dominguez
    Communication is the top barrier to success for leaders in any field. Why? Because communication fears and inefficiencies limit our ability to inspire teams and maximize results. Break through that barrier. Transform communication fears and inefficiencies into fuel and reach higher with the emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling tools shared in this session.

    Learning Objective 1: Identify and reframe communication fears.

    Learning Objective 2: Create an effective feedback loop to minimize communication inefficiencies.

    Learning Objective 3: Apply the tools of emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling to engage their audiences and lead them to action.

    Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Leadership Lessons to Keep Your Emerging Leaders Energized & Loyal
    Bill Vinson
    Worried about how to keep your emerging leaders excited about staying with your company for the long term? “Young” leaders need a different style of accelerated learning - one that challenges them, is open, confidential, highly interactive and is sometimes even intense.

    They're ready for the transformation of themselves AND their roles. By getting focused, personal leadership development, these people will become the leaders your organization needs.

    You'll learn about an approach that's getting great results across industries and company size. These emerging leaders are gaining confidence and learning how to navigate having increased responsibilities without the fallout that can so often accompany too-early promotions or appointments. They're gaining the identity of being leaders and contributing well-beyond their roles - and they're staying with their companies much longer than the average stay!

    Come learn how to apply this in your organization!

    Learning Objective 1: You will learn to give the right kind of support to new leaders/middle managers and create a faster growth curve for them.

    Learning Objective 2: You'll learn about a marketing strategy, applied to internal leadership that is fun, fast-paced and gets young leaders excited.

    Learning Objective 3: You'll learn how to make having "hot seat" conversations something that your emerging leaders look forward to, and gain immeasurable benefit from.

    For over 20 years, Bill has served in roles such as President for Herzing University (Madison), a director, motivational speaker and youth hockey coach. He left his career in education to pursue more on a bigger scale. As an ActionCOACH Business Coach & Vice President, he advises business leaders from all industries to create a better culture, make more revenue and get their time back. He believes in building hope in the people he works with to show what is possible and achievable. Bill has won awards such as ActionCOACH's Rookie of the Year in 2019, and most recently ActionMAN - a recognition of his peers in the ActionCOACH community for outstanding client financial results and growth. One unique thing about Bill is that he water skis almost every day before work from March to November! He has a wonderful family of two kids, two dogs, and one amazing bride of over 23 years.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Leadership Lessons to Keep Your Emerging Leaders Energized & Loyal
    Bill Vinson
    Worried about how to keep your emerging leaders excited about staying with your company for the long term? “Young” leaders need a different style of accelerated learning - one that challenges them, is open, confidential, highly interactive and is sometimes even intense.

    They're ready for the transformation of themselves AND their roles. By getting focused, personal leadership development, these people will become the leaders your organization needs.

    You'll learn about an approach that's getting great results across industries and company size. These emerging leaders are gaining confidence and learning how to navigate having increased responsibilities without the fallout that can so often accompany too-early promotions or appointments. They're gaining the identity of being leaders and contributing well-beyond their roles - and they're staying with their companies much longer than the average stay!

    Come learn how to apply this in your organization!

    Learning Objective 1: You will learn to give the right kind of support to new leaders/middle managers and create a faster growth curve for them.

    Learning Objective 2: You'll learn about a marketing strategy, applied to internal leadership that is fun, fast-paced and gets young leaders excited.

    Learning Objective 3: You'll learn how to make having "hot seat" conversations something that your emerging leaders look forward to, and gain immeasurable benefit from.

    For over 20 years, Bill has served in roles such as President for Herzing University (Madison), a director, motivational speaker and youth hockey coach. He left his career in education to pursue more on a bigger scale. As an ActionCOACH Business Coach & Vice President, he advises business leaders from all industries to create a better culture, make more revenue and get their time back. He believes in building hope in the people he works with to show what is possible and achievable. Bill has won awards such as ActionCOACH's Rookie of the Year in 2019, and most recently ActionMAN - a recognition of his peers in the ActionCOACH community for outstanding client financial results and growth. One unique thing about Bill is that he water skis almost every day before work from March to November! He has a wonderful family of two kids, two dogs, and one amazing bride of over 23 years.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Focus on the 5th Question: Networking Know-How for Real Relationships
    Gina Glover
    Even the most experienced Human Resource managers sometimes struggle for their collective voices to be heard by the C-suite. In your heart of hearts, you want to focus on doing what you love most whether that involves training, welcoming new employees, rolling out new programs, facilitating discussion, etc. but first you have to show up like a salesperson, create and foster connections, and use the right language to bridge the communication gap between your team and the senior executives. Focus on the 5th Question is foundational for developing real relationships between your team and the C-suite.

    So prepare to be educated, engaged and entertained during this session where attendees will not only learn about the 5th Question, but will understand how they can apply it as part of their own networking know-how and establish a foundation for real relationships. Packed with powerful personal stories, Gina inspires her audiences to push past the boring small talk and get to the good stuff by mastering their own 5th Question.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how to move from mundane to meaningful in their networking opportunities, inside and outside their own companies.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize the most likely obstacles that jeopardize the application of their 5th Question and how to overcome each of them.

    Learning Objective 3: Know the specific seven steps to take before and after the event to get the most out of every networking experience.

    Gina Glover is a professional speaker and career coach and on a mission to instill and inspire networking know-how for business leaders. A graduate of Ferris State University, Gina has enjoyed a diverse career in northeast Wisconsin since 1996. In addition to speaking and coaching, she is working on her first book Navigating SHIFT Creek, a guide for those who feel they are paddling in place in their current corporate career. She is also on a quest to run a race in every state in the U.S.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Focus on the 5th Question: Networking Know-How for Real Relationships
    Gina Glover
    Even the most experienced Human Resource managers sometimes struggle for their collective voices to be heard by the C-suite. In your heart of hearts, you want to focus on doing what you love most whether that involves training, welcoming new employees, rolling out new programs, facilitating discussion, etc. but first you have to show up like a salesperson, create and foster connections, and use the right language to bridge the communication gap between your team and the senior executives. Focus on the 5th Question is foundational for developing real relationships between your team and the C-suite.

    So prepare to be educated, engaged and entertained during this session where attendees will not only learn about the 5th Question, but will understand how they can apply it as part of their own networking know-how and establish a foundation for real relationships. Packed with powerful personal stories, Gina inspires her audiences to push past the boring small talk and get to the good stuff by mastering their own 5th Question.

    Learning Objective 1: Learn how to move from mundane to meaningful in their networking opportunities, inside and outside their own companies.

    Learning Objective 2: Recognize the most likely obstacles that jeopardize the application of their 5th Question and how to overcome each of them.

    Learning Objective 3: Know the specific seven steps to take before and after the event to get the most out of every networking experience.

    Gina Glover is a professional speaker and career coach and on a mission to instill and inspire networking know-how for business leaders. A graduate of Ferris State University, Gina has enjoyed a diverse career in northeast Wisconsin since 1996. In addition to speaking and coaching, she is working on her first book Navigating SHIFT Creek, a guide for those who feel they are paddling in place in their current corporate career. She is also on a quest to run a race in every state in the U.S.

    Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Resilient Mindset: A Tactical Approach to Business Success
    Chas Fields
    There are more external pressures affecting employees and organizations than ever, which means everyone’s thinking about how to stay resilient when big changes and challenges seem to be around every corner. But the fact is you have to step away from a purely business mindset to survive in this environment. Instead, reaching true resiliency requires getting personal with operational processes and putting your people’s needs at the center of all your activities. Motivated employees who feel cared for are the only way to reach the kind of growth mindset needed to consistently adapt and thrive.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand where resiliency comes from on a personal level for your people, how it defines what they need, and how you can learn from that to fuel operational best practices.

    Learning Objective 2: Map out how your processes and tools connect with your people’s needs in and outside work.

    Learning Objective 3: Get some quick guidance highlighting where you can make adjustments to optimize for resiliency.

    As a human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant, and podcast co-host for UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), Chas Fields helps organizations identify, assess, and maintain their human element, which increases efficiency and effectiveness cultivating a differentiated employee experience, and ultimately drives business success.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Resilient Mindset: A Tactical Approach to Business Success
    Chas Fields
    There are more external pressures affecting employees and organizations than ever, which means everyone’s thinking about how to stay resilient when big changes and challenges seem to be around every corner. But the fact is you have to step away from a purely business mindset to survive in this environment. Instead, reaching true resiliency requires getting personal with operational processes and putting your people’s needs at the center of all your activities. Motivated employees who feel cared for are the only way to reach the kind of growth mindset needed to consistently adapt and thrive.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand where resiliency comes from on a personal level for your people, how it defines what they need, and how you can learn from that to fuel operational best practices.

    Learning Objective 2: Map out how your processes and tools connect with your people’s needs in and outside work.

    Learning Objective 3: Get some quick guidance highlighting where you can make adjustments to optimize for resiliency.

    As a human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant, and podcast co-host for UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), Chas Fields helps organizations identify, assess, and maintain their human element, which increases efficiency and effectiveness cultivating a differentiated employee experience, and ultimately drives business success.
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-5 (Kalahari A-B) Market Dynamics – Ways to Dissect and Plan
    David Gramer
    Market trends continue to shift. Some trends will be similar to 2022 but new 2023 trends will create a market we have never seen. We will start with reviewing past economic trends, then identify when it broke from "normal" behavior. This will lead to a discussion on what employees are looking for today any what led to this. We will then present tools to understand your total rewards state, discuss your strategy on transparency, considerations to link your strategy to your business lifecycle, outline drivers of pay in the market, and then present a "menu" of total rewards approaches to consider to addressing in your organization. The outcome of this presentation are real world tools you can use with your leadership team to educate on the current state of the market and programs, determine your strategy, gain momentum behind objectives or shift to programs.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand market trends that have led up to our current state and how to educate leaders on this shift.

    Learning Objective 2: How to compare and analyze your current programs, then present your findings in a manner suitable for executives.

    Learning Objective 3: Develop a strategy and approach to shift your programs (as needed), or reinforce your current programs, including communication to all level of your organization.

    David has over 20 years of compensation experience. He specializes in small organizations, but has also led and performed projects for organizations with up to 75,000 employees, across more than 50 countries and a variety of industries. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas. He is a Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) and a Global Remuneration Professional (GRP). He has also been certified as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and led process improvement activities within Human Resources and Operations. Lastly, he has served as an adjunct professor teaching both Global Business and Human Resources courses and been a guest speaker on rewards trends for organizations at several conferences and universities.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-5 (Kalahari A-B) Market Dynamics – Ways to Dissect and Plan
    David Gramer
    Market trends continue to shift. Some trends will be similar to 2022 but new 2023 trends will create a market we have never seen. We will start with reviewing past economic trends, then identify when it broke from "normal" behavior. This will lead to a discussion on what employees are looking for today any what led to this. We will then present tools to understand your total rewards state, discuss your strategy on transparency, considerations to link your strategy to your business lifecycle, outline drivers of pay in the market, and then present a "menu" of total rewards approaches to consider to addressing in your organization. The outcome of this presentation are real world tools you can use with your leadership team to educate on the current state of the market and programs, determine your strategy, gain momentum behind objectives or shift to programs.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand market trends that have led up to our current state and how to educate leaders on this shift.

    Learning Objective 2: How to compare and analyze your current programs, then present your findings in a manner suitable for executives.

    Learning Objective 3: Develop a strategy and approach to shift your programs (as needed), or reinforce your current programs, including communication to all level of your organization.

    David has over 20 years of compensation experience. He specializes in small organizations, but has also led and performed projects for organizations with up to 75,000 employees, across more than 50 countries and a variety of industries. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas. He is a Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) and a Global Remuneration Professional (GRP). He has also been certified as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and led process improvement activities within Human Resources and Operations. Lastly, he has served as an adjunct professor teaching both Global Business and Human Resources courses and been a guest speaker on rewards trends for organizations at several conferences and universities.

    Room Number: Kalahari A-B
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-6 (Kalahari C-D) TBD
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-6 (Kalahari C-D) TBD
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-7 (Kalahari E-F) Child Care – A Critical Piece of the Workforce Recruitment and Retention Puzzle
    Michelle Sampson, Audra Wieser
    Over half of Wisconsin's residents live in a childcare desert. This means there simply isn't enough regulated childcare to serve Wisconsin workers. Increasingly, parents are staying out of the workforce or turning down desirable positions they are offered because they cannot find childcare. Challenges with childcare are also impacting the productivity of the existing workforce. When parents have to choose sub-quality or unreliable childcare options, their focus and attendance is negatively affected. Learn innovative ways employers across the state are supporting employees' childcare needs and have turned the challenges with childcare into a powerful recruitment and retention tool.

    Learning Objective 1: Attendees will develop an understanding of the state of the childcare field in Wisconsin and challenges that have led to the crisis including:
    * Current supply of childcare
    * Gap between needed and available slots
    * Broken business model
    * Exacerbation caused by the pandemic

    Learning Objective 2: Attendees will develop an understanding of the impact that lack of childcare has on workforce productivity, recruitment and retention:
    * Data on costs of lost productivity
    * Anecdotes from parents and businesses

    Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn innovative ways communities and businesses are addressing the childcare challenge including:
    * Programs the support childcare expansion
    * Options for proactively addressing costs
    * Ways to support childcare beyond opening an employer-run childcare program
    * Ways to reframe childcare as an employee benefit, community asset and economic necessity

    In her work at an agency that supports parents and childcare providers, Audra Wieser sees first-hand the impacts of childcare on employee recruitment and retention. She brings the perspective of a current hiring manager, previous experience as a parent, and a degree and background in Economic Development to her role. She has over ten years of experience working with businesses to support the childcare needs of their employees and has been a statewide leader in advancing the understanding of childcare as a community asset and employee benefit.

    As the Childcare Development Coordinator for the City of La Crosse, Michelle works to increase available childcare by building awareness in businesses and community members of the economic necessity of childcare. She brings years of experience as a parent and childcare leader to this role.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-7 (Kalahari E-F) Child Care – A Critical Piece of the Workforce Recruitment and Retention Puzzle
    Michelle Sampson, Audra Wieser
    Over half of Wisconsin's residents live in a childcare desert. This means there simply isn't enough regulated childcare to serve Wisconsin workers. Increasingly, parents are staying out of the workforce or turning down desirable positions they are offered because they cannot find childcare. Challenges with childcare are also impacting the productivity of the existing workforce. When parents have to choose sub-quality or unreliable childcare options, their focus and attendance is negatively affected. Learn innovative ways employers across the state are supporting employees' childcare needs and have turned the challenges with childcare into a powerful recruitment and retention tool.

    Learning Objective 1: Attendees will develop an understanding of the state of the childcare field in Wisconsin and challenges that have led to the crisis including:
    * Current supply of childcare
    * Gap between needed and available slots
    * Broken business model
    * Exacerbation caused by the pandemic

    Learning Objective 2: Attendees will develop an understanding of the impact that lack of childcare has on workforce productivity, recruitment and retention:
    * Data on costs of lost productivity
    * Anecdotes from parents and businesses

    Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn innovative ways communities and businesses are addressing the childcare challenge including:
    * Programs the support childcare expansion
    * Options for proactively addressing costs
    * Ways to support childcare beyond opening an employer-run childcare program
    * Ways to reframe childcare as an employee benefit, community asset and economic necessity

    In her work at an agency that supports parents and childcare providers, Audra Wieser sees first-hand the impacts of childcare on employee recruitment and retention. She brings the perspective of a current hiring manager, previous experience as a parent, and a degree and background in Economic Development to her role. She has over ten years of experience working with businesses to support the childcare needs of their employees and has been a statewide leader in advancing the understanding of childcare as a community asset and employee benefit.

    As the Childcare Development Coordinator for the City of La Crosse, Michelle works to increase available childcare by building awareness in businesses and community members of the economic necessity of childcare. She brings years of experience as a parent and childcare leader to this role.
    Room Number: Kalahari E-F
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-8 (Kalahari G-H) The Reality of Fertility Impact on Employee Well-Being and Your Bottom Line
    Elise Zielicke
    Family health and reproductive benefits are an increasing priority for employees. In this session you will have the opportunity to learn about one of the top benefit trends of 2023: fertility. Infertility is directly tied to mental health and an employee’s overall well-being, ultimately impacting them in every facet of life; physically, mentally, emotionally & financially. This session will help you gain valuable insight, from multiple perspectives through a panel format, around WHY it needs to be part of your benefits strategy, HOW to start incorporating it into your planning and WHAT impacts it can have on your culture, talent attraction & retention and on your most valuable asset – your employees!

    Learning Objective 1: How you can maximize your benefits strategy for the good of your employees and the business alike.

    Learning Objective 2: How providing the right benefit solutions and resources can have long-lasting, high impact returns for your company.

    Learning Objective 3: What you can start doing today to build a scale-able, long-term plan to achieve the benefits package and strategy you desire for your employees.

    Laura Bermudo and Elise Zielicke are Employee Benefits Consultants with the Hausmann Group. They both joined the Hausmann team in Spring of 2022 and combined they have been serving HR professionals for over two decades. They have supported organizations with identifying and implementing solutions for talent acquisition, total rewards, and other outsourced HR needs as well as impacting corporate culture through building philanthropic and giving strategies within numerous corporations.

    They both currently serve in roles with multiple SHRM Chapters across the state, with Laura serving as the current President of the Greater Madison Area SRHM Chapter and is a committee member for the WI State SHRM Council. Elise is on the Board of the Fond du Lac Area SHRM and serves on a committee with Greater Madison Area SHRM. Laura and Elise have a shared passion for supporting positive workplace cultures thrive by providing holistic health and wellness benefits to companies and their employees.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-8 (Kalahari G-H) The Reality of Fertility Impact on Employee Well-Being and Your Bottom Line
    Laura Bermudo, Morgan Ramaker Klaas, Jake Siudzinski, Kathy Waligora, Elise Zielicke
    Family health and reproductive benefits are an increasing priority for employees. In this session you will have the opportunity to learn about one of the top benefit trends of 2023: fertility. Infertility is directly tied to mental health and an employee’s overall well-being, ultimately impacting them in every facet of life; physically, mentally, emotionally & financially. This session will help you gain valuable insight, from multiple perspectives through a panel format, around WHY it needs to be part of your benefits strategy, HOW to start incorporating it into your planning and WHAT impacts it can have on your culture, talent attraction & retention and on your most valuable asset – your employees!

    Learning Objective 1: How you can maximize your benefits strategy for the good of your employees and the business alike.

    Learning Objective 2: How providing the right benefit solutions and resources can have long-lasting, high impact returns for your company.

    Learning Objective 3: What you can start doing today to build a scale-able, long-term plan to achieve the benefits package and strategy you desire for your employees.

    Laura Bermudo and Elise Zielicke are Employee Benefits Consultants with the Hausmann Group. They both joined the Hausmann team in Spring of 2022 and combined they have been serving HR professionals for over two decades. They have supported organizations with identifying and implementing solutions for talent acquisition, total rewards, and other outsourced HR needs as well as impacting corporate culture through building philanthropic and giving strategies within numerous corporations.

    They both currently serve in roles with multiple SHRM Chapters across the state, with Laura serving as the current President of the Greater Madison Area SRHM Chapter and is a committee member for the WI State SHRM Council. Elise is on the Board of the Fond du Lac Area SHRM and serves on a committee with Greater Madison Area SHRM. Laura and Elise have a shared passion for supporting positive workplace cultures thrive by providing holistic health and wellness benefits to companies and their employees.
    Room Number: (Kalahari G-H
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-9 (Kalahari Guava/Tamarind) How Transparent Are Your Pay Practices?
    Kristi Foy, Kayla McCann
    Pay transparency laws are being enacted across the country. States and municipalities, including California, Colorado, Washington, and New York City, have passed such laws and more are likely on the horizon. The patchwork of laws can make compliance difficult for employers that operate in multiple states. In this seminar, Ogletree attorneys will review the various pay transparency laws and offer best practices and strategies for multi-jurisdictional compliance.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the various types of pay transparency laws and the triggers for coverage.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand strategic aspects of pay transparency compliance roll-out, including cultural impact on current employees.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for national pay transparency compliance.

    Kristi is a pragmatic and strategic partner to employers, providing counsel and direction across a variety of labor and employment matters. She has litigated cases before state and federal administrative agencies, state and federal courts, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. She has represented clients in internal investigations, employee grievance processes, mediations and arbitrations. She has been the lead negotiator in dozens of bargains. She has counseled employers on labor and employment issues such as union organizing, employee social media use and First Amendment rights, strategic compensation and evaluation processes, compliance matters, discipline and termination. She frequently provides training on a variety of HR topics. Kristi also spent several years as both an in-house attorney and Director of Human Resources, giving her a unique insight into the challenges faced by human resources professionals and business owners across the country.

    Kayla takes a client-based approach to her work, striving to understand the client’s unique business needs and tailoring a strategy that results in the best possible outcome for the client. She is a litigator who successfully advocates for employers before state courts, federal courts, and administrative agencies. She defends employers against allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. She also has experience in handling litigation related to trade secrets, unfair competition and restrictive covenants (including noncompete, non-solicitation, and confidentiality), disability and accommodations, leaves of absence, and reductions in force. Kayla also proactively assists employers on a variety of personnel and compliance issues. Her experience includes drafting and developing employment policies and procedures, tailoring restrictive covenant agreements, and drafting severance agreements. She also creates and delivers training programs on compliance issues for employers.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-9 (Kalahari Guava/Tamarind) How Transparent Are Your Pay Practices?
    Kristi Foy, Kayla McCann
    Pay transparency laws are being enacted across the country. States and municipalities, including California, Colorado, Washington, and New York City, have passed such laws and more are likely on the horizon. The patchwork of laws can make compliance difficult for employers that operate in multiple states. In this seminar, Ogletree attorneys will review the various pay transparency laws and offer best practices and strategies for multi-jurisdictional compliance.

    Learning Objective 1: Understand the various types of pay transparency laws and the triggers for coverage.

    Learning Objective 2: Understand strategic aspects of pay transparency compliance roll-out, including cultural impact on current employees.

    Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for national pay transparency compliance.

    Kristi is a pragmatic and strategic partner to employers, providing counsel and direction across a variety of labor and employment matters. She has litigated cases before state and federal administrative agencies, state and federal courts, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. She has represented clients in internal investigations, employee grievance processes, mediations and arbitrations. She has been the lead negotiator in dozens of bargains. She has counseled employers on labor and employment issues such as union organizing, employee social media use and First Amendment rights, strategic compensation and evaluation processes, compliance matters, discipline and termination. She frequently provides training on a variety of HR topics. Kristi also spent several years as both an in-house attorney and Director of Human Resources, giving her a unique insight into the challenges faced by human resources professionals and business owners across the country.

    Kayla takes a client-based approach to her work, striving to understand the client’s unique business needs and tailoring a strategy that results in the best possible outcome for the client. She is a litigator who successfully advocates for employers before state courts, federal courts, and administrative agencies. She defends employers against allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. She also has experience in handling litigation related to trade secrets, unfair competition and restrictive covenants (including noncompete, non-solicitation, and confidentiality), disability and accommodations, leaves of absence, and reductions in force. Kayla also proactively assists employers on a variety of personnel and compliance issues. Her experience includes drafting and developing employment policies and procedures, tailoring restrictive covenant agreements, and drafting severance agreements. She also creates and delivers training programs on compliance issues for employers.
    Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-10 (Porta/Wisteria) Mental Health in the Workplace
    Matt Glowacki
    Mental Health and Wellness have emerged as two of the most critical issues of our time and have only been compounded by the pandemic and individual hardship. Now is the time to understand what helping our people looks like, what works and which tools and policies we can access to solve one of the greatest challenges to our workforce.

    Learning Objective 1: Attendees will better understand how the stigma of mental illness and disability prevents people from talking about what they are going through.

    Learning Objective 2: Attendees will be given resources to help them design appropriate ADA compliant accommodations for their workers, along with access to the WI SHRM AccommodateinPlace.com webpage and resource for HR professionals.

    Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn how to facilitate empathetic conversations with their employees to help uncover hidden challenges they might experiencing.

    In Matt’s professional career as a disability speaker and advocate, he has delivered his messages to over a million people at hundreds of regional and national conventions, along with two sitting presidents of the United States.
    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday L5-10 (Porta/Wisteria) Mental Health in the Workplace
    Matt Glowacki
    Mental Health and Wellness have emerged as two of the most critical issues of our time and have only been compounded by the pandemic and individual hardship. Now is the time to understand what helping our people looks like, what works and which tools and policies we can access to solve one of the greatest challenges to our workforce.

