3 on 3 Summer Series
2015-2010 Birth Years
June 18 - August 8 (No Camp week of 7/4)
$400/skater (Limit 54/group), Goalies $400 (Limit 6/Group)
Goalies Reimbursed for each scheduled games they attend
Each team plays every night. Each team will play all other teams twice. Standings are determined by win/loss/tie record, head to head tiebreaker, and total goals scored. Each session is 75 mins. 45 mins of skill development drills + 30 mins of 3 on 3 cross ice games. Players "represent" countries apart of the IIHF.
Group A: Finland, USA, Canada, Sweden, Germany, and Mexico
2015/2014/2013 Birth Years
Group B: Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Australia
2012/2011/2010 Birth Years
Session 1: Group A ONLY
5:15-6:00pm - Skill Development
6:00-6:30pm - 3v3
Session 2: Group B ONLY
6:45-7:30pm - Skill Development
7:30-8:00pm - 3v3
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