2023 T.A.A.F. Awards Banquet
You are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the T.A.A.F.
Twenty-Ninth Annual TAAF Awards and Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction ceremonies
being held on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at:
The Summit
2975 Espanalde Pkwy
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m.
Banquet at 7:00 p.m.
Honored Guests of the evening:
“Class of 2023” Hall of Fame Inductees
Curtis Morgan - Swimming/Administrative
Member City of the Year
Bryan (pop. 75,000+)
The Colony (pop. 35,000 - 74,999)
San Juan (pop. 34,999 and under)
2022 State Athletes of the Year
Bethany Preusse, Boerne, Female Athlete of the Year
Ayden Granados, McAllen, Male Athlete of the Year
All inducted T.A.A.F. Hall of Fame members
(Admittance ticket pickup during social hour)
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