    Learning Objective 1: Attendees will better understand how the stigma of mental illness and disability prevents people from talking about what they are going through.

    Learning Objective 2: Attendees will be given resources to help them design appropriate ADA compliant accommodations for their workers, along with access to the WI SHRM AccommodateinPlace.com webpage and resource for HR professionals.

    Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn how to facilitate empathetic conversations with their employees to help uncover hidden challenges they might experiencing.

    In Matt’s professional career as a disability speaker and advocate, he has delivered his messages to over a million people at hundreds of regional and national conventions, along with two sitting presidents of the United States.
    Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
    12:15 PM to 1:30 PM
    ** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday All Attendee Closing Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) From Surviving to Thriving: Helping Team Members Navigate Change
    Sarah Noll Wilson
    .Our goal as leaders is to set up our organization, customers, and team members for success. Change has always been inevitable, but we are experiencing challenges beyond what most of us have ever had to navigate. There are real barriers to move our organizations from surviving to thriving. What do we do? We jump into problem solving. But what if we are solving the wrong problems? Being an effective leader requires diagnosing the entire situation, regulating the heat of the those around us, and experimenting quickly.
    Leveraging the work of Adaptive Leadership and Immunity to Change, along with over a decade of research and personal experience, Sarah will share practical insights, grounded in science, to help you lead others not only to survive change, but thrive.

    Accelerate recovery, navigate resistance, and build resilience during times of change by learning:
    • The behavioral science behind why people struggle with change
    • A framework to diagnose and understand the challenges you are facing as a leader
    • Ways leaders create unnecessary stress during change
    • Practical strategies to help ourselves and others navigate change

    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

    Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

    With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

    Room Number: Virtual
    Friday All Attendee Closing Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) From Surviving to Thriving: Helping Team Members Navigate Change
    Sarah Noll Wilson
    Our goal as leaders is to set up our organization, customers, and team members for success. Change has always been inevitable, but we are experiencing challenges beyond what most of us have ever had to navigate. There are real barriers to move our organizations from surviving to thriving. What do we do? We jump into problem solving. But what if we are solving the wrong problems? Being an effective leader requires diagnosing the entire situation, regulating the heat of the those around us, and experimenting quickly.
    Leveraging the work of Adaptive Leadership and Immunity to Change, along with over a decade of research and personal experience, Sarah will share practical insights, grounded in science, to help you lead others not only to survive change, but thrive.

    Accelerate recovery, navigate resistance, and build resilience during times of change by learning:
    • The behavioral science behind why people struggle with change
    • A framework to diagnose and understand the challenges you are facing as a leader
    • Ways leaders create unnecessary stress during change
    • Practical strategies to help ourselves and others navigate change

    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

    Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

    With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

    Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
    There are no sessions on this day that match the current filters. Clear Filters.
1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-1 (Kalahari A-B) Deconstructing Collaboration
Gregg Potter
Polarization and people not being able to collaborate is one of today's largest obstacles to creating the real productive spaces. However, we see successful collaborations every day in our lives. How can we go to the grocery store, plan birthday parties, or host a holiday dinner successfully including all the diverse people we do this with and not have the same ease when doing what our conscious minds consider collaboration? By taking lessons from how we successfully collaborate every day, we can be more impactful in our intentional collaborations. Collaboration has three repeated skills that help us as we work together. These are transformational leadership, conflict resolution, and facilitation skills. When we develop these skills, specifically for formal collaborations, then trust, space making, empowerment, team agency, and good communication are present… AND, with all of those working together, we are creating a better place for all of us to live and thrive.

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do and how we function as humans. This laboratory experience will create space to have conversations and practice slowing down our formal collaborative processes while illuminating opportunities to lead and design more impactful and effective collaborations. The opportunities that we commonly miss due to resources, urgency, and other outliers do not have to be overlooked. We will practice using our muscles so that intentional collaborations happen as smoothly as unintentional collaborations. Additionally, we will examine how our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills create space that fosters trust, agency, support, and miraculous change beyond the expectations we set. Collaboration is how we create the best work environments possible. This lab will be the perfect place to play in the fun and creativity of it all.

Learning Objective 1: To become more friendly with collaboration as we are in our daily lives. We will do this by first examining a common way we all collaborate successfully every day. Using that example, we will attach it to The Life Cycle of Collaboration and provide us with a framework to continue through the rest of the workshop.

Learning Objective 2: To slow down how we design and lead intentional collaborations in the workplace while highlighting ways build systems that allow focus on the collaboration. Doing this will identify moments we often speed through. We will practice slowing down in these moments, work out the muscles needed to adjust in real time, and to create a foundation for collaboration to flourish.

Learning Objective 3: To apply transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills at important moments in the Life Cycle of Collaboration. These skills allow us to hold space for all actors through the entire collaboration process. If the entire team feels supported and have a framework that everyone follows, intentional collaborations will be more impactful and effective.

Gregg is an international collaboration coach and the Founder and CEO of Project Kinect; a marketing and logistics firm in Madison, WI, USA. He also serves as the Regional Field Director of Southern Africa for Peacework International. Additionally, he supports as a Lead Facilitator and Marketing Specialist for Step Up: Equity Matters in the Workplace. Gregg spends most of his time supporting leaders and companies to create stronger collaborations. Gregg believes that we must deconstruct how we collaborate. This means getting down to the foundation of space creation, humanity, and trust. When we've done that work, we then can work on our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills to lead and design highly impactful and effective collaborations.

Room Number: Virtual
Wednesday PC1-1 (Kalahari A-B) Deconstructing Collaboration
Gregg Potter
Polarization and people not being able to collaborate is one of today's largest obstacles to creating the real productive spaces. However, we see successful collaborations every day in our lives. How can we go to the grocery store, plan birthday parties, or host a holiday dinner successfully including all the diverse people we do this with and not have the same ease when doing what our conscious minds consider collaboration? By taking lessons from how we successfully collaborate every day, we can be more impactful in our intentional collaborations. Collaboration has three repeated skills that help us as we work together. These are transformational leadership, conflict resolution, and facilitation skills. When we develop these skills, specifically for formal collaborations, then trust, space making, empowerment, team agency, and good communication are present… AND, with all of those working together, we are creating a better place for all of us to live and thrive.

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do and how we function as humans. This laboratory experience will create space to have conversations and practice slowing down our formal collaborative processes while illuminating opportunities to lead and design more impactful and effective collaborations. The opportunities that we commonly miss due to resources, urgency, and other outliers do not have to be overlooked. We will practice using our muscles so that intentional collaborations happen as smoothly as unintentional collaborations. Additionally, we will examine how our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills create space that fosters trust, agency, support, and miraculous change beyond the expectations we set. Collaboration is how we create the best work environments possible. This lab will be the perfect place to play in the fun and creativity of it all.

Learning Objective 1: To become more friendly with collaboration as we are in our daily lives. We will do this by first examining a common way we all collaborate successfully every day. Using that example, we will attach it to The Life Cycle of Collaboration and provide us with a framework to continue through the rest of the workshop.

Learning Objective 2: To slow down how we design and lead intentional collaborations in the workplace while highlighting ways build systems that allow focus on the collaboration. Doing this will identify moments we often speed through. We will practice slowing down in these moments, work out the muscles needed to adjust in real time, and to create a foundation for collaboration to flourish.

Learning Objective 3: To apply transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills at important moments in the Life Cycle of Collaboration. These skills allow us to hold space for all actors through the entire collaboration process. If the entire team feels supported and have a framework that everyone follows, intentional collaborations will be more impactful and effective.

Gregg is an international collaboration coach and the Founder and CEO of Project Kinect; a marketing and logistics firm in Madison, WI, USA. He also serves as the Regional Field Director of Southern Africa for Peacework International. Additionally, he supports as a Lead Facilitator and Marketing Specialist for Step Up: Equity Matters in the Workplace. Gregg spends most of his time supporting leaders and companies to create stronger collaborations. Gregg believes that we must deconstruct how we collaborate. This means getting down to the foundation of space creation, humanity, and trust. When we've done that work, we then can work on our transformational leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills to lead and design highly impactful and effective collaborations.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-2 (Kalahari E-F) HR: An Advocate for Employee Mental Health
Jessica Jones
Attitudes about employee mental health have dramatically shifted. The fact that more organizations are acknowledging the important connection between workplace conditions and well-being is an encouraging shift. But are HR professionals equipped to support the growing mental health needs of their employees. However, most of us lack the skills and mental health literacy needed to properly address these complex issues. By increasing your awareness of mental health in the workplace you can become an advocate for your employees and help evolve your workplace to create an environment that values employee mental health ... including your own.

Learning Objective 1: Become a Mental Health Advocate in the Workplace: As an employee advocate, increasing mental health literacy in the workplace is a key objective for your people and your organization. The current mental health landscape is improving with reduced stigma, but also at times feels overwhelming and confusing. What is the difference between EAP interventions and ongoing mental health therapy? As an HR Pro and Organizational Leader is this information important to know? And then how do we help our employees and their families to maintain productivity and retention goals? During this presentation and discussion we will answer these questions and more. We will convey the ROI and people metrics achieved when investments in mental health are made.

Learning Objective 2: Provide meaningful resources and tools to your employees: Promoting effective mental health awareness requires building trust amongst your employees. To instill a culture of mental health awareness, you must successfully bring the subject to the forefront of your employees’ minds. This can be done in a variety of ways. Exampling engagement options, tools, and resources. The ‘way it was always done’ is not good enough anymore. Our goal is to help our partners evolve their organizational habits and practice while staying true to the mission of your brand. Culture is by design or by default. We will help create intention and measurable results with tactics and efforts that you can start implementing immediately.

Learning Objective 3: Self Care for the HR Professional: Just as you would fix your own oxygen mask before helping someone else, the best way to support the well-being of others is by first taking care of yourself. We will give you personal tips and tricks for supporting your own mental health as an HR professional. What are your healthy habits? What is your Northstar? How can you enact change and push the organization forward from the HR seat? As part of the third component of this conversation we will answer these questions that are developed from our recent discussions with HR Pros and why it matters to you, your role, and your company.

Northstar is an Employee Assistance Program firm that focuses on delivering mental health counseling, strategic help and coaching to our partner company employees. We deliver tailor-made, human-centered counseling and care to our prioritized business partners. Working directly with employers, we eliminate the authorization and screening process so our clients can get help immediately. We put our partner companies and their employees first. Our goal at Northstar is to provide you and your company with tools, resources, and services that help you “work on your businesses” as well as “work in your business”. Employee Assistance Programming is our core, as well as offering opportunities to expand your potential and business efficiencies with our Business Coaching, Human Resources support, and Workplace Wellness services.

Jess helps lead Business Development and Partner Relations. She focuses on building relationships that benefit clients, employer partners, and the Northstar EAP Team. Prior to Northstar Jess spent 15 years working at Northern Michigan University, 10 years in the NMU Foundation specifically as Director of Donor Relations and serving as a Development Office for Athletics, College of Arts and Sciences and acting as a liaison to campus leadership and the NMU Foundation team.

Room Number: Virtual
Wednesday PC1-2 (Kalahari E-F) HR: An Advocate for Employee Mental Health
Jessica Jones
Attitudes about employee mental health have dramatically shifted. The fact that more organizations are acknowledging the important connection between workplace conditions and well-being is an encouraging shift. But are HR professionals equipped to support the growing mental health needs of their employees. However, most of us lack the skills and mental health literacy needed to properly address these complex issues. By increasing your awareness of mental health in the workplace you can become an advocate for your employees and help evolve your workplace to create an environment that values employee mental health ... including your own.

Learning Objective 1: Become a Mental Health Advocate in the Workplace: As an employee advocate, increasing mental health literacy in the workplace is a key objective for your people and your organization. The current mental health landscape is improving with reduced stigma, but also at times feels overwhelming and confusing. What is the difference between EAP interventions and ongoing mental health therapy? As an HR Pro and Organizational Leader is this information important to know? And then how do we help our employees and their families to maintain productivity and retention goals? During this presentation and discussion we will answer these questions and more. We will convey the ROI and people metrics achieved when investments in mental health are made.

Learning Objective 2: Provide meaningful resources and tools to your employees: Promoting effective mental health awareness requires building trust amongst your employees. To instill a culture of mental health awareness, you must successfully bring the subject to the forefront of your employees’ minds. This can be done in a variety of ways. Exampling engagement options, tools, and resources. The ‘way it was always done’ is not good enough anymore. Our goal is to help our partners evolve their organizational habits and practice while staying true to the mission of your brand. Culture is by design or by default. We will help create intention and measurable results with tactics and efforts that you can start implementing immediately.

Learning Objective 3: Self Care for the HR Professional: Just as you would fix your own oxygen mask before helping someone else, the best way to support the well-being of others is by first taking care of yourself. We will give you personal tips and tricks for supporting your own mental health as an HR professional. What are your healthy habits? What is your Northstar? How can you enact change and push the organization forward from the HR seat? As part of the third component of this conversation we will answer these questions that are developed from our recent discussions with HR Pros and why it matters to you, your role, and your company.

Northstar is an Employee Assistance Program firm that focuses on delivering mental health counseling, strategic help and coaching to our partner company employees. We deliver tailor-made, human-centered counseling and care to our prioritized business partners. Working directly with employers, we eliminate the authorization and screening process so our clients can get help immediately. We put our partner companies and their employees first. Our goal at Northstar is to provide you and your company with tools, resources, and services that help you “work on your businesses” as well as “work in your business”. Employee Assistance Programming is our core, as well as offering opportunities to expand your potential and business efficiencies with our Business Coaching, Human Resources support, and Workplace Wellness services.

Jess helps lead Business Development and Partner Relations. She focuses on building relationships that benefit clients, employer partners, and the Northstar EAP Team. Prior to Northstar Jess spent 15 years working at Northern Michigan University, 10 years in the NMU Foundation specifically as Director of Donor Relations and serving as a Development Office for Athletics, College of Arts and Sciences and acting as a liaison to campus leadership and the NMU Foundation team.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-3 (Kalahari G-H) No Cost Strategies to Attract and Retain Working Caregivers
Lynn Gall, Harriet Redman
Are you struggling to hire or retain workers? Are employees dealing with balancing caregiving responsibilities and work? Do you know how many of your employees have family caregiving responsibilities in addition to traditional child rearing? Did you know that in Wisconsin, more than three quarters of caregivers in the workforce said they missed work due to caregiving responsibilities? More and more evidence indicates that employers who are aware of the needs of employees providing care for family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, adult child with disabilities, spouse, etc) can reduce hidden costs (turnover costs, loss of institutional knowledge, loss of productivity) and increase productivity, employee retention, and improve recruitment efforts. This presentation will share information from Wisconsin employers and employed caregivers that will provide resources and suggest low- or no-cost strategies to support working caregivers and help retain employees as well as attract productive employees.

Learning Objective 1: Increase awareness of the needs expressed by Wisconsin employees trying to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.

Learning Objective 2: Increase knowledge about how employers and employees can access local, accessible, often free resources from state and county caregiver programs, including how to host a free UW-Madison study of your own workforce to determine the extent of caregivers needs among employees.

Learning Objective 3: Learn about how several Wisconsin employers are seeing results in attracting and retaining productive employees through strategies supporting caregivers in their workforce.

Harriet Redman, founder of the nonprofit WisconSibs, Inc and Lynn Gall, Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, co-chair a state-wide alliance to engage employers and working caregivers as partners in finding solutions to workforce shortages. Both presenters have personal experience being family caregivers while balancing the demands of job responsibilities. Along with UW-Madison researchers and partner organizations of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance, the group studies Wisconsin trends and seeks to find methods to simultaneously support employers and family caregivers for a healthy and productive workforce.

Room Number: Virtual
Wednesday PC1-3 (Kalahari G-H) No Cost Strategies to Attract and Retain Working Caregivers
Lynn Gall, Harriet Redman
Are you struggling to hire or retain workers? Are employees dealing with balancing caregiving responsibilities and work? Do you know how many of your employees have family caregiving responsibilities in addition to traditional child rearing? Did you know that in Wisconsin, more than three quarters of caregivers in the workforce said they missed work due to caregiving responsibilities? More and more evidence indicates that employers who are aware of the needs of employees providing care for family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, adult child with disabilities, spouse, etc) can reduce hidden costs (turnover costs, loss of institutional knowledge, loss of productivity) and increase productivity, employee retention, and improve recruitment efforts. This presentation will share information from Wisconsin employers and employed caregivers that will provide resources and suggest low- or no-cost strategies to support working caregivers and help retain employees as well as attract productive employees.

Learning Objective 1: Increase awareness of the needs expressed by Wisconsin employees trying to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.

Learning Objective 2: Increase knowledge about how employers and employees can access local, accessible, often free resources from state and county caregiver programs, including how to host a free UW-Madison study of your own workforce to determine the extent of caregivers needs among employees.

Learning Objective 3: Learn about how several Wisconsin employers are seeing results in attracting and retaining productive employees through strategies supporting caregivers in their workforce.

Harriet Redman, founder of the nonprofit WisconSibs, Inc and Lynn Gall, Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, co-chair a state-wide alliance to engage employers and working caregivers as partners in finding solutions to workforce shortages. Both presenters have personal experience being family caregivers while balancing the demands of job responsibilities. Along with UW-Madison researchers and partner organizations of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance, the group studies Wisconsin trends and seeks to find methods to simultaneously support employers and family caregivers for a healthy and productive workforce.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Wednesday PC1-4 (Africa West) The Annual Legal Update from Boardman Clark
Brian Goodman, Bob Gregg, Storm Larson, Jennifer Mirus
Attorney Robert E. Gregg: Unusual Cases with Important HR Lessons
Attorneys Jennifer S. Mirus and Storm B. Larson: Legal Update
Attorney Brian P. Goodman: Legal Requirements Regarding Employees with Mental Health Conditions

Bob E. Gregg, Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group at the Boardman Clark Law Firm in Madison, Wisconsin, represents employers in a wide variety of litigation, including discrimination claims, wage and hour suits, FMLA, ADA, equal pay, employment contract and compensation cases. He has designed employment handbooks and effective workplace policies and procedures for numerous private and public employers. Bob’s career has included canoe guide, carpenter, laborer, Army Sergeant, professional beer taster, social worker, educator, business owner, Equal Employment Opportunity officer, and employment relations attorney. Bob has conducted over 3,000 supervisory training programs for managers and supervisors throughout the United States. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, SHRM, the American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity, and served on the Board of Directors of the Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Foundation. Bob is an honors graduate of West Virginia University Law School. Bob has been a Wisconsin SHRM member for 42 years and served on chapter boards and numerous state SHRM committees. He presents programs for SHRM chapters throughout the state.

Jennifer S. Mirus is the Co-Chairperson of the Labor & Employment team at Boardman & Clark in Madison. Jennifer was recently elected Chairperson of the Firm’s Executive Committee—the first female elected to that role in the Firm’s history. Jennifer has been practicing employment law for over 28 years and represents employers in all aspects of employment relations, including hiring, discipline and terminations, wage and hour issues, discrimination, ADA, FMLA, and harassment. Jennifer also has extensive experience drafting and reviewing employee handbooks, employment contracts, restrictive covenants, and conducts workplace investigations and human resources and management trainings for clients of all sizes. Jennifer was recognized in the 2023 Best Lawyers in America voting for management side employment law.

Storm B. Larson is an associate with Boardman Clark, Madison. Before joining Boardman Clark, he practiced at another prominent Madison defense-side law firm. During law school, he was an articles editor on the Wisconsin Law Review and a judicial intern to the Honorable William M. Conley at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin and to the Honorable Ann Walsh Bradley at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Atty. Larson practices primarily in labor and employment law, civil litigation, and municipal law. He is licensed to practice in all Wisconsin state courts, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Brian P. Goodman is an attorney and a member of the labor and employment and school law practice groups of Boardman Clark. He assists employers with a wide range of legal issues including, hiring, discipline, terminations, leave issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), accommodation issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), COVID-19 related issues, and many other day-to-day matters. Mr. Goodman is a frequent writer and presenter on employment law matters. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School, magna cum laude, and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Mr. Goodman currently serves as President of the Wisconsin School Attorneys Association. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Goodman was a music teacher and received his Master’s degree in educational administration.

Room Number: Virtual
Wednesday PC1-4 (Africa West) The Annual Legal Update from Boardman Clark
Brian Goodman, Bob Gregg, Storm Larson, Jennifer Mirus
Attorney Robert E. Gregg: Unusual Cases with Important HR Lessons
Attorneys Jennifer S. Mirus and Storm B. Larson: Legal Update
Attorney Brian P. Goodman: Legal Requirements Regarding Employees with Mental Health Conditions

Bob E. Gregg, Co-Chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice Group at the Boardman Clark Law Firm in Madison, Wisconsin, represents employers in a wide variety of litigation, including discrimination claims, wage and hour suits, FMLA, ADA, equal pay, employment contract and compensation cases. He has designed employment handbooks and effective workplace policies and procedures for numerous private and public employers. Bob’s career has included canoe guide, carpenter, laborer, Army Sergeant, professional beer taster, social worker, educator, business owner, Equal Employment Opportunity officer, and employment relations attorney. Bob has conducted over 3,000 supervisory training programs for managers and supervisors throughout the United States. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, SHRM, the American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity, and served on the Board of Directors of the Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Foundation. Bob is an honors graduate of West Virginia University Law School. Bob has been a Wisconsin SHRM member for 42 years and served on chapter boards and numerous state SHRM committees. He presents programs for SHRM chapters throughout the state.

Jennifer S. Mirus is the Co-Chairperson of the Labor & Employment team at Boardman & Clark in Madison. Jennifer was recently elected Chairperson of the Firm’s Executive Committee—the first female elected to that role in the Firm’s history. Jennifer has been practicing employment law for over 28 years and represents employers in all aspects of employment relations, including hiring, discipline and terminations, wage and hour issues, discrimination, ADA, FMLA, and harassment. Jennifer also has extensive experience drafting and reviewing employee handbooks, employment contracts, restrictive covenants, and conducts workplace investigations and human resources and management trainings for clients of all sizes. Jennifer was recognized in the 2023 Best Lawyers in America voting for management side employment law.

Storm B. Larson is an associate with Boardman Clark, Madison. Before joining Boardman Clark, he practiced at another prominent Madison defense-side law firm. During law school, he was an articles editor on the Wisconsin Law Review and a judicial intern to the Honorable William M. Conley at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin and to the Honorable Ann Walsh Bradley at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Atty. Larson practices primarily in labor and employment law, civil litigation, and municipal law. He is licensed to practice in all Wisconsin state courts, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Brian P. Goodman is an attorney and a member of the labor and employment and school law practice groups of Boardman Clark. He assists employers with a wide range of legal issues including, hiring, discipline, terminations, leave issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), accommodation issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), COVID-19 related issues, and many other day-to-day matters. Mr. Goodman is a frequent writer and presenter on employment law matters. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School, magna cum laude, and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Mr. Goodman currently serves as President of the Wisconsin School Attorneys Association. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Goodman was a music teacher and received his Master’s degree in educational administration.

Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening (Africa East | Africa 50-80)
Wednesday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening
Room Number: Africa East | Africa 50-80
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday (Portia/Wisteria) Student HR Games
Alexis Outlaw
Calling all students! Come join in the fun and win prizes at the State Conference Student HR Games! Using Kahoot!, players answer HR and other trivia questions - most points win!

Network with senior HR professionals to get the scoop on the latest position openings and how to get your career started once graduation is over.

The 2023 Callie Zipple Scholarship winner will also be announced during this event!
Room Number: Portia/Wisteria
There are no sessions on this day that match the current filters. Clear Filters.
6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-1 (Kalahari E-F) Personality Science: The Key to Understanding People
Randal Weidenaar
When team members value each other, they more effectively relate to one another, avoid potential conflicts, boost group cohesion and create positive dialogue. The strengths and dynamics of your team directly affects business outcomes. Drawing on personality science research, this seminar dives into why it is essential to understand personalities. You’ll learn why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team's efficiency, potential and output. Individuals who know themselves will work together to form better partnerships, and more thoughtful partnerships create stronger teams. This seminar will impact all levels of HR professionals seeking tools that really work on a deep level to create lasting change and growth in their teams.

Learning Objective 1: Learn how knowledge of personality can increase team members’ abilities to accept themselves, accept teammates, decrease tension and interpersonal conflicts and increase support.

Learning Objective 2: Gain actionable insights into how to embrace individual personality strengths to be able to support weaker areas.

Learning Objective 3: Understand why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team’s efficiency, potential and output.

Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday EB1-1 (Kalahari E-F) Personality Science: The Key to Understanding People
Randal Weidenaar
When team members value each other, they more effectively relate to one another, avoid potential conflicts, boost group cohesion and create positive dialogue. The strengths and dynamics of your team directly affects business outcomes. Drawing on personality science research, this seminar dives into why it is essential to understand personalities. You’ll learn why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team's efficiency, potential and output. Individuals who know themselves will work together to form better partnerships, and more thoughtful partnerships create stronger teams. This seminar will impact all levels of HR professionals seeking tools that really work on a deep level to create lasting change and growth in their teams.

Learning Objective 1: Learn how knowledge of personality can increase team members’ abilities to accept themselves, accept teammates, decrease tension and interpersonal conflicts and increase support.

Learning Objective 2: Gain actionable insights into how to embrace individual personality strengths to be able to support weaker areas.

Learning Objective 3: Understand why leading to strengths based on personality maximizes a team’s efficiency, potential and output.

Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-2 (Kalahari G-H) Promoting Health and Mental Resiliency to Manage Healthcare Costs
Melanie Schoenemann
This program is designed to guide Human Resource Benefit professional's understanding of the three physiological components of employee well-being and how successful engagement strategies targeted at each component can improve employee satisfaction and improve total cost management. Shifting to a holistic approach to employee management and engagement tackles the current HR challenges of retention, benefit costs, absenteeism and engagement from a different angle.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the three pillars of employee health & well-being and identify the metrics that support the case for building an organizational culture centered around a wholistic approach to employee engagement.

Learning Objective 2: Identify stakeholders, benefit partners, and/or external influences that impact each pillar of employee health/well-being.
Understand the connectedness of each pillar, and how Human Resources initiatives can and should integrate with those connections to amplify results and engagement.

Learning Objective 3: After learning the "why" behind a three-pronged approach and identifying "who" can influence success, the ultimate goal is for each SHRM professional to learn "how" to put the learning into practice. We'll explore a variety of practical, attainable, and sustainable approaches to building well-being initiatives into business culture, including the prioritization of initiatives within their organization.

Melanie Schoenemann is the Vice President, Commercial Sales at Quartz Health Solutions where she leads sales of group health plans regionally. Melanie graduated with a degree in Management and Human Resources from UW-Madison and is passionate about benefit strategies for your greatest asset – your employees.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday EB1-2 (Kalahari G-H) Promoting Health and Mental Resiliency to Manage Healthcare Costs
Melanie Schoenemann
This program is designed to guide Human Resource Benefit professional's understanding of the three physiological components of employee well-being and how successful engagement strategies targeted at each component can improve employee satisfaction and improve total cost management. Shifting to a holistic approach to employee management and engagement tackles the current HR challenges of retention, benefit costs, absenteeism and engagement from a different angle.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the three pillars of employee health & well-being and identify the metrics that support the case for building an organizational culture centered around a wholistic approach to employee engagement.

Learning Objective 2: Identify stakeholders, benefit partners, and/or external influences that impact each pillar of employee health/well-being.
Understand the connectedness of each pillar, and how Human Resources initiatives can and should integrate with those connections to amplify results and engagement.

Learning Objective 3: After learning the "why" behind a three-pronged approach and identifying "who" can influence success, the ultimate goal is for each SHRM professional to learn "how" to put the learning into practice. We'll explore a variety of practical, attainable, and sustainable approaches to building well-being initiatives into business culture, including the prioritization of initiatives within their organization.

Melanie Schoenemann is the Vice President, Commercial Sales at Quartz Health Solutions where she leads sales of group health plans regionally. Melanie graduated with a degree in Management and Human Resources from UW-Madison and is passionate about benefit strategies for your greatest asset – your employees.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday EB1-3 (Guava/Tamarind) Data-Driven Talent Decisions: Best Practices for a Leadership Selection Assessment Strategy
Dr. Jenny Swanson
Hiring decisions come with uncertainty and risk. A leadership selection assessment strategy can help. Psychometric assessments can predict job performance, provide insight for increased engagement and retention, and aid onboarding. Yet, one size does not fit all. To enable strong evidence-based decision-making, HR leaders must apply best practices, determine organizational readiness, consider the role of HR sponsorship, and identify an assessment partner. The importance of legal defensibility and avoiding pitfalls is also a critical consideration. When all the pieces come together, assessments provide an extra layer of discernment, data, and objectivity, for making strategic talent decisions.

Learning Objective 1: Outline considerations for the design and implementation of an organizational assessment strategy.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize best practices for creating an assessment strategy and selecting assessment tools.

Learning Objective 3: Apply understanding of different psychometric assessments to avoid pitfalls and promote legal defensibility.

Dr. Swanson is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist with a practice in the Fox Cities. She facilitates executive strategy sessions as well as provides guidance around selecting, growing, and engaging top leaders. Specializing in psychological assessment, she has conducted over 5,000 executive assessments, garnering respect as a strategic HR advisor.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday EB1-3 (Guava/Tamarind) Data-Driven Talent Decisions: Best Practices for a Leadership Selection Assessment Strategy
Dr. Jenny Swanson
Hiring decisions come with uncertainty and risk. A leadership selection assessment strategy can help. Psychometric assessments can predict job performance, provide insight for increased engagement and retention, and aid onboarding. Yet, one size does not fit all. To enable strong evidence-based decision-making, HR leaders must apply best practices, determine organizational readiness, consider the role of HR sponsorship, and identify an assessment partner. The importance of legal defensibility and avoiding pitfalls is also a critical consideration. When all the pieces come together, assessments provide an extra layer of discernment, data, and objectivity, for making strategic talent decisions.

Learning Objective 1: Outline considerations for the design and implementation of an organizational assessment strategy.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize best practices for creating an assessment strategy and selecting assessment tools.

Learning Objective 3: Apply understanding of different psychometric assessments to avoid pitfalls and promote legal defensibility.

Dr. Swanson is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist with a practice in the Fox Cities. She facilitates executive strategy sessions as well as provides guidance around selecting, growing, and engaging top leaders. Specializing in psychological assessment, she has conducted over 5,000 executive assessments, garnering respect as a strategic HR advisor.

Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
8:00 AM to 9:15 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday All Attendee Opening Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty: Deploying Proven, Powerful Tools to Achieve Success
Paul Krismer
.A powerful emotional context permeates all aspects of our lives presently — uncertainty. A global pandemic, economic threat, and political strife are layered onto our already hectic, demanding lives. How can people not only cope, but thrive personally and professionally?

Paul Krismer brings the science of positive psychology to bear. With practical advice coupled with funny storytelling, Paul provides an inspiring toolkit for resilience! Paul explores the threat of burnout,
shining a light on the three levels of increasingly debilitating stress. He then shifts focus to the tools that insulate workers from emotional exhaustion.

Embrace the research results that prove positive emotions come readily when certain skills are learned. See how these skills demonstrably lead directly to greater success. Come away equipped to fuel your personal happiness and create positive contagion amongst the people you influence.

Learning Objectives
• Three levels of burnout
• Scientifically connecting positive emotions with stress management
• Neurophysiology: how the brain can be re‐wired
• Overcoming negativity bias

Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday All Attendee Opening Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty: Deploying Proven, Powerful Tools to Achieve Success
Paul Krismer
.A powerful emotional context permeates all aspects of our lives presently — uncertainty. A global pandemic, economic threat, and political strife are layered onto our already hectic, demanding lives. How can people not only cope, but thrive personally and professionally?

Paul Krismer brings the science of positive psychology to bear. With practical advice coupled with funny storytelling, Paul provides an inspiring toolkit for resilience! Paul explores the threat of burnout,
shining a light on the three levels of increasingly debilitating stress. He then shifts focus to the tools that insulate workers from emotional exhaustion.

Embrace the research results that prove positive emotions come readily when certain skills are learned. See how these skills demonstrably lead directly to greater success. Come away equipped to fuel your personal happiness and create positive contagion amongst the people you influence.

Learning Objectives
• Three levels of burnout
• Scientifically connecting positive emotions with stress management
• Neurophysiology: how the brain can be re‐wired
• Overcoming negativity bias

Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
10:15 AM to 11:30 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Whole-Brained Leadership: A New, “Feminine” Skillset for the Rapidly Changing Modern Economy
Paul Krismer
The speed and pace of the emerging economy is breathtaking. Yet, for most of us, most of the time, it goes unnoticed. Constant technological change, new markets, changing strategic relationships, and increasingly complex stakeholder management is the new normal.

Old leadership styles are inadequate. We know that traditional “command and control” is antiquated and ineffective. But what takes its place? How do we capably meet the challenge of the new economy and bring our teams alongside us in an energized, committed way?

This uplifting, funny presentation gets right at the heart of these issues while insightfully demonstrating that the path forward is practical and consists of learnable skills. Paul shows how new leadership requires more access to whole-brained management: emotional intelligence, very high standards, and consistently drawing the best out of employee’s own intrinsic motivations.

Observing the real opportunities of 21st century industrial innovation, this conversation is about personal and corporate momentum. Organizations that anticipate the skillsets of the new economy can also navigate the path to massive success.

Learning Objective 1: Emerging, most sought-after skills are associated with right-brain characteristics.

Learning Objective 2: Combatting the social conditioning that limits leaders.

Learning Objective 3: The World Economic Forum’s analysis of future leadership qualities.

Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Whole-Brained Leadership: A New, “Feminine” Skillset for the Rapidly Changing Modern Economy
Paul Krismer
The speed and pace of the emerging economy is breathtaking. Yet, for most of us, most of the time, it goes unnoticed. Constant technological change, new markets, changing strategic relationships, and increasingly complex stakeholder management is the new normal.

Old leadership styles are inadequate. We know that traditional “command and control” is antiquated and ineffective. But what takes its place? How do we capably meet the challenge of the new economy and bring our teams alongside us in an energized, committed way?

This uplifting, funny presentation gets right at the heart of these issues while insightfully demonstrating that the path forward is practical and consists of learnable skills. Paul shows how new leadership requires more access to whole-brained management: emotional intelligence, very high standards, and consistently drawing the best out of employee’s own intrinsic motivations.

Observing the real opportunities of 21st century industrial innovation, this conversation is about personal and corporate momentum. Organizations that anticipate the skillsets of the new economy can also navigate the path to massive success.

Learning Objective 1: Emerging, most sought-after skills are associated with right-brain characteristics.

Learning Objective 2: Combatting the social conditioning that limits leaders.

Learning Objective 3: The World Economic Forum’s analysis of future leadership qualities.

Paul is an international happiness expert helping organizations embrace practical tools of positive psychology to build committed, high-performing teams. He uses his extensive executive experience to work with leaders who know that the strength of their business is found in their people.

With over twenty-five years as a senior corporate leader, a radical and practical use of cutting-edge science, and a passion for driving real results, Paul takes audiences on an interactive and engaging journey where they gain a new perspective on their workplace culture AND their own personal leadership potential.

From Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, to the U.S. Military, he has helped emerging leaders in nearly every industry to experience a paradigm shift to successful people management. Paul has spoken to tens of thousands of people on five different continents. He is equally comfortable with audiences in the thousands as he is leading intimate executive retreats.

Paul makes great science accessible and entertaining. Each customized presentation carries your audience into a deep personal reflection. The number one adjective received from thousands of feedback surveys is the word “engaging.” Your audience will be riveted as they see themselves in the learning content. As the sole focus of the show, they leave happy, energized, and committed to action.

As the best-selling author of Whole Person Happiness and the soon to be released next book Beyond Profit & Productivity, Paul comfortably makes the connection between a universal desire for happiness and the practical utility of positive emotions in the workplace.

He is a member of the Canadian Speakers Association, the U.S. National Speakers Association, and a proud member of the Global Speakers Federation.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) TBD
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) TBD
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Creating Psychologically Safe Teams, A Scientific Method
Randal Weidenaar
Google has found that psychological safety is an essential trait of their highest performing teams, yet according to the 2019 SHRM Omnibus Survey, 3 in 10 U.S. workers lack trust in their manager to treat them fairly and another 3 in 10 say their manager doesn't encourage a culture of open and transparent communication. In this session you will learn what psychological safety is and how to develop it in teams. You will also learn what leadership training is necessary to properly train leaders, and what conditions need to be cultivated in your organizational culture to develop psychological safety.

Learning Objective 1: View case studies, research, and outcomes supporting the importance of building psychological safety in teams.

Learning Objective 2: Learn to identify characteristics of teams, leaders and organizations that do, and do not, display psychological safety.

Learning Objective 3: Gain a foundational knowledge of emotional science and the role it plays in psychological safety.

Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Creating Psychologically Safe Teams, A Scientific Method
Randal Weidenaar
Google has found that psychological safety is an essential trait of their highest performing teams, yet according to the 2019 SHRM Omnibus Survey, 3 in 10 U.S. workers lack trust in their manager to treat them fairly and another 3 in 10 say their manager doesn't encourage a culture of open and transparent communication. In this session you will learn what psychological safety is and how to develop it in teams. You will also learn what leadership training is necessary to properly train leaders, and what conditions need to be cultivated in your organizational culture to develop psychological safety.

Learning Objective 1: View case studies, research, and outcomes supporting the importance of building psychological safety in teams.

Learning Objective 2: Learn to identify characteristics of teams, leaders and organizations that do, and do not, display psychological safety.

Learning Objective 3: Gain a foundational knowledge of emotional science and the role it plays in psychological safety.

Randal is a researcher, author and national speaker. His passion is to make work a place where everyone thrives. He teaches using leadership principles from attachment science to inspire a powerful relational focus.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) 10 Top HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
James Reid
Cover the top 5 mistakes of 2022 and the top 5 anticipated mistakes to watch out for in 2023 and how to avoid them.

Learning Objective 1: Strategies to spot artificial intelligence issues under handbook policies and contracts and how to be compliant with the National Labor Relations Act for even non-unionized employers.

Learning Objective 2: How to deal with the overlapping laws of FMLA, ADA, local sick leave policies, and workers' compensation.

Learning Objective 3: How to do with FLSA compliance issues/strategies when getting creative with pay for performance agreements and remote work compensation.

Past Director of MISHRM and keynote speaker many times at HR Day, MISHRM, Indiana SHRM, American Payroll Association, TedX.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) 10 Top HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
James Reid
Cover the top 5 mistakes of 2022 and the top 5 anticipated mistakes to watch out for in 2023 and how to avoid them.

Learning Objective 1: Strategies to spot artificial intelligence issues under handbook policies and contracts and how to be compliant with the National Labor Relations Act for even non-unionized employers.

Learning Objective 2: How to deal with the overlapping laws of FMLA, ADA, local sick leave policies, and workers' compensation.

Learning Objective 3: How to do with FLSA compliance issues/strategies when getting creative with pay for performance agreements and remote work compensation.

Past Director of MISHRM and keynote speaker many times at HR Day, MISHRM, Indiana SHRM, American Payroll Association, TedX.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-5 (Kalahari A-B) Considerations for Hiring the Neurodivergent While Creating a Sense of Belonging for All
Chelsea Budde, Shelly Dretzka
In a market where talent is at a premium and diversity is valued, there is an untapped pool of talented individuals – the neurodivergent. Where do you find these individuals? How do you engage them and integrate this new diversity dimension into your organization’s culture? Tangible best practices, compelling resources and examples of success stories. The challenge, of course, is understanding neurodivergence and how the diverse employee brings value to your organization without adding more compliance to your plate. In this session, learn from two mothers — and experienced professionals in their own fields of non-profit and Human Resources— how you can attract, engage and retain qualified neurodivergent employees, as well as the benefits of the addition to the team.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the difference between "neurodiverse" and "neurodivergent", and how to best interact with and engage neurodivergent talent.

Learning Objective 2: Learn how to improve your diverse culture with limited addition to your compliance tasks.

Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices and access resources to put into action immediately for attraction, retention & engagement.

Chelsea Budde is the Program Director and Co-founder of nonprofit organization Good Friend, Inc. (Brookfield, Wis.), which is devoted to autism awareness, acceptance, and empathy. Her inspiration comes from her two young adult children, whose journey has taught more than 58,000 people how to better understand autistic neurology.

Shelly is the mother of two young men, one a neurotypical college sophomore and the other a neurodivergent student teacher/coach. With her 25+ years of HR experience, she founded aHRrow Consulting in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Her style is personal, approach is upbeat, and objective is always the same—to be an HR business partner who is a seamless extension of her client’s team.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-5 (Kalahari A-B) Considerations for Hiring the Neurodivergent While Creating a Sense of Belonging for All
Chelsea Budde, Shelly Dretzka
In a market where talent is at a premium and diversity is valued, there is an untapped pool of talented individuals – the neurodivergent. Where do you find these individuals? How do you engage them and integrate this new diversity dimension into your organization’s culture? Tangible best practices, compelling resources and examples of success stories. The challenge, of course, is understanding neurodivergence and how the diverse employee brings value to your organization without adding more compliance to your plate. In this session, learn from two mothers — and experienced professionals in their own fields of non-profit and Human Resources— how you can attract, engage and retain qualified neurodivergent employees, as well as the benefits of the addition to the team.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the difference between "neurodiverse" and "neurodivergent", and how to best interact with and engage neurodivergent talent.

Learning Objective 2: Learn how to improve your diverse culture with limited addition to your compliance tasks.

Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices and access resources to put into action immediately for attraction, retention & engagement.

Chelsea Budde is the Program Director and Co-founder of nonprofit organization Good Friend, Inc. (Brookfield, Wis.), which is devoted to autism awareness, acceptance, and empathy. Her inspiration comes from her two young adult children, whose journey has taught more than 58,000 people how to better understand autistic neurology.

Shelly is the mother of two young men, one a neurotypical college sophomore and the other a neurodivergent student teacher/coach. With her 25+ years of HR experience, she founded aHRrow Consulting in the middle of the COVID pandemic. Her style is personal, approach is upbeat, and objective is always the same—to be an HR business partner who is a seamless extension of her client’s team.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-6 (Kalahari C-D) Cycle Breakers: Reducing Female Rivalry and Building the Foundation for Camaraderie
Sarah Fecht, Meg Krinke
What if the perspectives women have always held about each other are false? What if female relationships, especially at work, are rife with challenge due to undiscovered external factors?
Join this session to discover insightful but difficult realities that contribute directly to the way women work and live. This vantage point creates new possibilities and action items, moving learners toward greater awareness, harmony, and comradery with other women in and out of the workplace.

Learning Objective 1: Walk away with increased awareness of the factors and storylines that shape and often sabotage female to female relationships.

Learning Objective 2: Gain perspective and learn ways to influence the narrative of personal and team dynamics from this new vantage point.

Learning Objective 3: Experience the momentum of this critical call to action, preparing to bring to life Maya Angelou’s philosophy, “When you know better, do better.”

Meg & Sarah, both entrepreneurs and leadership experts, are on a mission to enlighten, engage and start momentum in our region and beyond. With every conversation about women’s relationships and the choices available to change the narrative, participants will experience their passion and vigor & will be delighted to be part of this critical conversation.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-6 (Kalahari C-D) Cycle Breakers: Reducing Female Rivalry and Building the Foundation for Camaraderie
Sarah Fecht, Meg Krinke
What if the perspectives women have always held about each other are false? What if female relationships, especially at work, are rife with challenge due to undiscovered external factors?
Join this session to discover insightful but difficult realities that contribute directly to the way women work and live. This vantage point creates new possibilities and action items, moving learners toward greater awareness, harmony, and comradery with other women in and out of the workplace.

Learning Objective 1: Walk away with increased awareness of the factors and storylines that shape and often sabotage female to female relationships.

Learning Objective 2: Gain perspective and learn ways to influence the narrative of personal and team dynamics from this new vantage point.

Learning Objective 3: Experience the momentum of this critical call to action, preparing to bring to life Maya Angelou’s philosophy, “When you know better, do better.”

Meg & Sarah, both entrepreneurs and leadership experts, are on a mission to enlighten, engage and start momentum in our region and beyond. With every conversation about women’s relationships and the choices available to change the narrative, participants will experience their passion and vigor & will be delighted to be part of this critical conversation.
Room Number: Kalahari C-D
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-7 (Kalahari E-F) Direct Contracting Myths & Realities Affecting Benefits Cost
Jennifer Smith-Hulbert
Employers are feeling more pressure than ever to seek solutions for the ever-increasing costs of medical coverage for their employees. As a result, many are turning to Centers of Excellence to aid in that strategy. Sadly, not all direct contracts are Centers of Excellence, leaving employers and members alike confused on results.

With direct contracting, it is important to understand the significant strategy, cost, vendor selection and ROI measurements required for optimal success. This seminar is intended to educate employers on how to choose the best Center of Excellence as well as key considerations including incentives, health plan design and expected ROI.

Learning Objective 1: Choosing the right path for your group can be tricky. In this seminar, you will gain an understanding of the differences between a Center of Excellence, Direct Contract, and a Bundled Agreement to ensure you are making the right choice

Learning Objective 2: ROI can be measured in many ways, leaving a sense of confusion. We will ensure a well-rounded understanding of the ROI measurements through real data and case studies from Brown & Brown clients.

Learning Objective 3: Weighing pros can cons of making the switch to direct contracting can be difficult, but we have you covered. We will review the advantages and disadvantages of a direct contracting strategy, including compliance, plan design & incentives, and member experience.

In her role, Jenn is responsible for monitoring innovative and non-traditional healthcare strategies, vendors & disruptors. Jenn regularly meets with these cutting-edge solution providers, and brings back innovative products, strategies, and thought-processes to benefit Brown & Brown clients.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-7 (Kalahari E-F) Direct Contracting Myths & Realities Affecting Benefits Cost
Jennifer Smith-Hulbert
Employers are feeling more pressure than ever to seek solutions for the ever-increasing costs of medical coverage for their employees. As a result, many are turning to Centers of Excellence to aid in that strategy. Sadly, not all direct contracts are Centers of Excellence, leaving employers and members alike confused on results.

With direct contracting, it is important to understand the significant strategy, cost, vendor selection and ROI measurements required for optimal success. This seminar is intended to educate employers on how to choose the best Center of Excellence as well as key considerations including incentives, health plan design and expected ROI.

Learning Objective 1: Choosing the right path for your group can be tricky. In this seminar, you will gain an understanding of the differences between a Center of Excellence, Direct Contract, and a Bundled Agreement to ensure you are making the right choice

Learning Objective 2: ROI can be measured in many ways, leaving a sense of confusion. We will ensure a well-rounded understanding of the ROI measurements through real data and case studies from Brown & Brown clients.

Learning Objective 3: Weighing pros can cons of making the switch to direct contracting can be difficult, but we have you covered. We will review the advantages and disadvantages of a direct contracting strategy, including compliance, plan design & incentives, and member experience.

In her role, Jenn is responsible for monitoring innovative and non-traditional healthcare strategies, vendors & disruptors. Jenn regularly meets with these cutting-edge solution providers, and brings back innovative products, strategies, and thought-processes to benefit Brown & Brown clients.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-8 (Kalahari G-H) Reboot Your Values – Reboot Your Culture | CANCELLED!!
Do your team members’ eyes gloss over when you mention the company’s values?
Are you battling an onslaught of snide comments and sidebar conversations during meetings?
Is morale in the toilet and you’re expected to turn it around?

If you answered YES to any one of those questions, you’re not alone and you CAN do something about it! Find out how to reboot your values so you can create and then leverage a great company culture to attract, train, promote, and retain incredible people.

Learning Objective 1: Create values that complete your organization’s culture framework and support it in becoming the organization your team wants and needs it to be.

Learning Objective 2: Understand the fundamental role “The House Rules” play in developing leaders, team members, and a great organizational culture.

Learning Objective 3: Assess the strength of your current organizational values in helping you to shape your company’s culture.

Liz and her team facilitate strategic and succession planning retreats, as well as provide executive coaching and comprehensive leadership development programs to business owners, boards of directors, and leadership teams.

Liz has written ten leadership books, supervised business activities in 129 countries, and she has consulted in over 20 countries.

Thursday L1-8 (Kalahari G-H) Reboot Your Values – Reboot Your Culture - CANCELLED!
Liz Weber
Do your team members’ eyes gloss over when you mention the company’s values?
Are you battling an onslaught of snide comments and sidebar conversations during meetings?
Is morale in the toilet and you’re expected to turn it around?

If you answered YES to any one of those questions, you’re not alone and you CAN do something about it! Find out how to reboot your values so you can create and then leverage a great company culture to attract, train, promote, and retain incredible people.

Learning Objective 1: Create values that complete your organization’s culture framework and support it in becoming the organization your team wants and needs it to be.

Learning Objective 2: Understand the fundamental role “The House Rules” play in developing leaders, team members, and a great organizational culture.

Learning Objective 3: Assess the strength of your current organizational values in helping you to shape your company’s culture.

Liz and her team facilitate strategic and succession planning retreats, as well as provide executive coaching and comprehensive leadership development programs to business owners, boards of directors, and leadership teams.

Liz has written ten leadership books, supervised business activities in 129 countries, and she has consulted in over 20 countries.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-9 (Guava/Tamarind) 6 Steps to Building a Robust Career Development Solution
Taura Prosek, ACC
The latest research shows a clear correlation between internal mobility and employee engagement and retention. One of the top reasons employees leave is a lack of internal development and opportunity. At the same time, recent studies identify a gap in career development capability among internal talent development professionals. Join this session to learn the 6 steps to building a robust career development solution for your organization. A culture embracing the value of internal mobility and that is embedding career development into its talent strategies is positioned to achieve higher retention, greater engagement, improved succession planning, and a stronger employer brand. Career development may be the most important benefit you can offer in today’s talent marketplace!

Learning Objective 1: A 6-step process will be shared to build out a robust career development strategy.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will share their ideas on how to use and design career pathways as one component of this strategy.

Learning Objective 3: A sample needs assessment will be shared that may provide a foundation for use in your organization to jumpstart this important initiative.

Taura Prosek is an executive coach and career consultant with Stewart Leadership. She’s coached thousands of professionals and is the author of Lead Your Career: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Professional Fulfillment. She is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and is PCC certified with the ICF. She has an MBA from Kellogg-Northwestern and BBA from UW-Madison.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-9 (Guava/Tamarind) 6 Steps to Building a Robust Career Development Solution
Taura Prosek, ACC
The latest research shows a clear correlation between internal mobility and employee engagement and retention. One of the top reasons employees leave is a lack of internal development and opportunity. At the same time, recent studies identify a gap in career development capability among internal talent development professionals. Join this session to learn the 6 steps to building a robust career development solution for your organization. A culture embracing the value of internal mobility and that is embedding career development into its talent strategies is positioned to achieve higher retention, greater engagement, improved succession planning, and a stronger employer brand. Career development may be the most important benefit you can offer in today’s talent marketplace!

Learning Objective 1: A 6-step process will be shared to build out a robust career development strategy.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will share their ideas on how to use and design career pathways as one component of this strategy.

Learning Objective 3: A sample needs assessment will be shared that may provide a foundation for use in your organization to jumpstart this important initiative.

Taura Prosek is an executive coach and career consultant with Stewart Leadership. She’s coached thousands of professionals and is the author of Lead Your Career: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Professional Fulfillment. She is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and is PCC certified with the ICF. She has an MBA from Kellogg-Northwestern and BBA from UW-Madison.
Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L1-10 (Portia/Wisteria) The Best Anywhere: Strategies for Retaining Top Talent in a Remote and Hybrid Workforce
Michael Rampolla
With remote and hybrid work becoming the new normal for many organizations, retaining top talent has become more challenging than ever. Leaders must ensure that all employees feel connected and included, regardless of their location or work arrangement. Keeping your best employees engaged and motivated requires new strategies and approaches to overcome the unique challenges of managing an increasingly remote workforce. This presentation for HR professionals and people leaders will explore proven practices for retaining top talent in remote and hybrid work environments. By understanding the challenges of managing remote employees and implementing effective strategies for engagement and retention, organizations can create a positive and cohesive team culture that leverages the unique benefits of the hybrid workforce model.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the unique challenges of managing and retaining top talent in a remote and hybrid workforce.

Learning Objective 2: Learn strategies to identify the needs of top performers, and keep all employees engaged and motivated regardless of where they work.

Learning Objective 3: Discover practical approaches to improve employee engagement and provide opportunities for learning and leadership development in any work environment.

Michael Rampolla has a passion for inspiring others to be even better at what they love to do. The thread that connects his diverse career as a manager, trainer, teacher, owner, and consultant is the opportunity to multiply his impact. As a Growth Mindset Certified Coach with Spearity, Michael enables individuals and organizations to think, act, and lead more strategically to achieve a greater success.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L1-10 (Portia/Wisteria) The Best Anywhere: Strategies for Retaining Top Talent in a Remote and Hybrid Workforce
Michael Rampolla
With remote and hybrid work becoming the new normal for many organizations, retaining top talent has become more challenging than ever. Leaders must ensure that all employees feel connected and included, regardless of their location or work arrangement. Keeping your best employees engaged and motivated requires new strategies and approaches to overcome the unique challenges of managing an increasingly remote workforce. This presentation for HR professionals and people leaders will explore proven practices for retaining top talent in remote and hybrid work environments. By understanding the challenges of managing remote employees and implementing effective strategies for engagement and retention, organizations can create a positive and cohesive team culture that leverages the unique benefits of the hybrid workforce model.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the unique challenges of managing and retaining top talent in a remote and hybrid workforce.

Learning Objective 2: Learn strategies to identify the needs of top performers, and keep all employees engaged and motivated regardless of where they work.

Learning Objective 3: Discover practical approaches to improve employee engagement and provide opportunities for learning and leadership development in any work environment.

Michael Rampolla has a passion for inspiring others to be even better at what they love to do. The thread that connects his diverse career as a manager, trainer, teacher, owner, and consultant is the opportunity to multiply his impact. As a Growth Mindset Certified Coach with Spearity, Michael enables individuals and organizations to think, act, and lead more strategically to achieve a greater success.
Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
12:45 PM to 2:00 PM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Coaching for Career Development: Engaging Employees in Their Career Development
Tom Daniels
If we’ve learned anything over the past several years, it is employees expecting organizations to provide more support and flexibility. The data suggest that employees are planning to leave organizations they feel are not supporting them with their career. During this session will examine how managers can use specific coaching models to facilitate career coaching discussions to engage and support employees in their own career development. We will also explore the multiple options for employees to add competencies and knowledge to their skill set to be ready for the next step in their career journey.

Learning Objective 1: Use the Intentional Change Theory to assist employees in assessing their aspirations and current reality.

Learning Objective 2: Apply coaching skills to employee development conversations.

Learning Objective 3: Conduct an open career discussion to enable the identification of Life Goals and Career aspirations.

Tom Daniels is the Associate Director for Graduate & Executive Program in Business at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) with a focus on admissions and advising for the students earning their master’s and doctorate degrees organization development & change. Prior to BGSU, Daniels worked in the advertising and marketing research industries, including Vice President of Learning & Development at TNS North America.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Coaching for Career Development: Engaging Employees in Their Career Development
Tom Daniels
If we’ve learned anything over the past several years, it is employees expecting organizations to provide more support and flexibility. The data suggest that employees are planning to leave organizations they feel are not supporting them with their career. During this session will examine how managers can use specific coaching models to facilitate career coaching discussions to engage and support employees in their own career development. We will also explore the multiple options for employees to add competencies and knowledge to their skill set to be ready for the next step in their career journey.

Learning Objective 1: Use the Intentional Change Theory to assist employees in assessing their aspirations and current reality.

Learning Objective 2: Apply coaching skills to employee development conversations.

Learning Objective 3: Conduct an open career discussion to enable the identification of Life Goals and Career aspirations.

Tom Daniels is the Associate Director for Graduate & Executive Program in Business at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) with a focus on admissions and advising for the students earning their master’s and doctorate degrees organization development & change. Prior to BGSU, Daniels worked in the advertising and marketing research industries, including Vice President of Learning & Development at TNS North America.
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Equity Leadership: Meeting Individual Employee Needs Across Organizations
Laura Hurtienne, Matthew Hurtienne
Leaders have a responsibility to determine how to most effectively support employees so that employees are willing to bring their best selves to the workplace. Like employee engagement, leaders cannot force this exchange upon employees but can create a positive culture where followers naturally want to support the organization. Leaders have to consider how to develop employees holistically, from professional development to personal development, and do so in a way that matters to the individual, not just the organization.

The concept of leadership has continually adapted over the years, introducing new ideas based on the changing philosophies of the workforce. The evolution of leadership theories began with a focus on leadership as a role that would dominate in order to make people work and has more recently focused on the people who make up an organization and how they might be supported to grow in their abilities.

Equity Leadership identifies individual employees’ personal and professional resource, relationship, and opportunity needs in an effort to support and encourage employees to reach their fullest potential in the workforce. This leadership theory indicates the responsibility of leaders to listen to, hear, acknowledge, and plan for employee needs with the individual. The decisions to act on fulfilling a need should be discussed and agreed upon between the leader and follower. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

Equity leadership considers both leaders, along with those whom they serve, in a holistic view of leadership. By creating reciprocal relationships and considering employees’ needs, leaders can cultivate a culture that encourages employees to bring their best abilities to an organization, thus increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to define equity leadership.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to explain the connection of equity leadership to increased employee engagement.

Learning Objective 3: The learner will be able to identify how equity leadership can lead to improved employee retention.

Dr. Matthew Hurtienne is a veteran of helping organizations to unleash expertise through organizational performance development. Matt is a published researcher and presenter in the field of HRD, where he continues his work at Concordia University. He serves as a Professor of HR and Dean for the School of Business.

Dr. Laura Hurtienne is an educator and researcher. She earned her Ed.D. in Transformational Leadership from Concordia University Portland and is an alumna of Concordia University Wisconsin, where she earned her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. As a professor, she teaches and writes doctoral and undergraduate courses in leadership, change, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. Laura also supports doctoral students as a dissertation advisor. She is fully engaged in the fields of change management, employee engagement, and organizational development. Dr. Hurtienne has experience owning her own healthcare business and has consulted with businesses and organizations during critical times of transformation.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Equity Leadership: Meeting Individual Employee Needs Across Organizations
Laura Hurtienne, Matthew Hurtienne
Leaders have a responsibility to determine how to most effectively support employees so that employees are willing to bring their best selves to the workplace. Like employee engagement, leaders cannot force this exchange upon employees but can create a positive culture where followers naturally want to support the organization. Leaders have to consider how to develop employees holistically, from professional development to personal development, and do so in a way that matters to the individual, not just the organization.

The concept of leadership has continually adapted over the years, introducing new ideas based on the changing philosophies of the workforce. The evolution of leadership theories began with a focus on leadership as a role that would dominate in order to make people work and has more recently focused on the people who make up an organization and how they might be supported to grow in their abilities.

Equity Leadership identifies individual employees’ personal and professional resource, relationship, and opportunity needs in an effort to support and encourage employees to reach their fullest potential in the workforce. This leadership theory indicates the responsibility of leaders to listen to, hear, acknowledge, and plan for employee needs with the individual. The decisions to act on fulfilling a need should be discussed and agreed upon between the leader and follower. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

Equity leadership considers both leaders, along with those whom they serve, in a holistic view of leadership. By creating reciprocal relationships and considering employees’ needs, leaders can cultivate a culture that encourages employees to bring their best abilities to an organization, thus increasing employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Equity leadership promotes the acknowledgment of employee needs in order to develop engaged, fulfilled, and productive employees.

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to define equity leadership.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to explain the connection of equity leadership to increased employee engagement.

Learning Objective 3: The learner will be able to identify how equity leadership can lead to improved employee retention.

Dr. Matthew Hurtienne is a veteran of helping organizations to unleash expertise through organizational performance development. Matt is a published researcher and presenter in the field of HRD, where he continues his work at Concordia University. He serves as a Professor of HR and Dean for the School of Business.

Dr. Laura Hurtienne is an educator and researcher. She earned her Ed.D. in Transformational Leadership from Concordia University Portland and is an alumna of Concordia University Wisconsin, where she earned her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. As a professor, she teaches and writes doctoral and undergraduate courses in leadership, change, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. Laura also supports doctoral students as a dissertation advisor. She is fully engaged in the fields of change management, employee engagement, and organizational development. Dr. Hurtienne has experience owning her own healthcare business and has consulted with businesses and organizations during critical times of transformation.
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Remodeling Your Affirmative Action Programs: Strategies to Upgrade Your Program
Sally Makreff, Lori Stewart
Whether you are new to affirmative action or an experienced compliance professional, this presentation will provide the guidance needed to successfully implement an affirmative action program. Information will be provided on affirmative action from both a regulatory and practical perspective. We will cover what is required per the affirmative action regulations, the steps needed to implement an affirmative action plan, and the key internal partnerships needed to make the program a success. We will also provide strategies that participants can use to mitigate issues uncovered during an affirmative action program review that will reduce the risk of legal action. In addition, we will review the recent changes to affirmative action and provide best practices for compliance with the new requirements. Join us for this comprehensive overview of affirmative action, learn about the strategies that can assist you in successfully implementing an affirmative action program and help you to be prepared for the latest developments in affirmative action.

Learning Objective 1: Learn what is included in a comprehensive affirmative action program and who your internal partners are.

Learning Objective 2: Discuss common challenges that organizations face during the implementation process and offer practical solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Learning Objective 3: Update on current and upcoming initiatives in the affirmative action field, including ways to update your affirmative action program so you can effectively transition to incorporate new requirements.

Sally Makreff, Manager and Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group, Inc., has over 20 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Skilled in government regulations and compliance, she is responsible for developing multiple client affirmative action plans as well as helping to educate and guide those practitioners using industry best practices. Sally is the co-chair of the Madison, WI ILG and actively participates in the Milwaukee ILG and the Michigan ILG.

Lori Stewart, HR Compliance Manager at Oshkosh Corporation, has over 15 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). In her current role, she is responsible for in house affirmative action program management, vendor partnership on plan completion, and also owns the pre-employment background check and I-9 processes for the organization. Lori is co-chair of both the Madison ILG and the Fox Valley ILG and participates in the Milwaukee ILG and Michigan ILG.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Remodeling Your Affirmative Action Programs: Strategies to Upgrade Your Program
Sally Makreff, Lori Stewart
Whether you are new to affirmative action or an experienced compliance professional, this presentation will provide the guidance needed to successfully implement an affirmative action program. Information will be provided on affirmative action from both a regulatory and practical perspective. We will cover what is required per the affirmative action regulations, the steps needed to implement an affirmative action plan, and the key internal partnerships needed to make the program a success. We will also provide strategies that participants can use to mitigate issues uncovered during an affirmative action program review that will reduce the risk of legal action. In addition, we will review the recent changes to affirmative action and provide best practices for compliance with the new requirements. Join us for this comprehensive overview of affirmative action, learn about the strategies that can assist you in successfully implementing an affirmative action program and help you to be prepared for the latest developments in affirmative action.

Learning Objective 1: Learn what is included in a comprehensive affirmative action program and who your internal partners are.

Learning Objective 2: Discuss common challenges that organizations face during the implementation process and offer practical solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Learning Objective 3: Update on current and upcoming initiatives in the affirmative action field, including ways to update your affirmative action program so you can effectively transition to incorporate new requirements.

Sally Makreff, Manager and Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group, Inc., has over 20 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Skilled in government regulations and compliance, she is responsible for developing multiple client affirmative action plans as well as helping to educate and guide those practitioners using industry best practices. Sally is the co-chair of the Madison, WI ILG and actively participates in the Milwaukee ILG and the Michigan ILG.

Lori Stewart, HR Compliance Manager at Oshkosh Corporation, has over 15 years of experience in Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). In her current role, she is responsible for in house affirmative action program management, vendor partnership on plan completion, and also owns the pre-employment background check and I-9 processes for the organization. Lori is co-chair of both the Madison ILG and the Fox Valley ILG and participates in the Milwaukee ILG and Michigan ILG.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Top Ten Culture Killers... and What to do About Them
David Schwallier
In this session, participants will learn the top ten pervasive culture killers, which can decimate a team's and organization's stability and effectiveness. Each destructive issue will be explained and then clearly supported through storytelling and attendee group dialogue and examples. Attendees will then briefly assess how many culture killers are present in their organizations and share what they've done to mitigate the damage of them.

The focus will then turn to stopping these common missteps that threaten organizational health. We will focus both on prevention, before they impact an organization or team, and mitigation- once they are already present and having a negative impact.

Attendees will walk away with both skills, to recognize culture killers when they appear, along with practical tools to overcome and eliminate them once they have been identified.

Learning Objective 1: To understand the top ten things that negatively impact organizational culture.

Learning Objective 2: To learn how to recognize culture killers quickly and quickly assess what damage they may have already done.

Learning Objective 3: To learn practical strategies and leverage simple tools to limit the impact of culture killers and take corrective action.

Dave Schwallier is a coach, trainer, and consultant who works with executive teams, managers and HR leaders to navigate change, improve teamwork, and drive accountability within their organizations. Dave uses the power of story to reinforce points and provides a practical step-by-step framework and tools to help leaders get started.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Top Ten Culture Killers... and What to do About Them
David Schwallier
In this session, participants will learn the top ten pervasive culture killers, which can decimate a team's and organization's stability and effectiveness. Each destructive issue will be explained and then clearly supported through storytelling and attendee group dialogue and examples. Attendees will then briefly assess how many culture killers are present in their organizations and share what they've done to mitigate the damage of them.

The focus will then turn to stopping these common missteps that threaten organizational health. We will focus both on prevention, before they impact an organization or team, and mitigation- once they are already present and having a negative impact.

Attendees will walk away with both skills, to recognize culture killers when they appear, along with practical tools to overcome and eliminate them once they have been identified.

Learning Objective 1: To understand the top ten things that negatively impact organizational culture.

Learning Objective 2: To learn how to recognize culture killers quickly and quickly assess what damage they may have already done.

Learning Objective 3: To learn practical strategies and leverage simple tools to limit the impact of culture killers and take corrective action.

Dave Schwallier is a coach, trainer, and consultant who works with executive teams, managers and HR leaders to navigate change, improve teamwork, and drive accountability within their organizations. Dave uses the power of story to reinforce points and provides a practical step-by-step framework and tools to help leaders get started.
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-5 (Kalahari A-B) Growth Mindset Culture: Bringing Out the Best in Your People
Kristin WhiteHorse
Everyone has mindset triggers that stand in their way of being the best version of themselves. When organizations embrace a culture of Growth Mindset, they see higher levels of innovation, willingness to try new things and employees that are more engaged and productive. In this presentation, we will focus on understanding the mindset triggers and how to help your employees overcome their triggers and be at their best.

Learning Objective 1: To understand the impact of Growth Mindset on individuals and organizations.

Learning Objective 2: To identify ways mindset triggers stand in the way of growth.

Learning Objective 3: To identify ways an organization can use Growth Mindset training to bring out the best in its staff.

Kristin WhiteHorse is a Business and Executive Coach with Spearity. She works in diverse settings helping others realize their potential. Kristin’s purpose for working with leadership development is helping others make an impact in their communities. Using Growth Mindset, Kristin helps individuals and organizations develop a way of thinking that will help them reach their goals. Kristin holds a BA from UW- Platteville and an MA from Cardinal Stritch University.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-5 (Kalahari A-B) Growth Mindset Culture: Bringing Out the Best in Your People
Kristin WhiteHorse
Everyone has mindset triggers that stand in their way of being the best version of themselves. When organizations embrace a culture of Growth Mindset, they see higher levels of innovation, willingness to try new things and employees that are more engaged and productive. In this presentation, we will focus on understanding the mindset triggers and how to help your employees overcome their triggers and be at their best.

Learning Objective 1: To understand the impact of Growth Mindset on individuals and organizations.

Learning Objective 2: To identify ways mindset triggers stand in the way of growth.

Learning Objective 3: To identify ways an organization can use Growth Mindset training to bring out the best in its staff.

Kristin WhiteHorse is a Business and Executive Coach with Spearity. She works in diverse settings helping others realize their potential. Kristin’s purpose for working with leadership development is helping others make an impact in their communities. Using Growth Mindset, Kristin helps individuals and organizations develop a way of thinking that will help them reach their goals. Kristin holds a BA from UW- Platteville and an MA from Cardinal Stritch University.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-6 (Kalahari C-D) Recruiting Process Improvements to Create Strong Teams
Katie Labedz, Jaime Schmitt
Our presentation will focus on an overview of Lean and Leadership training. We will talk at a high level about process improvements for the recruitment process (systems, process and people) with a deep dive into the People category.

Areas of Focus:
Introduction to Lean and Leadership Training
Identifying Process Gaps in your Recruitment Process
Systems, Process and People
Process Improvements Focus: People
Training your Teams and Recruiters to be Leaders
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Training

Learning Objective 1: We will give participants an overview of Lean Six Sigma and how to identify process gaps in their recruitment process as well as inefficiencies in their HRIS systems that will allow them to build a strong recruitment process that decreases the time and cost to hire.

Learning Objective 2: We will deep dive into the People category of lean concepts (Process, Systems, People) and help participants identify leadership concepts that they can implement in their process to create a better candidate, recruiter and hiring manager experience.

We will give attendees the tools needed to develop and train their recruitment teams to become leaders and strong partners to the business, giving recruiters the tools and knowledge they need to identify talent that will help grow the organization.

Learning Objective 3: We will apply our leadership concepts to diversity, equity and inclusion training and give participants the skills to attract, retain and grow diverse talent.
GiANT leadership training and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training is approved for SHRM CEU's.

Katie Labedz is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 20 years of experience implementing continuous improvement solutions within non-manufacturing and manufacturing environments. Her company is Learning to Lean. Katie also has her Master's certification in instructional design, her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification through PMI and is a certified instructor/facilitator through Langevin. She is also a well known international professional speaker.

Jaime has a degree in Psychology and Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources. She is also a GiANT leadership coach and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. She has 15 years of experience in global talent attraction and management roles.

Jaime focuses on transforming teams and organizations by helping them identify and best utilize their different leadership styles to drive collaboration and success.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-6 (Kalahari C-D) Recruiting Process Improvements to Create Strong Teams
Katie Labedz, Jaime Schmitt
Our presentation will focus on an overview of Lean and Leadership training. We will talk at a high level about process improvements for the recruitment process (systems, process and people) with a deep dive into the People category.

Areas of Focus:
Introduction to Lean and Leadership Training
Identifying Process Gaps in your Recruitment Process
Systems, Process and People
Process Improvements Focus: People
Training your Teams and Recruiters to be Leaders
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Training

Learning Objective 1: We will give participants an overview of Lean Six Sigma and how to identify process gaps in their recruitment process as well as inefficiencies in their HRIS systems that will allow them to build a strong recruitment process that decreases the time and cost to hire.

Learning Objective 2: We will deep dive into the People category of lean concepts (Process, Systems, People) and help participants identify leadership concepts that they can implement in their process to create a better candidate, recruiter and hiring manager experience.

We will give attendees the tools needed to develop and train their recruitment teams to become leaders and strong partners to the business, giving recruiters the tools and knowledge they need to identify talent that will help grow the organization.

Learning Objective 3: We will apply our leadership concepts to diversity, equity and inclusion training and give participants the skills to attract, retain and grow diverse talent.
GiANT leadership training and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training is approved for SHRM CEU's.

Katie Labedz is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 20 years of experience implementing continuous improvement solutions within non-manufacturing and manufacturing environments. Her company is Learning to Lean. Katie also has her Master's certification in instructional design, her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification through PMI and is a certified instructor/facilitator through Langevin. She is also a well known international professional speaker.

Jaime has a degree in Psychology and Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources. She is also a GiANT leadership coach and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. She has 15 years of experience in global talent attraction and management roles.

Jaime focuses on transforming teams and organizations by helping them identify and best utilize their different leadership styles to drive collaboration and success.

Room Number: Kalahari C-D
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-7 (Kalahari E-F) Non-Traditional Benefits that Support Talent Attraction and Retention
Alicia Kiser
The labor shortage facing companies today started before the pandemic, and it’s not going away any time soon. Employers who are winning the war for talent are laser-focused on their retention strategies, and understand that it takes more than negotiating wage-an-hour. In fact, people who change jobs typically cite wages as somewhere between #3 and #6 on the list of reasons they left. Today’s diverse workforce demands a flexible approach to work, empathetic leadership and a thoughtful approach to benefits that empowers employees with choice. This complex benefits environment necessitates creative, strategic thinking from benefits professionals who want to gain an edge.

Learning Objective 1: It’s about so much more than insurance plans – flexibility is non-negotiable.

Learning Objective 2: Putting the “humans” back in HR – accessible benefits education that meets employees where they are.

Learning Objective 3: Understanding the benefits ecosystem – the critical importance of cooperative and adaptable vendor partnerships.
A look at what’s outdated, still in vogue and newly emerging in the benefits market.

Alicia Kiser is vice president of human resources at M3 Insurance. Her role is to facilitate the workflow of M3’s human resources department, including focusing on strategic human resource initiatives, talent management and development, compensation and benefits design, and employee relations.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-7 (Kalahari E-F) Non-Traditional Benefits that Support Talent Attraction and Retention
Alicia Kiser
The labor shortage facing companies today started before the pandemic, and it’s not going away any time soon. Employers who are winning the war for talent are laser-focused on their retention strategies, and understand that it takes more than negotiating wage-an-hour. In fact, people who change jobs typically cite wages as somewhere between #3 and #6 on the list of reasons they left. Today’s diverse workforce demands a flexible approach to work, empathetic leadership and a thoughtful approach to benefits that empowers employees with choice. This complex benefits environment necessitates creative, strategic thinking from benefits professionals who want to gain an edge.

Learning Objective 1: It’s about so much more than insurance plans – flexibility is non-negotiable.

Learning Objective 2: Putting the “humans” back in HR – accessible benefits education that meets employees where they are.

Learning Objective 3: Understanding the benefits ecosystem – the critical importance of cooperative and adaptable vendor partnerships.
A look at what’s outdated, still in vogue and newly emerging in the benefits market.

Alicia Kiser is vice president of human resources at M3 Insurance. Her role is to facilitate the workflow of M3’s human resources department, including focusing on strategic human resource initiatives, talent management and development, compensation and benefits design, and employee relations.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-8 (Kalahari G-H) Solving for the Employee Engagement Puzzle
Milan Batinich
We take a deep dive into identifying extrinsic and intrinsic human motivations and what people need based on their motivations. We learn the four forces of employee disengagement and how to overcome them.

We look at the differences between the golden rule and the platinum rule. We learn ways to improve how we communicate, interact, make decisions, and take action with employees based on how what they need in order for them to have energy, passion, and joy in the work they do at their organization. The attendees will take away pertinent ways to improve employee engagement and retention through managing to intrinsic motivations and behaviors.

Learning Objective 1: What employee engagement and self-awareness is within the workplace.

Learning Objective 2: In managing individuals, how to identify what each person's drives, needs, and motivations will be based on their job, manager, team, and organizational culture. Also, ways to improve on the four forces of disengagement.

Learning Objective 3: Real life examples that can be used immediately in the workplace to manage to employees intrinsic motivations.

Milan draws from 20 years of contact center operational and sales management experience from American Express and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other organizations. Milan holds several Certifications with The Predictive Index and Stanford University School of Medicine for Human Behaviors & Psychology for High Performance.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-8 (Kalahari G-H) Solving for the Employee Engagement Puzzle
Milan Batinich
We take a deep dive into identifying extrinsic and intrinsic human motivations and what people need based on their motivations. We learn the four forces of employee disengagement and how to overcome them.

We look at the differences between the golden rule and the platinum rule. We learn ways to improve how we communicate, interact, make decisions, and take action with employees based on how what they need in order for them to have energy, passion, and joy in the work they do at their organization. The attendees will take away pertinent ways to improve employee engagement and retention through managing to intrinsic motivations and behaviors.

Learning Objective 1: What employee engagement and self-awareness is within the workplace.

Learning Objective 2: In managing individuals, how to identify what each person's drives, needs, and motivations will be based on their job, manager, team, and organizational culture. Also, ways to improve on the four forces of disengagement.

Learning Objective 3: Real life examples that can be used immediately in the workplace to manage to employees intrinsic motivations.

Milan draws from 20 years of contact center operational and sales management experience from American Express and Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other organizations. Milan holds several Certifications with The Predictive Index and Stanford University School of Medicine for Human Behaviors & Psychology for High Performance.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-9 (Guava/Tamarind) Hybrid Leadership: Essential Skills to Lead from Anywhere
Alexis Hasselberger
Hybrid is here to stay and it's time to get intentional about making it work. Are your managers struggling to transition to leading in a remote or hybrid environment? Are you finding that what worked in the office doesn't exactly translate to a hybrid world, this session is for you.

In this session, you'll learn about the 7 essential hybrid leadership skill areas, and I'll provide practical, actionable solutions and techniques for the challenges you may face when your org “goes hybrid”.

Learning Objective 1: Assess your leadership's readiness for the hybrid world.

Learning Objective 2: Use the GROW method to coach employees to their own success.

Learning Objective 3: Diagnose, and resolve, hybrid communication breakdowns.

Alexis Haselberger is a time management and productivity coach who helps people do more and stress less through coaching, workshops and online courses. Her pragmatic, yet fun, approach helps people easily integrate practical, realistic strategies into their lives so that they can do more of what they want and less of what they don't. Alexis has taught thousands of individuals to take control of their time and her clients include Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork and more.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-9 (Guava/Tamarind) Hybrid Leadership: Essential Skills to Lead from Anywhere
Alexis Hasselberger
Hybrid is here to stay and it's time to get intentional about making it work. Are your managers struggling to transition to leading in a remote or hybrid environment? Are you finding that what worked in the office doesn't exactly translate to a hybrid world, this session is for you.

In this session, you'll learn about the 7 essential hybrid leadership skill areas, and I'll provide practical, actionable solutions and techniques for the challenges you may face when your org “goes hybrid”.

Learning Objective 1: Assess your leadership's readiness for the hybrid world.

Learning Objective 2: Use the GROW method to coach employees to their own success.

Learning Objective 3: Diagnose, and resolve, hybrid communication breakdowns.

Alexis Haselberger is a time management and productivity coach who helps people do more and stress less through coaching, workshops and online courses. Her pragmatic, yet fun, approach helps people easily integrate practical, realistic strategies into their lives so that they can do more of what they want and less of what they don't. Alexis has taught thousands of individuals to take control of their time and her clients include Google, Lyft, Workday, Capital One, Upwork and more.

Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L2-10 (Portia/Wisteria) HR, It’s a New Day!
Christie L. Engler, SPHR, SHRM-CP, MHRM
How did you get into HR? Why do you stay? The HR industry made important strides as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic…now what? This presentation will challenge you to think differently about the HR industry, as well as consider how you can prepare for the future of work. Based on the speaker’s Amazon best-selling book, People Fusion (released January 2023). This energizing session will get attendees pumped up and ready to tackle HR!

Learning Objective 1: Challenge ideals of the HR industry and examine the past, present, and future state of HR.

Learning Objective 2: Encourage dialogue on how to improve and prepare for the future; help HR practitioners & leaders consider their roles and how to advance the industry within their organizations.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to collaborate with business owners and senior leaders as a strategic partner.

Christie Engler has been a Human Resources practitioner for 20 years with a focus on small businesses. Christie is dedicated to advancing the HR profession. She has spoken at various HR conferences, and she writes a blog entitled ‘Living in the Gray’ designed to inspire HR professionals. Christie is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Keller Graduate School of Management. She holds the SPHR and SHRM-CP certifications. Christie lives in the Columbus, Ohio area with her husband and two daughters. She is a fanatic of Ohio State football and Orangetheory Fitness.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L2-10 (Portia/Wisteria) HR, It’s a New Day!
Christie L. Engler, SPHR, SHRM-CP, MHRM
How did you get into HR? Why do you stay? The HR industry made important strides as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic…now what? This presentation will challenge you to think differently about the HR industry, as well as consider how you can prepare for the future of work. Based on the speaker’s Amazon best-selling book, People Fusion (released January 2023). This energizing session will get attendees pumped up and ready to tackle HR!

Learning Objective 1: Challenge ideals of the HR industry and examine the past, present, and future state of HR.

Learning Objective 2: Encourage dialogue on how to improve and prepare for the future; help HR practitioners & leaders consider their roles and how to advance the industry within their organizations.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to collaborate with business owners and senior leaders as a strategic partner.

Christie Engler has been a Human Resources practitioner for 20 years with a focus on small businesses. Christie is dedicated to advancing the HR profession. She has spoken at various HR conferences, and she writes a blog entitled ‘Living in the Gray’ designed to inspire HR professionals. Christie is a graduate of The Ohio State University and the Keller Graduate School of Management. She holds the SPHR and SHRM-CP certifications. Christie lives in the Columbus, Ohio area with her husband and two daughters. She is a fanatic of Ohio State football and Orangetheory Fitness.
Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
2:30 PM to 3:45 PM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Holding Steady: Navigating Emotionally Charged Conversations
Sarah Noll Wilson
It takes courage to begin a conversation that we know might be difficult. So, how do we overcome our avoidance and engage? How do we navigate conversations where we might disagree or things might get heated? How do we stay curious and connected while we navigate a difficult situation?

By leveraging the Curiosity First Approach to having conversations that are curious and candid, we will explore how to hold steady in the heat of an emotionally charged conversation and how to leverage curiosity to promote connection.

Learning Objective 1: Identify and normalize stress responses during emotionally charged conversations and avoidance.

Learning Objective 2: Explore strategies to navigate conversations that utilize curiosity and promote dialogue.

Learning Objective 3: Practice strategies to regulate the heat of a conversation.

Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Holding Steady: Navigating Emotionally Charged Conversations
Sarah Noll Wilson
It takes courage to begin a conversation that we know might be difficult. So, how do we overcome our avoidance and engage? How do we navigate conversations where we might disagree or things might get heated? How do we stay curious and connected while we navigate a difficult situation?

By leveraging the Curiosity First Approach to having conversations that are curious and candid, we will explore how to hold steady in the heat of an emotionally charged conversation and how to leverage curiosity to promote connection.

Learning Objective 1: Identify and normalize stress responses during emotionally charged conversations and avoidance.

Learning Objective 2: Explore strategies to navigate conversations that utilize curiosity and promote dialogue.

Learning Objective 3: Practice strategies to regulate the heat of a conversation.

Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Benefits Compliance in a Nutshell
Sue Sieger, ACFCI, CAS
In this session, we will discuss the compliance basics of what you need to know about health and welfare plans. Sometimes it may feel like trying to navigate employee benefits leaves you swimming in a big pot of alphabet soup. We will help you sort out many of the widely used benefit acronyms you will encounter and help you gain a better understanding of how regulations like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) impact your benefit plans and why compliance is so important. We will include a discussion of case studies on some common compliance mistakes and offer some solutions to remedy. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your knowledge of employee benefit plan rules and learn how to stay in compliance!

Learning Objective 1: Describe the basics of how the ACA and IRC impact health and welfare benefit plans.

Learning Objective 2: Explain the basics of COBRA and required deadlines.

Learning Objective 3: Outline the basics of ERISA for health and welfare benefit plan compliance.

Sue Sieger has over 30 years of experience in the employee benefits industry. As senior compliance consultant at Employee Benefits Corporation, she has worked with thousands of employers and has become a leading specialist in employee benefits. Ms. Sieger is a frequent speaker on employee benefits both locally and nationwide.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Benefits Compliance in a Nutshell
Sue Sieger, ACFCI, CAS
In this session, we will discuss the compliance basics of what you need to know about health and welfare plans. Sometimes it may feel like trying to navigate employee benefits leaves you swimming in a big pot of alphabet soup. We will help you sort out many of the widely used benefit acronyms you will encounter and help you gain a better understanding of how regulations like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) impact your benefit plans and why compliance is so important. We will include a discussion of case studies on some common compliance mistakes and offer some solutions to remedy. Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your knowledge of employee benefit plan rules and learn how to stay in compliance!

Learning Objective 1: Describe the basics of how the ACA and IRC impact health and welfare benefit plans.

Learning Objective 2: Explain the basics of COBRA and required deadlines.

Learning Objective 3: Outline the basics of ERISA for health and welfare benefit plan compliance.

Sue Sieger has over 30 years of experience in the employee benefits industry. As senior compliance consultant at Employee Benefits Corporation, she has worked with thousands of employers and has become a leading specialist in employee benefits. Ms. Sieger is a frequent speaker on employee benefits both locally and nationwide.
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Appealing to the Ages: Recruit, Reward and Retain Across Generations
Nicki Johnson, Shay Sherfinski
From The Beatles to Billie Eilish, attracting and retaining employees across the ever-growing cross-generational workforce requires a unique approach. In this presentation, you’ll learn real strategies and best practices for diversity and inclusion that have worked so well, Madonna and Dua Lipa would approve. No matter where your organization is at, we will provide tips and a ready-to-use action plan to promote generational inclusion and eliminate generational biases, which can be implemented immediately.

We promise you’ll leave this session feeling confident and ready to lead a generationally diverse workforce with the tips and best practices needed to bridge the generation gap and attract and retain top talent.

Learning Objective 1: Modify; Learn real strategies and practices for multi-generational employee attraction and retention. To learn and share tangible strategies and practices.

Learning Objective 2: Consider; Regardless of where your organization is in recruiting new or “seasoned“ talent, we will provide you with clever ideas and useful examples that you can implement right away.

Learning Objective 3: Sharing; Whether your HR Department is a Department of One or a Team Department; solid takeaways will be shared so you can hit the ground running or walking; depending on your level of readiness.

Nicki offers over 16 years of human resources expertise. Her specialties include HR strategic planning, talent acquisition, organizational development, employee relations, employee engagement/culture, labor law and legal compliance, and compensation.

Shay’s insurance and consulting career is approaching the decade mark. Prior to joining the insurance industry, she worked in business development and client service, including time at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Bucks (Go Bucks!). As an employee, she remembers being on the other side of insurance listening to a Benefits Consultant discuss the benefits available to her —and not understanding the terms they used or how the benefits worked. She decided when she joined the Benefits Consulting Team at R&R that her #1 priority was to ensure employees and employers understood benefits, without all the jargon.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Appealing to the Ages: Recruit, Reward and Retain Across Generations
Nicki Johnson, Shay Sherfinski
From The Beatles to Billie Eilish, attracting and retaining employees across the ever-growing cross-generational workforce requires a unique approach. In this presentation, you’ll learn real strategies and best practices for diversity and inclusion that have worked so well, Madonna and Dua Lipa would approve. No matter where your organization is at, we will provide tips and a ready-to-use action plan to promote generational inclusion and eliminate generational biases, which can be implemented immediately.

We promise you’ll leave this session feeling confident and ready to lead a generationally diverse workforce with the tips and best practices needed to bridge the generation gap and attract and retain top talent.

Learning Objective 1: Modify; Learn real strategies and practices for multi-generational employee attraction and retention. To learn and share tangible strategies and practices.

Learning Objective 2: Consider; Regardless of where your organization is in recruiting new or “seasoned“ talent, we will provide you with clever ideas and useful examples that you can implement right away.

Learning Objective 3: Sharing; Whether your HR Department is a Department of One or a Team Department; solid takeaways will be shared so you can hit the ground running or walking; depending on your level of readiness.

Nicki offers over 16 years of human resources expertise. Her specialties include HR strategic planning, talent acquisition, organizational development, employee relations, employee engagement/culture, labor law and legal compliance, and compensation.

Shay’s insurance and consulting career is approaching the decade mark. Prior to joining the insurance industry, she worked in business development and client service, including time at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Bucks (Go Bucks!). As an employee, she remembers being on the other side of insurance listening to a Benefits Consultant discuss the benefits available to her —and not understanding the terms they used or how the benefits worked. She decided when she joined the Benefits Consulting Team at R&R that her #1 priority was to ensure employees and employers understood benefits, without all the jargon.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Helping Teams Thrive in a VUCA World
Rachel Breitbach
An environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is becoming more prevalent in the business world. To help lead teams through this environment, it is important for leaders to understand behaviors and Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategies to incorporate to build greater change agility and resilience.

This session is intended for all human resources practitioners and leaders who are sponsoring and guiding others through change.

Learning Objective 1: VUCA Awareness: Understand what VUCA means and the difference between planned and unplanned changes.

Learning Objective 2: VUCA Impacts: Understand the impacts a VUCA environment can have on organizations and teams.

Learning Objective 3: Org. Change and Leadership Practices: Provide some immediate dynamic org. change management and leadership practices that HR practitioners and leaders can embrace to help their teams not just survive but thrive.

As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Helping Teams Thrive in a VUCA World
Rachel Breitbach
An environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) is becoming more prevalent in the business world. To help lead teams through this environment, it is important for leaders to understand behaviors and Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategies to incorporate to build greater change agility and resilience.

This session is intended for all human resources practitioners and leaders who are sponsoring and guiding others through change.

Learning Objective 1: VUCA Awareness: Understand what VUCA means and the difference between planned and unplanned changes.

Learning Objective 2: VUCA Impacts: Understand the impacts a VUCA environment can have on organizations and teams.

Learning Objective 3: Org. Change and Leadership Practices: Provide some immediate dynamic org. change management and leadership practices that HR practitioners and leaders can embrace to help their teams not just survive but thrive.

As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-5 (Kalahari A-B) Attract and Retain Employees with Financial Wellness
Joe Saari, William Weyers
Now more than ever in these turbulent times with the threat of inflation, a volatile market, and uncertain economic times, smart HR professionals are seeking ways to help reduce financial stress in the workplace and help attract, retain, and fully engage a motivated workforce. Through this powerful presentation you will learn key details such as:
-How offering financial wellness program can enhance the lives of your staff, fostering a less stressed and more productive workforce that benefits your organization’s bottom line.
-Understand trends and key discoveries from a statewide survey conducted by the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability and the UW-Madison.
-Discover the resources available to you to help make an immediate impact in the financial wellness of your employees along with best practices and prior results.
Join us and learn how to empower your employees with financial knowledge and security. Our panel of experts will discuss the best ways to engage your employees and help them attain financial success. You will also learn ideas on how to find and implement a financial wellness program to help you attract, retain and engage a motivated workforce.

Learning Objective 1: Learn from industry experts, extensive research and survey data about both national and state trends related to how the financial wellness of your employees impacts your organization’s workforce as well as key trends and results from 100’s of employers in Wisconsin.

Learning Objective 2: Discover the bottom-line impact that an effective financial wellness program can have on your workforce in terms of helping you improve employee’s financial aptitude, behavior, and confidence and the impact that can have on helping you attract, retain and engage talent.

Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices from industry experts along with a host of resources available to you at little or no charge thanks to the work of the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability along with other program partners in an public-private partnership called Elevate Wisconsin aiming to help organizations and HR / Benefit professionals improve financial wellness in the workplace.

David D. Mancl is the director of the Office of Financial Literacy at the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and has over 20 years of experience in the financial literacy and capability field. In this position he takes a leadership role on all issues of financial literacy and capability, and manages the department’s related programs and initiatives.

J. Michael Collins is faculty director of the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the Fetzer Family Chair in Consumer & Personal Finance in the School of Human Ecology, a Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs, a family economics specialist for the Division of Extension, and an affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty and Center for Demography and Ecology.

Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) Secretary-designee Cheryll Olson-Collins, a native of Portage, Wis., spent more than two decades in the private-sector banking industry before joining the State of Wisconsin.

Joe Saari is the founder and Chairman of the Financial Fitness Group (FFG). A well-known thought leader, who has been featured on CNBC, CNN, and Bloomberg TV, Joe brings over 20 years of experience as an academic, innovator, and leader in the field of financial wellness.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-5 (Kalahari A-B) Attract and Retain Employees with Financial Wellness
Michael Collins, David Manci, Cheryll Olson-Collins, Joe Saari
Now more than ever in these turbulent times with the threat of inflation, a volatile market, and uncertain economic times, smart HR professionals are seeking ways to help reduce financial stress in the workplace and help attract, retain, and fully engage a motivated workforce. Through this powerful presentation you will learn key details such as:
-How offering financial wellness program can enhance the lives of your staff, fostering a less stressed and more productive workforce that benefits your organization’s bottom line.
-Understand trends and key discoveries from a statewide survey conducted by the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability and the UW-Madison.
-Discover the resources available to you to help make an immediate impact in the financial wellness of your employees along with best practices and prior results.
Join us and learn how to empower your employees with financial knowledge and security. Our panel of experts will discuss the best ways to engage your employees and help them attain financial success. You will also learn ideas on how to find and implement a financial wellness program to help you attract, retain and engage a motivated workforce.

Learning Objective 1: Learn from industry experts, extensive research and survey data about both national and state trends related to how the financial wellness of your employees impacts your organization’s workforce as well as key trends and results from 100’s of employers in Wisconsin.

Learning Objective 2: Discover the bottom-line impact that an effective financial wellness program can have on your workforce in terms of helping you improve employee’s financial aptitude, behavior, and confidence and the impact that can have on helping you attract, retain and engage talent.

Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices from industry experts along with a host of resources available to you at little or no charge thanks to the work of the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy and Capability along with other program partners in an public-private partnership called Elevate Wisconsin aiming to help organizations and HR / Benefit professionals improve financial wellness in the workplace.

David D. Mancl is the director of the Office of Financial Literacy at the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and has over 20 years of experience in the financial literacy and capability field. In this position he takes a leadership role on all issues of financial literacy and capability, and manages the department’s related programs and initiatives.

J. Michael Collins is faculty director of the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the Fetzer Family Chair in Consumer & Personal Finance in the School of Human Ecology, a Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs, a family economics specialist for the Division of Extension, and an affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty and Center for Demography and Ecology.

Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) Secretary-designee Cheryll Olson-Collins, a native of Portage, Wis., spent more than two decades in the private-sector banking industry before joining the State of Wisconsin.

Joe Saari is the founder and Chairman of the Financial Fitness Group (FFG). A well-known thought leader, who has been featured on CNBC, CNN, and Bloomberg TV, Joe brings over 20 years of experience as an academic, innovator, and leader in the field of financial wellness.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-6 (Kalahari C-D) SECURE ACT 2.0 - It’s Impact on Your Retirement Plan and All of Your Admin Processes
Neil Decker, Paul Dowd, Roger Fuerstenau
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in December 2019 and became a law as of Jan. 1, 2020. The legislation created changes for long-term retirement savings and has financial impacts for Americans at every age.
And then…

SECURE 2.0 Act was signed into law in late 2022, delivering dozens of new retirement-related provisions. These changes build on the original SECURE Act of 2019, which altered the rules around how you can save and withdraw money from your retirement accounts. SECURE 2.0 Act addresses additional issues related to retirement and savings that were not part of the original SECURE Act, creating new flexibility and accessibility to help individuals plan for a more secure future.

We will unpack the changes happening in 2023 and through 2033 that impact retirement plan administration and the residual impact on payroll, HR and admin teams.

Learning Objective 1: What the new law requires of business owners. The changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years and business owners will need to make some of the changes while other changes may be optional.

Learning Objective 2: How the law will affect your retirement plan?
How the law will affect you if your DON'T have a retirement plan?
Existing plans will need to be updated.
Don't have a plan? You will have to offer one or use your states version. We will explain.

Learning Objective 3: When the changes will go into effect.
Changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years.
We will give you the timeline to make changes/updates.

Roger is a 25-year veteran in the financial services industry. He is an HCM Consultant and podcast host for The Benefit Companies. He graduated from Concordia Mequon with a BA in Business.

Paul brings over 30 years of retirement plan consulting and sales experience with his most recent role as Senior Regional Sales Director at Morningstar, Inc. Paul is responsible for Business Development at The Benefit Companies. Paul graduated from the U of Illinois in finance.

Neil is a Retirement Plan Account Executive and HCM Consultant with The Benefit Companies. Neil graduated from UW-Madison in Personal Finance and Financial Planning.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-6 (Kalahari C-D) SECURE ACT 2.0 - It’s Impact on Your Retirement Plan and All of Your Admin Processes
Neil Decker, Paul Dowd, Roger Fuerstenau
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in December 2019 and became a law as of Jan. 1, 2020. The legislation created changes for long-term retirement savings and has financial impacts for Americans at every age.
And then…

SECURE 2.0 Act was signed into law in late 2022, delivering dozens of new retirement-related provisions. These changes build on the original SECURE Act of 2019, which altered the rules around how you can save and withdraw money from your retirement accounts. SECURE 2.0 Act addresses additional issues related to retirement and savings that were not part of the original SECURE Act, creating new flexibility and accessibility to help individuals plan for a more secure future.

We will unpack the changes happening in 2023 and through 2033 that impact retirement plan administration and the residual impact on payroll, HR and admin teams.

Learning Objective 1: What the new law requires of business owners. The changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years and business owners will need to make some of the changes while other changes may be optional.

Learning Objective 2: How the law will affect your retirement plan?
How the law will affect you if your DON'T have a retirement plan?
Existing plans will need to be updated.
Don't have a plan? You will have to offer one or use your states version. We will explain.

Learning Objective 3: When the changes will go into effect.
Changes will be rolled out in stages over the next 10 years.
We will give you the timeline to make changes/updates.

Roger is a 25-year veteran in the financial services industry. He is an HCM Consultant and podcast host for The Benefit Companies. He graduated from Concordia Mequon with a BA in Business.

Paul brings over 30 years of retirement plan consulting and sales experience with his most recent role as Senior Regional Sales Director at Morningstar, Inc. Paul is responsible for Business Development at The Benefit Companies. Paul graduated from the U of Illinois in finance.

Neil is a Retirement Plan Account Executive and HCM Consultant with The Benefit Companies. Neil graduated from UW-Madison in Personal Finance and Financial Planning.
Room Number: Kalahari C-D
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-7 (Kalahari E-F) Leverage Your Team’s Superpowers & Build a StrengthsFirst Culture
Tiffany Weigand
Do you feel like you're always focusing on the fire in front of you? Team members are exhausted, burned out, frustrated or not working well as a team? Maybe you notice the complaining, the low morale, high turnover, or that you aren't meeting your goals.
If any of these sounds like your team, consider shifting perspective to help your team identify their individual strengths for increased engagement and energy management.

Strengths-based leadership and team development are vital for every individual and group. The StrengthsFirst program focuses on individual strengths, the need to partner with others, and how it all fits together to optimize all people and situations. Through discussion and direct application of CliftonStrengths and our proprietary tools, individuals and teams will see themselves in a new and positive light.

Help individuals and teams leverage their superpowers. Take "weakness" out of your vocabulary and replace it with "partner-up opportunities" for maximum engagement, retention, and efficiency.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the uniqueness of each person’s individual strengths.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize and appreciate personal strengths, as well as the natural need for others’ strengths achieved through partnering-up.

Learning Objective 3: Identify how it all fits together, using strengths for individuals, teams and organizations to increase engagement, energy and efficiency.

With 20+ years of marketing and consulting, Tiffany has served regional and global organizations in numerous industries, including manufacturing, education, municipalities, small business and nonprofit. Tiffany’s Gallup Certification, experience, and focus on real life solutions adds tremendous value to her clients. She has a Bachelor's in Marketing from UW-La Crosse and an MBA from Marquette University. Her top strengths are focus, responsibility, analytical, relator, and consistency.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-7 (Kalahari E-F) Leverage Your Team’s Superpowers & Build a StrengthsFirst Culture
Tiffany Weigand
Do you feel like you're always focusing on the fire in front of you? Team members are exhausted, burned out, frustrated or not working well as a team? Maybe you notice the complaining, the low morale, high turnover, or that you aren't meeting your goals.
If any of these sounds like your team, consider shifting perspective to help your team identify their individual strengths for increased engagement and energy management.

Strengths-based leadership and team development are vital for every individual and group. The StrengthsFirst program focuses on individual strengths, the need to partner with others, and how it all fits together to optimize all people and situations. Through discussion and direct application of CliftonStrengths and our proprietary tools, individuals and teams will see themselves in a new and positive light.

Help individuals and teams leverage their superpowers. Take "weakness" out of your vocabulary and replace it with "partner-up opportunities" for maximum engagement, retention, and efficiency.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the uniqueness of each person’s individual strengths.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize and appreciate personal strengths, as well as the natural need for others’ strengths achieved through partnering-up.

Learning Objective 3: Identify how it all fits together, using strengths for individuals, teams and organizations to increase engagement, energy and efficiency.

With 20+ years of marketing and consulting, Tiffany has served regional and global organizations in numerous industries, including manufacturing, education, municipalities, small business and nonprofit. Tiffany’s Gallup Certification, experience, and focus on real life solutions adds tremendous value to her clients. She has a Bachelor's in Marketing from UW-La Crosse and an MBA from Marquette University. Her top strengths are focus, responsibility, analytical, relator, and consistency.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-8 (Kalahari G-H) What Employees Want: Using Data to Optimize Your Rewards Program
Taylor Orton
In this session, we will dive deep into employee perception data and how it can be used to better align employer rewards with what employees actually value in their total rewards package.

Learning Objective 1: A Framework to Prioritize Your Total Rewards Initiatives

Learning Objective 2: Innovative Ways to Tweak Traditional Rewards to Stand Out From the Crowd

Learning Objective 3: Proven Strategies to Free Up Expenses to Allow for Reinvestment

Taylor Orton has worked with Cottingham & Butler since 2012 and currently holds the position of Vice President and Director of Wisconsin Benefits for the Employee Benefits Consulting division. Prior to managing the Wisconsin Benefits Practice, Taylor ran the Healthcare Analytics division of Cottingham & Butler and brought with him an analytical background with experience in Private Equity and IBM. Taylor’s vast experience in both employee benefits and data analytics provides clients with a strategical insight to make better decisions for their organization and employees.

Taylor received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Dubuque. He also holds a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist designation awarded by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-8 (Kalahari G-H) What Employees Want: Using Data to Optimize Your Rewards Program
Taylor Orton
In this session, we will dive deep into employee perception data and how it can be used to better align employer rewards with what employees actually value in their total rewards package.

Learning Objective 1: A Framework to Prioritize Your Total Rewards Initiatives

Learning Objective 2: Innovative Ways to Tweak Traditional Rewards to Stand Out From the Crowd

Learning Objective 3: Proven Strategies to Free Up Expenses to Allow for Reinvestment

Taylor Orton has worked with Cottingham & Butler since 2012 and currently holds the position of Vice President and Director of Wisconsin Benefits for the Employee Benefits Consulting division. Prior to managing the Wisconsin Benefits Practice, Taylor ran the Healthcare Analytics division of Cottingham & Butler and brought with him an analytical background with experience in Private Equity and IBM. Taylor’s vast experience in both employee benefits and data analytics provides clients with a strategical insight to make better decisions for their organization and employees.

Taylor received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Dubuque. He also holds a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist designation awarded by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Employer Healthcare Success Formula
Matt Ohrt
Having led a healthcare improvement journey at Merrill Steel in Schofield, WI, which saved millions of dollars of plan spend, while adding a large host of no cost care options for members, such as primary care, imaging, surgery, etc. Matt has become well known in Wisconsin and nationally for his knowledge and leadership ability on employer healthcare plans. Improvements to benefit plan also give an employer a great advantage for recruiting and retention. They also earn HR valuable credibility in the area of business acumen, cost management, and culture change.

Learning Objective 1: Educate HR leaders on the current condition of healthcare. According to the most recent RAND study, Wisconsin ranks as the 4th most expensive state to receive healthcare. Employers and employees are the overburdened payers.

Learning Objective 2: Educate HR leaders on why Wisconsin is the 4th highest cost and the things that are causing this.

Learning Objective 3: Share a practical method, called the Employer Healthcare Success Formula, which is backed by employer success stories across the state that HR leaders can follow to reduce wasted cost with their employer sponsored health plan, while greatly increasing the quality of care.

As the VP of Human Resources at Merrill Steel, Matt embarked on a healthcare journey that took him places he never would have imagined, ultimately discovering a repeatable path for employers to fix their healthcare.

Matt founded the Healthcare Best Practice Group, which includes over 250 Wisconsin employers, and is a Co-Chapter Leader for the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA). His diligence and gritty leadership have sparked and supported a healthcare improvement movement in Wisconsin.

Matt is the recipient of the 2019 CWSHRM HR Professional of the Year, the Alliance 2020 Healthcare Transformation Award, the 2020 National Employer/Purchaser Healthcare Excellence Award (previously won by Disney, Boeing, and Walmart) and the 2022 Free Market Medical Association’s Be the Beacon Award.

Matt and his wife Denise have been married 26 years and live in central Wisconsin. They have five children - one adopted and serve as champion foster parents for Marathon County.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Employer Healthcare Success Formula
Matt Ohrt
Having led a healthcare improvement journey at Merrill Steel in Schofield, WI, which saved millions of dollars of plan spend, while adding a large host of no cost care options for members, such as primary care, imaging, surgery, etc. Matt has become well known in Wisconsin and nationally for his knowledge and leadership ability on employer healthcare plans. Improvements to benefit plan also give an employer a great advantage for recruiting and retention. They also earn HR valuable credibility in the area of business acumen, cost management, and culture change.

Learning Objective 1: Educate HR leaders on the current condition of healthcare. According to the most recent RAND study, Wisconsin ranks as the 4th most expensive state to receive healthcare. Employers and employees are the overburdened payers.

Learning Objective 2: Educate HR leaders on why Wisconsin is the 4th highest cost and the things that are causing this.

Learning Objective 3: Share a practical method, called the Employer Healthcare Success Formula, which is backed by employer success stories across the state that HR leaders can follow to reduce wasted cost with their employer sponsored health plan, while greatly increasing the quality of care.

As the VP of Human Resources at Merrill Steel, Matt embarked on a healthcare journey that took him places he never would have imagined, ultimately discovering a repeatable path for employers to fix their healthcare.

Matt founded the Healthcare Best Practice Group, which includes over 250 Wisconsin employers, and is a Co-Chapter Leader for the Free Market Medical Association (FMMA). His diligence and gritty leadership have sparked and supported a healthcare improvement movement in Wisconsin.

Matt is the recipient of the 2019 CWSHRM HR Professional of the Year, the Alliance 2020 Healthcare Transformation Award, the 2020 National Employer/Purchaser Healthcare Excellence Award (previously won by Disney, Boeing, and Walmart) and the 2022 Free Market Medical Association’s Be the Beacon Award.

Matt and his wife Denise have been married 26 years and live in central Wisconsin. They have five children - one adopted and serve as champion foster parents for Marathon County.

Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L3-10 (Portia/Wisteria) A Deep Dive into Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Amy Nelson
Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA) is one of the fastest growing employee benefits. It’s a strategic way to attract and retain top talent because it directly addresses the burden that student loan debt places on borrowers. Employers can make tax-free payments toward an employee’s student loans up to $5,250 per year.

Join us to learn more about SLRA, its impact on employees and employers, and key considerations when creating a program.

Learning Objective 1: Define Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA), share background, features and insight into tax-free status.

Learning Objective 2: Identify employee and employer impacts of SLRA.

Learning Objective 3: Introduce considerations for implementation of a SLRA program and examine ROI.

Amy is an Attigo Regional Sales Director, with nearly two decades of assisting organizations implement strategic plans to meet the educational assistance goals for their employees, their employee’s dependents, and the constituents that they serve. She helps Human Resource leaders better understand the impact of student loan debt on their workforce, and the positive gains achieved from a repayment benefit.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L3-10 (Portia/Wisteria) A Deep Dive into Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Amy Nelson
Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA) is one of the fastest growing employee benefits. It’s a strategic way to attract and retain top talent because it directly addresses the burden that student loan debt places on borrowers. Employers can make tax-free payments toward an employee’s student loans up to $5,250 per year.

Join us to learn more about SLRA, its impact on employees and employers, and key considerations when creating a program.

Learning Objective 1: Define Student Loan Repayment Assistance (SLRA), share background, features and insight into tax-free status.

Learning Objective 2: Identify employee and employer impacts of SLRA.

Learning Objective 3: Introduce considerations for implementation of a SLRA program and examine ROI.

Amy is an Attigo Regional Sales Director, with nearly two decades of assisting organizations implement strategic plans to meet the educational assistance goals for their employees, their employee’s dependents, and the constituents that they serve. She helps Human Resource leaders better understand the impact of student loan debt on their workforce, and the positive gains achieved from a repayment benefit.

Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
4:00 PM to 5:15 PM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) The Quest for Culture: Is it an Impossible Dream?
Shawn Gulyas
Creating and maintaining a top workplace culture is a challenging, ongoing process reinforced through an organization’s people touchpoints - communications, talent discovery, onboarding, performance management and every other practice that impacts your team. If culture is “everything,” where does a leader begin? HR’s role in attaining a dream culture is rooted in purposeful action. In this session, HR professionals on a culture crusade will explore the foundational pillars that simplify and inspire that action, and learn the methodology that makes culture dreams a reality. This session will energize the role of HR, enliven people touchpoint practices and redefine the world of work.

Learning Objective 1: Participants will define and prioritize the “dream” elements of their organizational culture.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will set their “dream” into motion by identifying the purposeful actions (i.e. their culture strategy) using the humanworks8 framework.

Learning Objective 3: Participants will leverage new tools for strategic guidance and internal communication to harness momentum.

Shawn exists to design and facilitate creative experiences that challenge one’s thinking and action – helping individuals and companies find their authenticity and elevate their people touchpoints. After a 25-year leadership career in HR, Shawn founded humanworks8 to help organizations improve their bottom line by building sustainable people practices through Culture Development, Talent Engagement, Leadership Development and Strategic Planning.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) The Quest for Culture: Is it an Impossible Dream?
Shawn Gulyas
Creating and maintaining a top workplace culture is a challenging, ongoing process reinforced through an organization’s people touchpoints - communications, talent discovery, onboarding, performance management and every other practice that impacts your team. If culture is “everything,” where does a leader begin? HR’s role in attaining a dream culture is rooted in purposeful action. In this session, HR professionals on a culture crusade will explore the foundational pillars that simplify and inspire that action, and learn the methodology that makes culture dreams a reality. This session will energize the role of HR, enliven people touchpoint practices and redefine the world of work.

Learning Objective 1: Participants will define and prioritize the “dream” elements of their organizational culture.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will set their “dream” into motion by identifying the purposeful actions (i.e. their culture strategy) using the humanworks8 framework.

Learning Objective 3: Participants will leverage new tools for strategic guidance and internal communication to harness momentum.

Shawn exists to design and facilitate creative experiences that challenge one’s thinking and action – helping individuals and companies find their authenticity and elevate their people touchpoints. After a 25-year leadership career in HR, Shawn founded humanworks8 to help organizations improve their bottom line by building sustainable people practices through Culture Development, Talent Engagement, Leadership Development and Strategic Planning.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) What’s New in Benefits: Lifestyle Spending Accounts
Sarah Fowles, JD
Employees are unique; let them choose how to use their benefit dollars. Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) are a flexible, usually after-tax benefit offering to help support employees’ individual lifestyles. LSAs are an excellent tool to help employees pay for a variety of expenses above and beyond what traditional benefit accounts can cover, including work equipment, return to office incentives, fitness memberships, and much more. But watch out - LSAs also contain a few “compliance traps” for the unwary and can trigger unexpected tax consequences, requirements under ERISA and other benefits laws depending on what they cover.

In this session, we will be discussing:
•Market trends around LSAs
•Where LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture
•Case Study: Employers who have offered an LSA and why?
•How to recognize and avoid “compliance traps”

Learning Objective 1: Discuss market trends around LSAs.

Learning Objective 2: Understand how LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture.

Learning Objective 3: Recognize and avoid compliance traps.

Sarah Fowles is Compliance Director for Employee Benefits Corporation ("EBC"). Prior to joining EBC, Sarah worked for national and regional brokerages as a compliance consultant. She is a licensed attorney, and spent 7 years practicing employee benefits law with a focus on health and welfare benefits.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) What’s New in Benefits: Lifestyle Spending Accounts
Sarah Fowles, JD
Employees are unique; let them choose how to use their benefit dollars. Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs) are a flexible, usually after-tax benefit offering to help support employees’ individual lifestyles. LSAs are an excellent tool to help employees pay for a variety of expenses above and beyond what traditional benefit accounts can cover, including work equipment, return to office incentives, fitness memberships, and much more. But watch out - LSAs also contain a few “compliance traps” for the unwary and can trigger unexpected tax consequences, requirements under ERISA and other benefits laws depending on what they cover.

In this session, we will be discussing:
•Market trends around LSAs
•Where LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture
•Case Study: Employers who have offered an LSA and why?
•How to recognize and avoid “compliance traps”

Learning Objective 1: Discuss market trends around LSAs.

Learning Objective 2: Understand how LSAs fit into the overall benefits picture.

Learning Objective 3: Recognize and avoid compliance traps.

Sarah Fowles is Compliance Director for Employee Benefits Corporation ("EBC"). Prior to joining EBC, Sarah worked for national and regional brokerages as a compliance consultant. She is a licensed attorney, and spent 7 years practicing employee benefits law with a focus on health and welfare benefits.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Cultivating Charisma
Kristin Bock
Leadership begins with a moment...

... an introduction that conveys confidence, competence, and character...
... an interaction that creates connection...
... an opportunity that establishes your executive presence.

At the core of building executive presence is your charisma—that “something special” that draws others to you and makes them eager to trust you. Even if you’re not a “natural born leader”, you can build executive presence by cultivating your charisma. A foundational approach to executive presence training, this interactive session illustrates the nonverbal keys of influence and how they affect the way others perceive you, your warmth, your competence, and your ability to lead.

Learning Objective 1: We often consider charisma and executive presence to be mysterious and elusive skills only a few are lucky enough to possess. Yet these skills can be both learned and taught. We will identify leaders that have these qualities and examine hard and soft skills and their relationship to influence. We will take a quiz to determine personal tendencies.

Learning Objective 2: Understanding how emotional intelligence (EI) and interpersonal intelligence (PQ) impact how others perceive and relate to us is the key to cultivating charisma. We will discuss ways to calibrate and balance our warmth and competence cues both in-person and in the virtual world. We will highlight recognizing our own cues and discover how we can show up more intentionally. We will learn how RBF (resting “bothered” face) is actually real and learn what we can do to make adjustments.

Learning Objective 3: How we make others feel matters. Understanding how we show up and impact others is an important part of presence and influence (besides recruitment and retention)! We will look at the neuroscience of human connection and discover nonverbal communication cues that our brain needs in order to build trust, rapport, and empathy. We will also analyze the influence and impact of nonverbal cues in our environment.

Kristin Bock—aka Woman Determined To Make Sure People Feel Seen & Heard—is a speaker, coach, and the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an online platform that helps leaders and professionals win more clients, enchant audiences, & supercharge their communities.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Cultivating Charisma
Kristin Bock
Leadership begins with a moment...

... an introduction that conveys confidence, competence, and character...
... an interaction that creates connection...
... an opportunity that establishes your executive presence.

At the core of building executive presence is your charisma—that “something special” that draws others to you and makes them eager to trust you. Even if you’re not a “natural born leader”, you can build executive presence by cultivating your charisma. A foundational approach to executive presence training, this interactive session illustrates the nonverbal keys of influence and how they affect the way others perceive you, your warmth, your competence, and your ability to lead.

Learning Objective 1: We often consider charisma and executive presence to be mysterious and elusive skills only a few are lucky enough to possess. Yet these skills can be both learned and taught. We will identify leaders that have these qualities and examine hard and soft skills and their relationship to influence. We will take a quiz to determine personal tendencies.

Learning Objective 2: Understanding how emotional intelligence (EI) and interpersonal intelligence (PQ) impact how others perceive and relate to us is the key to cultivating charisma. We will discuss ways to calibrate and balance our warmth and competence cues both in-person and in the virtual world. We will highlight recognizing our own cues and discover how we can show up more intentionally. We will learn how RBF (resting “bothered” face) is actually real and learn what we can do to make adjustments.

Learning Objective 3: How we make others feel matters. Understanding how we show up and impact others is an important part of presence and influence (besides recruitment and retention)! We will look at the neuroscience of human connection and discover nonverbal communication cues that our brain needs in order to build trust, rapport, and empathy. We will also analyze the influence and impact of nonverbal cues in our environment.

Kristin Bock—aka Woman Determined To Make Sure People Feel Seen & Heard—is a speaker, coach, and the founder of Body Language Blueprints, an online platform that helps leaders and professionals win more clients, enchant audiences, & supercharge their communities.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Psychological Safety Fosters Positive Change
Rachel Breitbach
As we lead change, we are focused on creating an environment where people are ready for and can adopt change. To do that, we need to understand the organization’s culture and environment and one of the most important aspects of culture is that people inherently feel psychologically safe. Amy Edmonson from Harvard defines psychological safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes, and that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” It is a simple concept but it isn’t necessarily easy to create. How can HR Practitioners and leaders instill an environment of psychological safety that helps to enable positive change?

Learning Objective 1: What is psychological safety and what happens when psychological safety is and is not present?

Learning Objective 2: How psychological safety impacts change outcomes.

Learning Objective 3: What can we do to create psychological safety?

As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) Psychological Safety Fosters Positive Change
Rachel Breitbach
As we lead change, we are focused on creating an environment where people are ready for and can adopt change. To do that, we need to understand the organization’s culture and environment and one of the most important aspects of culture is that people inherently feel psychologically safe. Amy Edmonson from Harvard defines psychological safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes, and that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” It is a simple concept but it isn’t necessarily easy to create. How can HR Practitioners and leaders instill an environment of psychological safety that helps to enable positive change?

Learning Objective 1: What is psychological safety and what happens when psychological safety is and is not present?

Learning Objective 2: How psychological safety impacts change outcomes.

Learning Objective 3: What can we do to create psychological safety?

As FarWell’s Practice Lead, Rachel has delivered complex global transformation initiatives for over 25 years. She has expertise in change management, human resources, project management and business transformation. She gives workshops and delivers speaking engagements related to building change agility. She enjoys volunteering, playing tennis and eating chocolate whenever possible!
Room Number: Kilimanjaro 7-8
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-5 (Kalahari A-B) You’ve Been Ghosted: 3 Steps to Becoming an HR Ghostbuster
Steven Smith
Ghosting is an issue that has plagued employers for years, but recently, this phenomenon has seen the disapparation of more applicants than ever before. While many employers are blaming the rising generation, laziness, lack of respect or professionalism, etc., what if part of the problem was the employer’s fault?

In this session we will cover how to become an HR ghostbuster by looking at three specific areas where ghosting occurs the most. Understanding why it occurs is also extremely important to potentially mitigate the issue and give your organization the opportunity to not only attract applicants, but keep them interested and engaged without losing them along the way.

Finally, you will learn a bit more about quiet quitting, and how ghosting is related to this very issue. Also, what would you do if you learned that quiet quitting is sometimes a call for help?

Come learn to be an HR Ghostbuster, and you will have applicants and employees alike answering the question:

Who you gonna call?

Why, HR of course!

Learning Objective 1: Understand how the application process can cause ghosting and three immediate practices that can be implemented to mitigate ghosting at this stage of the process.

Learning Objective 2: Define the job seeker persona to help avoid the common mistakes that lead to ghosting and understand how the job ad has a direct impact on the likelihood of ghosting from the application stage to the interview process.

Learning Objective 3: Gain a sound understanding of how manager engagement during the interview process can help stop ghosting and three core elements to help managers better prepare for the interview. Also learn the six practices for engaged focus.

Steve will be the first to tell you that recruiting is marketing. He earned a BS in Finance at Brigham Young University and started his career in recruiting in Feb 2005. In 2008, he took a risk during a recession to help start a new company with Ryan Kohler, called ApplicantPro, designed to provide applicant tracking software for small to mid-sized businesses. 11,000 clients and 300 employees later, ApplicantPro has been on the Inc 5000 list 10 years in a row. Steve currently serves as the Utah SHRM State Director and he loves to volunteer. His book, The Hiring Tree: Laws of Applicant Attraction, has helped thousands of organizations across the country rethink the way they approach hiring. #1 New Release in several categories on Amazon in 2023, The Hiring Tree will help any organization understand the principles and role of SEO and marketing when it comes to attracting job seekers.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-5 (Kalahari A-B) You’ve Been Ghosted: 3 Steps to Becoming an HR Ghostbuster
Steven Smith
Ghosting is an issue that has plagued employers for years, but recently, this phenomenon has seen the disapparation of more applicants than ever before. While many employers are blaming the rising generation, laziness, lack of respect or professionalism, etc., what if part of the problem was the employer’s fault?

In this session we will cover how to become an HR ghostbuster by looking at three specific areas where ghosting occurs the most. Understanding why it occurs is also extremely important to potentially mitigate the issue and give your organization the opportunity to not only attract applicants, but keep them interested and engaged without losing them along the way.

Finally, you will learn a bit more about quiet quitting, and how ghosting is related to this very issue. Also, what would you do if you learned that quiet quitting is sometimes a call for help?

Come learn to be an HR Ghostbuster, and you will have applicants and employees alike answering the question:

Who you gonna call?

Why, HR of course!

Learning Objective 1: Understand how the application process can cause ghosting and three immediate practices that can be implemented to mitigate ghosting at this stage of the process.

Learning Objective 2: Define the job seeker persona to help avoid the common mistakes that lead to ghosting and understand how the job ad has a direct impact on the likelihood of ghosting from the application stage to the interview process.

Learning Objective 3: Gain a sound understanding of how manager engagement during the interview process can help stop ghosting and three core elements to help managers better prepare for the interview. Also learn the six practices for engaged focus.

Steve will be the first to tell you that recruiting is marketing. He earned a BS in Finance at Brigham Young University and started his career in recruiting in Feb 2005. In 2008, he took a risk during a recession to help start a new company with Ryan Kohler, called ApplicantPro, designed to provide applicant tracking software for small to mid-sized businesses. 11,000 clients and 300 employees later, ApplicantPro has been on the Inc 5000 list 10 years in a row. Steve currently serves as the Utah SHRM State Director and he loves to volunteer. His book, The Hiring Tree: Laws of Applicant Attraction, has helped thousands of organizations across the country rethink the way they approach hiring. #1 New Release in several categories on Amazon in 2023, The Hiring Tree will help any organization understand the principles and role of SEO and marketing when it comes to attracting job seekers.
Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-6 (Kalahari C-D) Creating a Winning Culture in Times of Chaos
Ryan Festerling
The rise in demand for remote or hybrid roles, the shifting labor market and increased competition for talent are all issues that HR teams are facing in a post-pandemic world. All of these factors can affect your company's culture. In this presentation track, you will learn how to cut through the chaos and create a winning culture by having employee alignment, brand ambassadors and understanding how to centralize a decentralized environment.

Learning Objective 1: Unifying new and legacy employees – honoring the past, driving the future, and getting others to own the culture.

Learning Objective 2: Understanding the ‘Golden Rule’: Developing brand ambassadors in the onboarding and offboarding process.

Learning Objective 3: Creating a centralized culture in a decentralized environment.

Ryan Festerling is President of QPS Employment Group with over 50 locations in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. QPS solves talent challenges for hundreds of customers on a daily basis with temporary staffing, direct hire and analytical data. Ryan has over 20 years of progressive leadership experience in both private and Fortune 150 companies. Prior to joining QPS in 2019, Ryan was Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Kohl's Department Stores where he was responsible for leading the people functions for 130,000 employees and 1150 locations across the nation. Ryan has a track record of utilizing technology to enhance the candidate experience while improving overall efficiencies. He has a drive for building cohesive teams and individuals that are passionate about the work they do.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-6 (Kalahari C-D) Creating a Winning Culture in Times of Chaos
Ryan Festerling
The rise in demand for remote or hybrid roles, the shifting labor market and increased competition for talent are all issues that HR teams are facing in a post-pandemic world. All of these factors can affect your company's culture. In this presentation track, you will learn how to cut through the chaos and create a winning culture by having employee alignment, brand ambassadors and understanding how to centralize a decentralized environment.

Learning Objective 1: Unifying new and legacy employees – honoring the past, driving the future, and getting others to own the culture.

Learning Objective 2: Understanding the ‘Golden Rule’: Developing brand ambassadors in the onboarding and offboarding process.

Learning Objective 3: Creating a centralized culture in a decentralized environment.

Ryan Festerling is President of QPS Employment Group with over 50 locations in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. QPS solves talent challenges for hundreds of customers on a daily basis with temporary staffing, direct hire and analytical data. Ryan has over 20 years of progressive leadership experience in both private and Fortune 150 companies. Prior to joining QPS in 2019, Ryan was Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Kohl's Department Stores where he was responsible for leading the people functions for 130,000 employees and 1150 locations across the nation. Ryan has a track record of utilizing technology to enhance the candidate experience while improving overall efficiencies. He has a drive for building cohesive teams and individuals that are passionate about the work they do.

Room Number: Kalahari C-D
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-7 (Kalahari E-F) The Importance of Employee Engagement – An Update on Union Growth and Developments with the NLRA
Christopher Toner
Attorney Chris Toner from Axley Attorneys will provide an update on labor law and a discussion on the reasons union organizing campaigns are increasing. Gain understanding labor law under the National Labor Relations Act on:
•Understanding why unions are on the rise;
•What to do if you get an organizing campaign;
•Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA; and
•Identifying strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.
Chris has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with labor relations matters, including the collective bargaining process and providing strategic representation in managing labor agreements.

Learning Objective 1: Understanding why unions are on the rise.

Learning Objective 2: What to do if you get an organizing campaign.

Learning Objective 3: Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA. Identify strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.

Attorney Christopher M. Toner is a partner and member of the Firm’s Labor and
Employment Practice Group. As a former in-house attorney at large health care systems,
Attorney Toner is well positioned to assist clients with navigating and resolving complex
legal matters as well as assisting with legal guidance on their day to day legal needs. His
experience as in-house counsel allows him to understand the operational complexities
and provide practical solutions. Attorney Toner handles legal and regulatory issues facing health systems, including areas such as employment law counseling, collective bargaining with labor unions, peer review matters and medical staff issues, and revisions to medical staff bylaws. In addition, Attorney Toner has experience assisting Corporate Compliance teams, and provides counsel in matters involving issues related to Stark, Anti-Anti-Kickback and tax-exempt regulations, HIPAA, EMTALA, and licensing issues.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-7 (Kalahari E-F) The Importance of Employee Engagement – An Update on Union Growth and Developments with the NLRA
Christopher Toner
Attorney Chris Toner from Axley Attorneys will provide an update on labor law and a discussion on the reasons union organizing campaigns are increasing. Gain understanding labor law under the National Labor Relations Act on:
•Understanding why unions are on the rise;
•What to do if you get an organizing campaign;
•Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA; and
•Identifying strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.
Chris has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with labor relations matters, including the collective bargaining process and providing strategic representation in managing labor agreements.

Learning Objective 1: Understanding why unions are on the rise.

Learning Objective 2: What to do if you get an organizing campaign.

Learning Objective 3: Review Employee’s Section 7 Rights under the NLRA. Identify strategies to lower vulnerability to an organizing campaign.

Attorney Christopher M. Toner is a partner and member of the Firm’s Labor and
Employment Practice Group. As a former in-house attorney at large health care systems,
Attorney Toner is well positioned to assist clients with navigating and resolving complex
legal matters as well as assisting with legal guidance on their day to day legal needs. His
experience as in-house counsel allows him to understand the operational complexities
and provide practical solutions. Attorney Toner handles legal and regulatory issues facing health systems, including areas such as employment law counseling, collective bargaining with labor unions, peer review matters and medical staff issues, and revisions to medical staff bylaws. In addition, Attorney Toner has experience assisting Corporate Compliance teams, and provides counsel in matters involving issues related to Stark, Anti-Anti-Kickback and tax-exempt regulations, HIPAA, EMTALA, and licensing issues.
Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-8 (Kalahari G-H) Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
Jesse Dill
Artificial intelligence applications have exploded and are poised to continue to grow in the coming years. With these new tools come new labor and employment law challenges in the workplace.

This wide-ranging presentation will discuss emerging technologies, government responses to their application in business, and best practices to navigate.

Learning Objective 1: Identify what artificial intelligence is and how technologies are using it to create efficiencies in human resource-related functions.

Learning Objective 2: Learn about the latest federal, state, and local government laws and publications passed in response to the rise in artificial intelligence technologies.

Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for introducing or maintaining artificial intelligence applications that apply to your workforce.

Jesse has a wide range of labor and employment law experience with a focus on single-plaintiff litigation, class and collective matters under the Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour laws, and labor relations pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act. Jesse has cost-effectively obtained successful judgments, decisions, and resolutions for his clients in a wide array of forums, including state and federal courts, arbitration proceedings, and administrative hearings before the Equal Rights Division. Jesse also represents indigent parties in federal jury trials through the Eastern District of Wisconsin Pro Bono Program.

Jesse is an active member in the legal and civic communities. He is a fellow with the Wisconsin Law Foundation, a former board member of the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Labor and Employment Law Section, and a committee member for the Wisconsin Humane Society.

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-8 (Kalahari G-H) Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
Jesse Dill
Artificial intelligence applications have exploded and are poised to continue to grow in the coming years. With these new tools come new labor and employment law challenges in the workplace.

This wide-ranging presentation will discuss emerging technologies, government responses to their application in business, and best practices to navigate.

Learning Objective 1: Identify what artificial intelligence is and how technologies are using it to create efficiencies in human resource-related functions.

Learning Objective 2: Learn about the latest federal, state, and local government laws and publications passed in response to the rise in artificial intelligence technologies.

Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for introducing or maintaining artificial intelligence applications that apply to your workforce.

Jesse has a wide range of labor and employment law experience with a focus on single-plaintiff litigation, class and collective matters under the Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour laws, and labor relations pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act. Jesse has cost-effectively obtained successful judgments, decisions, and resolutions for his clients in a wide array of forums, including state and federal courts, arbitration proceedings, and administrative hearings before the Equal Rights Division. Jesse also represents indigent parties in federal jury trials through the Eastern District of Wisconsin Pro Bono Program.

Jesse is an active member in the legal and civic communities. He is a fellow with the Wisconsin Law Foundation, a former board member of the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Labor and Employment Law Section, and a committee member for the Wisconsin Humane Society.

Room Number: Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Changing World of Compensation
Rena Somersan
So many things have happened over the last couple of years. Compensation programs have had to evolve and adapt. Join this interactive fast-paced program to explore the new world of pay. The program will start with a fresh look at crafting a Total Rewards Philosophy to provide a new-world employee value proposition. It will cover inflations' impact on workforce pay programs as well as the possibility of recession. We'll delve into the ways pay can help with attraction, motivation and retention as well as executive compensation plans and the ways that an organization can really generate a return on the investment of compensation dollars in a tight labor market!

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to craft a Compensation Philosophy to align to the new world of work. Participants will participate in an activity designed to send them home with a draft to work on with their top teams.

Learning Objective 2: Obtain creative workforce compensation ideas that you can practically implement at your organizations.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to craft executive compensation programs to drive performance and enhance retention.

Rena Somersan is a Managing Principal with Newport Group. She has over twenty five years of consulting and industry experience assisting clients in executing their strategic human resources and compensation initiatives. Her focus has been in the areas of workforce and executive compensation, performance management initiatives, leadership development, talent motivation and retention. Rena LOVES helping clients improve their compensation programs!

Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-9 (Guava/Tamarind) The Changing World of Compensation
Rena Somersan
So many things have happened over the last couple of years. Compensation programs have had to evolve and adapt. Join this interactive fast-paced program to explore the new world of pay. The program will start with a fresh look at crafting a Total Rewards Philosophy to provide a new-world employee value proposition. It will cover inflations' impact on workforce pay programs as well as the possibility of recession. We'll delve into the ways pay can help with attraction, motivation and retention as well as executive compensation plans and the ways that an organization can really generate a return on the investment of compensation dollars in a tight labor market!

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to craft a Compensation Philosophy to align to the new world of work. Participants will participate in an activity designed to send them home with a draft to work on with their top teams.

Learning Objective 2: Obtain creative workforce compensation ideas that you can practically implement at your organizations.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to craft executive compensation programs to drive performance and enhance retention.

Rena Somersan is a Managing Principal with Newport Group. She has over twenty five years of consulting and industry experience assisting clients in executing their strategic human resources and compensation initiatives. Her focus has been in the areas of workforce and executive compensation, performance management initiatives, leadership development, talent motivation and retention. Rena LOVES helping clients improve their compensation programs!

Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Thursday L4-10 (Portia/Wisteria) An Elephant Hunt: Is Your Team Thoughtfully Fit?
Jill Mueller
Research shows that 90% of teams see themselves as underachieving, not exclusively because of external challenges, but because the team struggles with communication, conflict, and trust. Left unaddressed, these struggles can turn into elephants: issues that everyone avoids talking about that get in the way of your success. If you are part of the 90% of teams with these issues, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Learning Objective 1: Participants will gain new awareness of some of the common issues or “elephants” that teams often leave unaddressed.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will gain new awareness of their team and their teams’ “elephants.”

Learning Objective 3: Participants will learn a tangible strategy that they can apply to situations and name “elephants” in a positive way.

Jill Mueller is the VP for Training & Learning Experiences at Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting. After working in government and higher education, Jill earned her Masters in Human Resource & Workforce Development from UW-Milwaukee. Jill works with leaders and teams looking to achieve high performance and be Thoughtfully Fit.
Room Number: Virtual
Thursday L4-10 (Portia/Wisteria) An Elephant Hunt: Is Your Team Thoughtfully Fit?
Jill Mueller
Research shows that 90% of teams see themselves as underachieving, not exclusively because of external challenges, but because the team struggles with communication, conflict, and trust. Left unaddressed, these struggles can turn into elephants: issues that everyone avoids talking about that get in the way of your success. If you are part of the 90% of teams with these issues, it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Learning Objective 1: Participants will gain new awareness of some of the common issues or “elephants” that teams often leave unaddressed.

Learning Objective 2: Participants will gain new awareness of their team and their teams’ “elephants.”

Learning Objective 3: Participants will learn a tangible strategy that they can apply to situations and name “elephants” in a positive way.

Jill Mueller is the VP for Training & Learning Experiences at Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting. After working in government and higher education, Jill earned her Masters in Human Resource & Workforce Development from UW-Milwaukee. Jill works with leaders and teams looking to achieve high performance and be Thoughtfully Fit.
Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday Attendee Appreciation Dinner (Africa West|10-40)
Enjoy a sit-down dinner with fellow attendees after the first full day of conference sessions and expo hall. Help celebrate Wisconsin's newest Certified HR professionals and stay afterwards for an evening of entertainment with Deuces Wild! Dueling Pianos!
There are no sessions on this day that match the current filters. Clear Filters.
6:15 AM to 7:15 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-1 (Kalahari A-B) Making Your Way through the Haze of Marijuana Legalization
Terri Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR
Marijuana is legal for recreational use in more than 20 states and for medical use in more than 35. State marijuana laws are a complex maze of regulations, with some restricting drug testing. How do you navigate everything while maintaining safety standards? Should THC be on your testing panel? What about CBD?
We will break it all down and look at handling issues that arise. This presentation will address:
•The question of impairment
•Medical marijuana accommodation requests
•Oral fluid testing vs. hair testing
•Safety measures available for every workplace
•Drug policy best practices

Learning Objective 1: Learn why marijuana can be illegal on the federal level yet legal under state laws.

Learning Objective 2: Understand why marijuana testing is controversial.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to use your drug and alcohol policy to support workplace safety.

Terri L. Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR, is an editor on the human resources publishing team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Marijuana legislation and drug testing laws are primary areas of focus for her, and she has answered hundreds of customer questions on these topics during her 12 years at J. J. Keller. She also writes articles and delivers presentations on these ever-evolving issues.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday EB2-1 (Kalahari A-B) Making Your Way through the Haze of Marijuana Legalization
Terri Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR
Marijuana is legal for recreational use in more than 20 states and for medical use in more than 35. State marijuana laws are a complex maze of regulations, with some restricting drug testing. How do you navigate everything while maintaining safety standards? Should THC be on your testing panel? What about CBD?
We will break it all down and look at handling issues that arise. This presentation will address:
•The question of impairment
•Medical marijuana accommodation requests
•Oral fluid testing vs. hair testing
•Safety measures available for every workplace
•Drug policy best practices

Learning Objective 1: Learn why marijuana can be illegal on the federal level yet legal under state laws.

Learning Objective 2: Understand why marijuana testing is controversial.

Learning Objective 3: Learn how to use your drug and alcohol policy to support workplace safety.

Terri L. Dougherty, SHRM-CP, PHR, is an editor on the human resources publishing team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Marijuana legislation and drug testing laws are primary areas of focus for her, and she has answered hundreds of customer questions on these topics during her 12 years at J. J. Keller. She also writes articles and delivers presentations on these ever-evolving issues.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-2 (Kalahari C-D) Employees Can Take Leave for That?
Darlene Clabault
You’re an FMLA-covered employer and you have eligible employees. Can these employees take FMLA-protected leave for any reason?

Short answer: No. Many reasons do qualify for FMLA leave, but not every reason. The law and regulations limit why an employee may take FMLA leave, and you need to be aware of these limits. Failure to do so can risk a claim, which could put you in the crosshairs of a court case.

Learning Objective 1: Learn what does and does not constitute an FMLA serious health condition for which employees may take leave. This will include information on elective procedures.

Learning Objective 2: Ascertain who are considered family members for the various qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. This will include adult children.

Learning Objective 3: Become more confident in determining whether an employee is entitled to the potent FMLA protections.

Darlene (Dolly) has been an editor at J. J. Keller since 1996. As an Editor- HR, she specializes in writing about employment laws such as the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, state leave provisions, as well as applicable regulations, guidance, and court cases.

Friday EB2-2 (Kalahari C-D) Employees Can Take Leave for That?
Darlene Clabault
You’re an FMLA-covered employer and you have eligible employees. Can these employees take FMLA-protected leave for any reason?

Short answer: No. Many reasons do qualify for FMLA leave, but not every reason. The law and regulations limit why an employee may take FMLA leave, and you need to be aware of these limits. Failure to do so can risk a claim, which could put you in the crosshairs of a court case.

Learning Objective 1: Learn what does and does not constitute an FMLA serious health condition for which employees may take leave. This will include information on elective procedures.

Learning Objective 2: Ascertain who are considered family members for the various qualifying reasons for FMLA leave. This will include adult children.

Learning Objective 3: Become more confident in determining whether an employee is entitled to the potent FMLA protections.

Darlene (Dolly) has been an editor at J. J. Keller since 1996. As an Editor- HR, she specializes in writing about employment laws such as the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, state leave provisions, as well as applicable regulations, guidance, and court cases.

Room Number: Kalahari C-D
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday EB2-3 (Kalahari E-F) The Change Tools You Can’t Lead Without
Kristin Derwinski
Our role as leaders continues to evolve as the needs of the business change. The challenge is how to learn the new way, make the appropriate changes and strive towards high performance. Join us for a discussion around practical tools and approaches you can use to navigate the changes and move towards peak performance quicker.

Learning Objective 1: Take a change assessment and discuss what you learned about you and how you can take this back to your team and organization.

Learning Objective 2: Introduce the Hallway Conversation Tool and talk about how to use during small and large scale change initiatives.

Learning Objective 3: Discuss the SARA curve and how you and your leaders can use this tool to build your empathetic skills and ensure your employees have what they need throughout the change.

Kristin Derwinski works with business executives and C-suite leaders to identify solutions to drive organizational growth, success, and engagement. She has extensive experience in leading major change in large global organizations, including technology, people and business transitions. Kristin has partnered with leaders at every level as they work with their teams to drive and sustain change.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday EB2-3 (Kalahari E-F) The Change Tools You Can’t Lead Without
Kristin Derwinski
Our role as leaders continues to evolve as the needs of the business change. The challenge is how to learn the new way, make the appropriate changes and strive towards high performance. Join us for a discussion around practical tools and approaches you can use to navigate the changes and move towards peak performance quicker.

Learning Objective 1: Take a change assessment and discuss what you learned about you and how you can take this back to your team and organization.

Learning Objective 2: Introduce the Hallway Conversation Tool and talk about how to use during small and large scale change initiatives.

Learning Objective 3: Discuss the SARA curve and how you and your leaders can use this tool to build your empathetic skills and ensure your employees have what they need throughout the change.

Kristin Derwinski works with business executives and C-suite leaders to identify solutions to drive organizational growth, success, and engagement. She has extensive experience in leading major change in large global organizations, including technology, people and business transitions. Kristin has partnered with leaders at every level as they work with their teams to drive and sustain change.

Room Number: Kalahari E-F
8:30 AM to 9:45 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday All Attendee Breakfast Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) The Three T's of Confidence: Building Lasting Self-Trust to Achieve Your Dreams
Erik Dominguez
Unexpected change is the new norm, and the pressure to navigate it falls on leaders. As a result, we’ve seen increased anxiety, burnout, turnover, and poor decision-making. Our leaders lack (and leak!) the confidence needed to keep up with the ever-changing workplace.

But what if we could train leaders to lead well and in any situation simply by improving confidence? What if we could learn the tools to build confidence that lasts and levels up our entire team?

In this live or virtual experience, Erik uses the Three T’s of Confidence to equip new and seasoned leaders to help them build authentic confidence, navigate change, and find balance in an unbalanced world.

His high-energy delivery and science-backed content will have participants leaving more confident and better equipped to lead at new levels…immediately!

Learning Objectives:
-Redefine confidence and identify the common barriers to self-assurance
-Learn and apply the Three Ts for lasting confidence
-Establish new mindsets that energizes teams and avoids burnout

Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

Room Number: Virtual
Friday All Attendee Breakfast Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) The Three T's of Confidence: Building Lasting Self-Trust to Achieve Your Dreams
Erik Dominguez
Unexpected change is the new norm, and the pressure to navigate it falls on leaders. As a result, we’ve seen increased anxiety, burnout, turnover, and poor decision-making. Our leaders lack (and leak!) the confidence needed to keep up with the ever-changing workplace.

But what if we could train leaders to lead well and in any situation simply by improving confidence? What if we could learn the tools to build confidence that lasts and levels up our entire team?

In this live or virtual experience, Erik uses the Three T’s of Confidence to equip new and seasoned leaders to help them build authentic confidence, navigate change, and find balance in an unbalanced world.

His high-energy delivery and science-backed content will have participants leaving more confident and better equipped to lead at new levels…immediately!

Learning Objectives:
-Redefine confidence and identify the common barriers to self-assurance
-Learn and apply the Three Ts for lasting confidence
-Establish new mindsets that energizes teams and avoids burnout

Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Confident Communication for Leaders
Erik Dominguez
Communication is the top barrier to success for leaders in any field. Why? Because communication fears and inefficiencies limit our ability to inspire teams and maximize results. Break through that barrier. Transform communication fears and inefficiencies into fuel and reach higher with the emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling tools shared in this session.

Learning Objective 1: Identify and reframe communication fears.

Learning Objective 2: Create an effective feedback loop to minimize communication inefficiencies.

Learning Objective 3: Apply the tools of emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling to engage their audiences and lead them to action.

Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-1 (Kilimanjaro 1-2) Confident Communication for Leaders
Erik Dominguez
Communication is the top barrier to success for leaders in any field. Why? Because communication fears and inefficiencies limit our ability to inspire teams and maximize results. Break through that barrier. Transform communication fears and inefficiencies into fuel and reach higher with the emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling tools shared in this session.

Learning Objective 1: Identify and reframe communication fears.

Learning Objective 2: Create an effective feedback loop to minimize communication inefficiencies.

Learning Objective 3: Apply the tools of emotional intelligence, public speaking, and storytelling to engage their audiences and lead them to action.

Erik Dominguez is a communication and confidence expert with over 25 years of experience teaching thousands of individuals from all walks of life how to speak up for themselves. As an immigrant who grew up between two cultures and mixed messages, his familiarity with communication fears fueled him to learn and share the mindsets and tools to be seen and heard. His team-oriented approach has centered around a philosophy that everyone has a unique story and believes that everyone can share their minds and hearts with confidence, power, and - yes - a LOT of fun!

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 1-2
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Leadership Lessons to Keep Your Emerging Leaders Energized & Loyal
Bill Vinson
Worried about how to keep your emerging leaders excited about staying with your company for the long term? “Young” leaders need a different style of accelerated learning - one that challenges them, is open, confidential, highly interactive and is sometimes even intense.

They're ready for the transformation of themselves AND their roles. By getting focused, personal leadership development, these people will become the leaders your organization needs.

You'll learn about an approach that's getting great results across industries and company size. These emerging leaders are gaining confidence and learning how to navigate having increased responsibilities without the fallout that can so often accompany too-early promotions or appointments. They're gaining the identity of being leaders and contributing well-beyond their roles - and they're staying with their companies much longer than the average stay!

Come learn how to apply this in your organization!

Learning Objective 1: You will learn to give the right kind of support to new leaders/middle managers and create a faster growth curve for them.

Learning Objective 2: You'll learn about a marketing strategy, applied to internal leadership that is fun, fast-paced and gets young leaders excited.

Learning Objective 3: You'll learn how to make having "hot seat" conversations something that your emerging leaders look forward to, and gain immeasurable benefit from.

For over 20 years, Bill has served in roles such as President for Herzing University (Madison), a director, motivational speaker and youth hockey coach. He left his career in education to pursue more on a bigger scale. As an ActionCOACH Business Coach & Vice President, he advises business leaders from all industries to create a better culture, make more revenue and get their time back. He believes in building hope in the people he works with to show what is possible and achievable. Bill has won awards such as ActionCOACH's Rookie of the Year in 2019, and most recently ActionMAN - a recognition of his peers in the ActionCOACH community for outstanding client financial results and growth. One unique thing about Bill is that he water skis almost every day before work from March to November! He has a wonderful family of two kids, two dogs, and one amazing bride of over 23 years.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-2 (Kilimanjaro 3-4) Leadership Lessons to Keep Your Emerging Leaders Energized & Loyal
Bill Vinson
Worried about how to keep your emerging leaders excited about staying with your company for the long term? “Young” leaders need a different style of accelerated learning - one that challenges them, is open, confidential, highly interactive and is sometimes even intense.

They're ready for the transformation of themselves AND their roles. By getting focused, personal leadership development, these people will become the leaders your organization needs.

You'll learn about an approach that's getting great results across industries and company size. These emerging leaders are gaining confidence and learning how to navigate having increased responsibilities without the fallout that can so often accompany too-early promotions or appointments. They're gaining the identity of being leaders and contributing well-beyond their roles - and they're staying with their companies much longer than the average stay!

Come learn how to apply this in your organization!

Learning Objective 1: You will learn to give the right kind of support to new leaders/middle managers and create a faster growth curve for them.

Learning Objective 2: You'll learn about a marketing strategy, applied to internal leadership that is fun, fast-paced and gets young leaders excited.

Learning Objective 3: You'll learn how to make having "hot seat" conversations something that your emerging leaders look forward to, and gain immeasurable benefit from.

For over 20 years, Bill has served in roles such as President for Herzing University (Madison), a director, motivational speaker and youth hockey coach. He left his career in education to pursue more on a bigger scale. As an ActionCOACH Business Coach & Vice President, he advises business leaders from all industries to create a better culture, make more revenue and get their time back. He believes in building hope in the people he works with to show what is possible and achievable. Bill has won awards such as ActionCOACH's Rookie of the Year in 2019, and most recently ActionMAN - a recognition of his peers in the ActionCOACH community for outstanding client financial results and growth. One unique thing about Bill is that he water skis almost every day before work from March to November! He has a wonderful family of two kids, two dogs, and one amazing bride of over 23 years.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 3-4
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Focus on the 5th Question: Networking Know-How for Real Relationships
Gina Glover
Even the most experienced Human Resource managers sometimes struggle for their collective voices to be heard by the C-suite. In your heart of hearts, you want to focus on doing what you love most whether that involves training, welcoming new employees, rolling out new programs, facilitating discussion, etc. but first you have to show up like a salesperson, create and foster connections, and use the right language to bridge the communication gap between your team and the senior executives. Focus on the 5th Question is foundational for developing real relationships between your team and the C-suite.

So prepare to be educated, engaged and entertained during this session where attendees will not only learn about the 5th Question, but will understand how they can apply it as part of their own networking know-how and establish a foundation for real relationships. Packed with powerful personal stories, Gina inspires her audiences to push past the boring small talk and get to the good stuff by mastering their own 5th Question.

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to move from mundane to meaningful in their networking opportunities, inside and outside their own companies.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize the most likely obstacles that jeopardize the application of their 5th Question and how to overcome each of them.

Learning Objective 3: Know the specific seven steps to take before and after the event to get the most out of every networking experience.

Gina Glover is a professional speaker and career coach and on a mission to instill and inspire networking know-how for business leaders. A graduate of Ferris State University, Gina has enjoyed a diverse career in northeast Wisconsin since 1996. In addition to speaking and coaching, she is working on her first book Navigating SHIFT Creek, a guide for those who feel they are paddling in place in their current corporate career. She is also on a quest to run a race in every state in the U.S.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-3 (Kilimanjaro 5-6) Focus on the 5th Question: Networking Know-How for Real Relationships
Gina Glover
Even the most experienced Human Resource managers sometimes struggle for their collective voices to be heard by the C-suite. In your heart of hearts, you want to focus on doing what you love most whether that involves training, welcoming new employees, rolling out new programs, facilitating discussion, etc. but first you have to show up like a salesperson, create and foster connections, and use the right language to bridge the communication gap between your team and the senior executives. Focus on the 5th Question is foundational for developing real relationships between your team and the C-suite.

So prepare to be educated, engaged and entertained during this session where attendees will not only learn about the 5th Question, but will understand how they can apply it as part of their own networking know-how and establish a foundation for real relationships. Packed with powerful personal stories, Gina inspires her audiences to push past the boring small talk and get to the good stuff by mastering their own 5th Question.

Learning Objective 1: Learn how to move from mundane to meaningful in their networking opportunities, inside and outside their own companies.

Learning Objective 2: Recognize the most likely obstacles that jeopardize the application of their 5th Question and how to overcome each of them.

Learning Objective 3: Know the specific seven steps to take before and after the event to get the most out of every networking experience.

Gina Glover is a professional speaker and career coach and on a mission to instill and inspire networking know-how for business leaders. A graduate of Ferris State University, Gina has enjoyed a diverse career in northeast Wisconsin since 1996. In addition to speaking and coaching, she is working on her first book Navigating SHIFT Creek, a guide for those who feel they are paddling in place in their current corporate career. She is also on a quest to run a race in every state in the U.S.

Room Number: Kilimanjaro 5-6
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Resilient Mindset: A Tactical Approach to Business Success
Chas Fields
There are more external pressures affecting employees and organizations than ever, which means everyone’s thinking about how to stay resilient when big changes and challenges seem to be around every corner. But the fact is you have to step away from a purely business mindset to survive in this environment. Instead, reaching true resiliency requires getting personal with operational processes and putting your people’s needs at the center of all your activities. Motivated employees who feel cared for are the only way to reach the kind of growth mindset needed to consistently adapt and thrive.

Learning Objective 1: Understand where resiliency comes from on a personal level for your people, how it defines what they need, and how you can learn from that to fuel operational best practices.

Learning Objective 2: Map out how your processes and tools connect with your people’s needs in and outside work.

Learning Objective 3: Get some quick guidance highlighting where you can make adjustments to optimize for resiliency.

As a human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant, and podcast co-host for UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), Chas Fields helps organizations identify, assess, and maintain their human element, which increases efficiency and effectiveness cultivating a differentiated employee experience, and ultimately drives business success.
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-4 (Kilimanjaro 7-8) The Resilient Mindset: A Tactical Approach to Business Success
Chas Fields
There are more external pressures affecting employees and organizations than ever, which means everyone’s thinking about how to stay resilient when big changes and challenges seem to be around every corner. But the fact is you have to step away from a purely business mindset to survive in this environment. Instead, reaching true resiliency requires getting personal with operational processes and putting your people’s needs at the center of all your activities. Motivated employees who feel cared for are the only way to reach the kind of growth mindset needed to consistently adapt and thrive.

Learning Objective 1: Understand where resiliency comes from on a personal level for your people, how it defines what they need, and how you can learn from that to fuel operational best practices.

Learning Objective 2: Map out how your processes and tools connect with your people’s needs in and outside work.

Learning Objective 3: Get some quick guidance highlighting where you can make adjustments to optimize for resiliency.

As a human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant, and podcast co-host for UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), Chas Fields helps organizations identify, assess, and maintain their human element, which increases efficiency and effectiveness cultivating a differentiated employee experience, and ultimately drives business success.
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-5 (Kalahari A-B) Market Dynamics – Ways to Dissect and Plan
David Gramer
Market trends continue to shift. Some trends will be similar to 2022 but new 2023 trends will create a market we have never seen. We will start with reviewing past economic trends, then identify when it broke from "normal" behavior. This will lead to a discussion on what employees are looking for today any what led to this. We will then present tools to understand your total rewards state, discuss your strategy on transparency, considerations to link your strategy to your business lifecycle, outline drivers of pay in the market, and then present a "menu" of total rewards approaches to consider to addressing in your organization. The outcome of this presentation are real world tools you can use with your leadership team to educate on the current state of the market and programs, determine your strategy, gain momentum behind objectives or shift to programs.

Learning Objective 1: Understand market trends that have led up to our current state and how to educate leaders on this shift.

Learning Objective 2: How to compare and analyze your current programs, then present your findings in a manner suitable for executives.

Learning Objective 3: Develop a strategy and approach to shift your programs (as needed), or reinforce your current programs, including communication to all level of your organization.

David has over 20 years of compensation experience. He specializes in small organizations, but has also led and performed projects for organizations with up to 75,000 employees, across more than 50 countries and a variety of industries. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas. He is a Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) and a Global Remuneration Professional (GRP). He has also been certified as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and led process improvement activities within Human Resources and Operations. Lastly, he has served as an adjunct professor teaching both Global Business and Human Resources courses and been a guest speaker on rewards trends for organizations at several conferences and universities.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-5 (Kalahari A-B) Market Dynamics – Ways to Dissect and Plan
David Gramer
Market trends continue to shift. Some trends will be similar to 2022 but new 2023 trends will create a market we have never seen. We will start with reviewing past economic trends, then identify when it broke from "normal" behavior. This will lead to a discussion on what employees are looking for today any what led to this. We will then present tools to understand your total rewards state, discuss your strategy on transparency, considerations to link your strategy to your business lifecycle, outline drivers of pay in the market, and then present a "menu" of total rewards approaches to consider to addressing in your organization. The outcome of this presentation are real world tools you can use with your leadership team to educate on the current state of the market and programs, determine your strategy, gain momentum behind objectives or shift to programs.

Learning Objective 1: Understand market trends that have led up to our current state and how to educate leaders on this shift.

Learning Objective 2: How to compare and analyze your current programs, then present your findings in a manner suitable for executives.

Learning Objective 3: Develop a strategy and approach to shift your programs (as needed), or reinforce your current programs, including communication to all level of your organization.

David has over 20 years of compensation experience. He specializes in small organizations, but has also led and performed projects for organizations with up to 75,000 employees, across more than 50 countries and a variety of industries. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas. He is a Certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) and a Global Remuneration Professional (GRP). He has also been certified as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and led process improvement activities within Human Resources and Operations. Lastly, he has served as an adjunct professor teaching both Global Business and Human Resources courses and been a guest speaker on rewards trends for organizations at several conferences and universities.

Room Number: Kalahari A-B
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-6 (Kalahari C-D) TBD
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-6 (Kalahari C-D) TBD
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-7 (Kalahari E-F) Child Care – A Critical Piece of the Workforce Recruitment and Retention Puzzle
Michelle Sampson, Audra Wieser
Over half of Wisconsin's residents live in a childcare desert. This means there simply isn't enough regulated childcare to serve Wisconsin workers. Increasingly, parents are staying out of the workforce or turning down desirable positions they are offered because they cannot find childcare. Challenges with childcare are also impacting the productivity of the existing workforce. When parents have to choose sub-quality or unreliable childcare options, their focus and attendance is negatively affected. Learn innovative ways employers across the state are supporting employees' childcare needs and have turned the challenges with childcare into a powerful recruitment and retention tool.

Learning Objective 1: Attendees will develop an understanding of the state of the childcare field in Wisconsin and challenges that have led to the crisis including:
* Current supply of childcare
* Gap between needed and available slots
* Broken business model
* Exacerbation caused by the pandemic

Learning Objective 2: Attendees will develop an understanding of the impact that lack of childcare has on workforce productivity, recruitment and retention:
* Data on costs of lost productivity
* Anecdotes from parents and businesses

Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn innovative ways communities and businesses are addressing the childcare challenge including:
* Programs the support childcare expansion
* Options for proactively addressing costs
* Ways to support childcare beyond opening an employer-run childcare program
* Ways to reframe childcare as an employee benefit, community asset and economic necessity

In her work at an agency that supports parents and childcare providers, Audra Wieser sees first-hand the impacts of childcare on employee recruitment and retention. She brings the perspective of a current hiring manager, previous experience as a parent, and a degree and background in Economic Development to her role. She has over ten years of experience working with businesses to support the childcare needs of their employees and has been a statewide leader in advancing the understanding of childcare as a community asset and employee benefit.

As the Childcare Development Coordinator for the City of La Crosse, Michelle works to increase available childcare by building awareness in businesses and community members of the economic necessity of childcare. She brings years of experience as a parent and childcare leader to this role.
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-7 (Kalahari E-F) Child Care – A Critical Piece of the Workforce Recruitment and Retention Puzzle
Michelle Sampson, Audra Wieser
Over half of Wisconsin's residents live in a childcare desert. This means there simply isn't enough regulated childcare to serve Wisconsin workers. Increasingly, parents are staying out of the workforce or turning down desirable positions they are offered because they cannot find childcare. Challenges with childcare are also impacting the productivity of the existing workforce. When parents have to choose sub-quality or unreliable childcare options, their focus and attendance is negatively affected. Learn innovative ways employers across the state are supporting employees' childcare needs and have turned the challenges with childcare into a powerful recruitment and retention tool.

Learning Objective 1: Attendees will develop an understanding of the state of the childcare field in Wisconsin and challenges that have led to the crisis including:
* Current supply of childcare
* Gap between needed and available slots
* Broken business model
* Exacerbation caused by the pandemic

Learning Objective 2: Attendees will develop an understanding of the impact that lack of childcare has on workforce productivity, recruitment and retention:
* Data on costs of lost productivity
* Anecdotes from parents and businesses

Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn innovative ways communities and businesses are addressing the childcare challenge including:
* Programs the support childcare expansion
* Options for proactively addressing costs
* Ways to support childcare beyond opening an employer-run childcare program
* Ways to reframe childcare as an employee benefit, community asset and economic necessity

In her work at an agency that supports parents and childcare providers, Audra Wieser sees first-hand the impacts of childcare on employee recruitment and retention. She brings the perspective of a current hiring manager, previous experience as a parent, and a degree and background in Economic Development to her role. She has over ten years of experience working with businesses to support the childcare needs of their employees and has been a statewide leader in advancing the understanding of childcare as a community asset and employee benefit.

As the Childcare Development Coordinator for the City of La Crosse, Michelle works to increase available childcare by building awareness in businesses and community members of the economic necessity of childcare. She brings years of experience as a parent and childcare leader to this role.
Room Number: Kalahari E-F
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-8 (Kalahari G-H) The Reality of Fertility Impact on Employee Well-Being and Your Bottom Line
Elise Zielicke
Family health and reproductive benefits are an increasing priority for employees. In this session you will have the opportunity to learn about one of the top benefit trends of 2023: fertility. Infertility is directly tied to mental health and an employee’s overall well-being, ultimately impacting them in every facet of life; physically, mentally, emotionally & financially. This session will help you gain valuable insight, from multiple perspectives through a panel format, around WHY it needs to be part of your benefits strategy, HOW to start incorporating it into your planning and WHAT impacts it can have on your culture, talent attraction & retention and on your most valuable asset – your employees!

Learning Objective 1: How you can maximize your benefits strategy for the good of your employees and the business alike.

Learning Objective 2: How providing the right benefit solutions and resources can have long-lasting, high impact returns for your company.

Learning Objective 3: What you can start doing today to build a scale-able, long-term plan to achieve the benefits package and strategy you desire for your employees.

Laura Bermudo and Elise Zielicke are Employee Benefits Consultants with the Hausmann Group. They both joined the Hausmann team in Spring of 2022 and combined they have been serving HR professionals for over two decades. They have supported organizations with identifying and implementing solutions for talent acquisition, total rewards, and other outsourced HR needs as well as impacting corporate culture through building philanthropic and giving strategies within numerous corporations.

They both currently serve in roles with multiple SHRM Chapters across the state, with Laura serving as the current President of the Greater Madison Area SRHM Chapter and is a committee member for the WI State SHRM Council. Elise is on the Board of the Fond du Lac Area SHRM and serves on a committee with Greater Madison Area SHRM. Laura and Elise have a shared passion for supporting positive workplace cultures thrive by providing holistic health and wellness benefits to companies and their employees.
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-8 (Kalahari G-H) The Reality of Fertility Impact on Employee Well-Being and Your Bottom Line
Laura Bermudo, Morgan Ramaker Klaas, Jake Siudzinski, Kathy Waligora, Elise Zielicke
Family health and reproductive benefits are an increasing priority for employees. In this session you will have the opportunity to learn about one of the top benefit trends of 2023: fertility. Infertility is directly tied to mental health and an employee’s overall well-being, ultimately impacting them in every facet of life; physically, mentally, emotionally & financially. This session will help you gain valuable insight, from multiple perspectives through a panel format, around WHY it needs to be part of your benefits strategy, HOW to start incorporating it into your planning and WHAT impacts it can have on your culture, talent attraction & retention and on your most valuable asset – your employees!

Learning Objective 1: How you can maximize your benefits strategy for the good of your employees and the business alike.

Learning Objective 2: How providing the right benefit solutions and resources can have long-lasting, high impact returns for your company.

Learning Objective 3: What you can start doing today to build a scale-able, long-term plan to achieve the benefits package and strategy you desire for your employees.

Laura Bermudo and Elise Zielicke are Employee Benefits Consultants with the Hausmann Group. They both joined the Hausmann team in Spring of 2022 and combined they have been serving HR professionals for over two decades. They have supported organizations with identifying and implementing solutions for talent acquisition, total rewards, and other outsourced HR needs as well as impacting corporate culture through building philanthropic and giving strategies within numerous corporations.

They both currently serve in roles with multiple SHRM Chapters across the state, with Laura serving as the current President of the Greater Madison Area SRHM Chapter and is a committee member for the WI State SHRM Council. Elise is on the Board of the Fond du Lac Area SHRM and serves on a committee with Greater Madison Area SHRM. Laura and Elise have a shared passion for supporting positive workplace cultures thrive by providing holistic health and wellness benefits to companies and their employees.
Room Number: (Kalahari G-H
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-9 (Kalahari Guava/Tamarind) How Transparent Are Your Pay Practices?
Kristi Foy, Kayla McCann
Pay transparency laws are being enacted across the country. States and municipalities, including California, Colorado, Washington, and New York City, have passed such laws and more are likely on the horizon. The patchwork of laws can make compliance difficult for employers that operate in multiple states. In this seminar, Ogletree attorneys will review the various pay transparency laws and offer best practices and strategies for multi-jurisdictional compliance.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the various types of pay transparency laws and the triggers for coverage.

Learning Objective 2: Understand strategic aspects of pay transparency compliance roll-out, including cultural impact on current employees.

Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for national pay transparency compliance.

Kristi is a pragmatic and strategic partner to employers, providing counsel and direction across a variety of labor and employment matters. She has litigated cases before state and federal administrative agencies, state and federal courts, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. She has represented clients in internal investigations, employee grievance processes, mediations and arbitrations. She has been the lead negotiator in dozens of bargains. She has counseled employers on labor and employment issues such as union organizing, employee social media use and First Amendment rights, strategic compensation and evaluation processes, compliance matters, discipline and termination. She frequently provides training on a variety of HR topics. Kristi also spent several years as both an in-house attorney and Director of Human Resources, giving her a unique insight into the challenges faced by human resources professionals and business owners across the country.

Kayla takes a client-based approach to her work, striving to understand the client’s unique business needs and tailoring a strategy that results in the best possible outcome for the client. She is a litigator who successfully advocates for employers before state courts, federal courts, and administrative agencies. She defends employers against allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. She also has experience in handling litigation related to trade secrets, unfair competition and restrictive covenants (including noncompete, non-solicitation, and confidentiality), disability and accommodations, leaves of absence, and reductions in force. Kayla also proactively assists employers on a variety of personnel and compliance issues. Her experience includes drafting and developing employment policies and procedures, tailoring restrictive covenant agreements, and drafting severance agreements. She also creates and delivers training programs on compliance issues for employers.
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-9 (Kalahari Guava/Tamarind) How Transparent Are Your Pay Practices?
Kristi Foy, Kayla McCann
Pay transparency laws are being enacted across the country. States and municipalities, including California, Colorado, Washington, and New York City, have passed such laws and more are likely on the horizon. The patchwork of laws can make compliance difficult for employers that operate in multiple states. In this seminar, Ogletree attorneys will review the various pay transparency laws and offer best practices and strategies for multi-jurisdictional compliance.

Learning Objective 1: Understand the various types of pay transparency laws and the triggers for coverage.

Learning Objective 2: Understand strategic aspects of pay transparency compliance roll-out, including cultural impact on current employees.

Learning Objective 3: Understand best practices for national pay transparency compliance.

Kristi is a pragmatic and strategic partner to employers, providing counsel and direction across a variety of labor and employment matters. She has litigated cases before state and federal administrative agencies, state and federal courts, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. She has represented clients in internal investigations, employee grievance processes, mediations and arbitrations. She has been the lead negotiator in dozens of bargains. She has counseled employers on labor and employment issues such as union organizing, employee social media use and First Amendment rights, strategic compensation and evaluation processes, compliance matters, discipline and termination. She frequently provides training on a variety of HR topics. Kristi also spent several years as both an in-house attorney and Director of Human Resources, giving her a unique insight into the challenges faced by human resources professionals and business owners across the country.

Kayla takes a client-based approach to her work, striving to understand the client’s unique business needs and tailoring a strategy that results in the best possible outcome for the client. She is a litigator who successfully advocates for employers before state courts, federal courts, and administrative agencies. She defends employers against allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. She also has experience in handling litigation related to trade secrets, unfair competition and restrictive covenants (including noncompete, non-solicitation, and confidentiality), disability and accommodations, leaves of absence, and reductions in force. Kayla also proactively assists employers on a variety of personnel and compliance issues. Her experience includes drafting and developing employment policies and procedures, tailoring restrictive covenant agreements, and drafting severance agreements. She also creates and delivers training programs on compliance issues for employers.
Room Number: Guava/Tamarind
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday L5-10 (Porta/Wisteria) Mental Health in the Workplace
Matt Glowacki
Mental Health and Wellness have emerged as two of the most critical issues of our time and have only been compounded by the pandemic and individual hardship. Now is the time to understand what helping our people looks like, what works and which tools and policies we can access to solve one of the greatest challenges to our workforce.

Learning Objective 1: Attendees will better understand how the stigma of mental illness and disability prevents people from talking about what they are going through.

Learning Objective 2: Attendees will be given resources to help them design appropriate ADA compliant accommodations for their workers, along with access to the WI SHRM AccommodateinPlace.com webpage and resource for HR professionals.

Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn how to facilitate empathetic conversations with their employees to help uncover hidden challenges they might experiencing.

In Matt’s professional career as a disability speaker and advocate, he has delivered his messages to over a million people at hundreds of regional and national conventions, along with two sitting presidents of the United States.
Room Number: Virtual
Friday L5-10 (Porta/Wisteria) Mental Health in the Workplace
Matt Glowacki
Mental Health and Wellness have emerged as two of the most critical issues of our time and have only been compounded by the pandemic and individual hardship. Now is the time to understand what helping our people looks like, what works and which tools and policies we can access to solve one of the greatest challenges to our workforce.

Learning Objective 1: Attendees will better understand how the stigma of mental illness and disability prevents people from talking about what they are going through.

Learning Objective 2: Attendees will be given resources to help them design appropriate ADA compliant accommodations for their workers, along with access to the WI SHRM AccommodateinPlace.com webpage and resource for HR professionals.

Learning Objective 3: Attendees will learn how to facilitate empathetic conversations with their employees to help uncover hidden challenges they might experiencing.

In Matt’s professional career as a disability speaker and advocate, he has delivered his messages to over a million people at hundreds of regional and national conventions, along with two sitting presidents of the United States.
Room Number: Porta/Wisteria
12:15 PM to 1:30 PM
** VIRTUAL SESSION ** | Friday All Attendee Closing Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) From Surviving to Thriving: Helping Team Members Navigate Change
Sarah Noll Wilson
.Our goal as leaders is to set up our organization, customers, and team members for success. Change has always been inevitable, but we are experiencing challenges beyond what most of us have ever had to navigate. There are real barriers to move our organizations from surviving to thriving. What do we do? We jump into problem solving. But what if we are solving the wrong problems? Being an effective leader requires diagnosing the entire situation, regulating the heat of the those around us, and experimenting quickly.
Leveraging the work of Adaptive Leadership and Immunity to Change, along with over a decade of research and personal experience, Sarah will share practical insights, grounded in science, to help you lead others not only to survive change, but thrive.

Accelerate recovery, navigate resistance, and build resilience during times of change by learning:
• The behavioral science behind why people struggle with change
• A framework to diagnose and understand the challenges you are facing as a leader
• Ways leaders create unnecessary stress during change
• Practical strategies to help ourselves and others navigate change

Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

Room Number: Virtual
Friday All Attendee Closing Keynote Presentation (Africa West | Africa 10-40) From Surviving to Thriving: Helping Team Members Navigate Change
Sarah Noll Wilson
Our goal as leaders is to set up our organization, customers, and team members for success. Change has always been inevitable, but we are experiencing challenges beyond what most of us have ever had to navigate. There are real barriers to move our organizations from surviving to thriving. What do we do? We jump into problem solving. But what if we are solving the wrong problems? Being an effective leader requires diagnosing the entire situation, regulating the heat of the those around us, and experimenting quickly.
Leveraging the work of Adaptive Leadership and Immunity to Change, along with over a decade of research and personal experience, Sarah will share practical insights, grounded in science, to help you lead others not only to survive change, but thrive.

Accelerate recovery, navigate resistance, and build resilience during times of change by learning:
• The behavioral science behind why people struggle with change
• A framework to diagnose and understand the challenges you are facing as a leader
• Ways leaders create unnecessary stress during change
• Practical strategies to help ourselves and others navigate change

Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great.

Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.

With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned a Master's Degree from Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.

Room Number: Africa West | Africa 10-40
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